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Please read and sign the following discipline contract:

Dear Ms. Lewis and Ms. Vidrine,

I ____________________________(student) and ________________________ (parent/guardian) understand

that specific consequences will arise from certain types of behavior, both positive and negative. A focused, energized
learning atmosphere is crucial to the success of a class as whole; therefore, the teacher and individual students must do
their best every day to contribute to the classroom in a positive way. Failure to do so can result in a disruption of
learning for the whole class.

The following behavior policy is fair and reasonable, and I will do my best to follow it. As a parent/guardian, I will
work with my child and his or her teacher to enforce the outlined policy. I understand that my behavior and reactions to
situations are my choice, and by extension, I choose the consequences of my behavior – both positive and negative.

Positive behavior and consequences:

1) Staying on task – will be rewarded with extra credit, homework passes, and hall passes at various points
throughout the semester.
2) Whole class participation and engagement – will be rewarded with extra study time, SSR, extra credit,
and/or passes at various points throughout the semester.
3) Entire groups contributing positively to projects and/or staying on task – will be rewarded with extra credit,
homework passes, and hall passes at various points throughout the semester.

Negative behavior and consequences:

1) Minor infractions (talking out of turn, disturbing a neighbor, not staying on task, etc.) – will receive 2
warnings. If the behavior continues, the student will receive detention, and a parent/guardian will be
contacted regarding the behavior.
2) Moderate infractions (refusal to do work, profanity, disrupting class, etc) – will receive one warning, if the
behavior continues, the student will have a private conference with the teacher. If the behavior continues,
the student will receive a discipline referral, and a parent/guardian will be contacted.
3) Severe infractions (threats or profanity directed at a peer or teacher, etc) – will receive an immediate
discipline referral, and a parent/guardian will be contacted. Discipline referrals may result in further action
by the administration.
4) Cell phone/electronics policy – I follow the school’s policy, which is an immediate write-up if the cell
phone /electronics are seen or heard during class.
5) Tardiness – I follow the school’s policy on tardiness. Please refer to the student handbook for the details.

If I have any questions or concerns, or if I feel that some aspect of this policy is unfair, I will request a conference with
the teacher to discuss the policy further. A copy of this contract will be retained in the student’s classroom file.

________________________________ __________________________________

Student signature Parent/Guardian signature

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