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What is the nature of the political economy around the Bharthari Mandir?

Who is involved in the illegal mining?

What is the caste structure within the 3 villages?

Are there any consultation processes taking place in terms of declaring it a CTH?

What does the process of revitalisation of Dev Bannis involve?

What are the contemporary interpretations of the Oran?

What was the nature of involvement of the community in the 2007 protest?

How is the community notified of changing boundaries ? How does it effect them?

What has the community used the RTI for?

Was the community involved in the poaching activities?

How did KRAPAVIS arrive at its present nature of work with the Gujjars?

How are the Van Samitis functioning? How are community based conservation efforts working?

Who wants relocation and why?

How are the relocated families using the law?

What myths/oral history do they continue to narrate?

How will the FRA alleviate the problems? What role can the FRA potentially play?

How will being on the ST list help them?

What is the relationship between the community members with the forest department after relocation?

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