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Researching Alternative

Lesson Aims:
2. Research alternative mediums you
could use for your project
3. Publish your findings on your blog
What kind of media products fit into the medium of television?

What kind of media products fit into the medium of audio?

What kind of media products fit into the medium of interactive media?

What kind of media products fit into the medium of print?

What kind of media products fit into the medium of film?

Task Part 1: Researching
Alternative Mediums
• While this unit involves you creating a
documentary it is important that you consider
the possibilities offered by other mediums.
• For each of the following mediums identify at
least three products you could create.
– Audio (eg. Radio)
– Television (eg. Gameshows)
– Film (eg. Documentaries)
– Print (eg. Newspapers)
– Interactive Media (eg. Blog)
3. For each product identify a specific example
• EXAMPLE – Print  Newspapers  The Sun
Task Part 2 – Present Your
• For each Medium create ONE slide that
outlines your ideas.
• Use graphics to illustrate each of your answers.
• One you are finished upload your presentation
onto Scribd using your account.
• Link you presentation to Blog Entry titled
“Alternative Mediums Research”
• Use small pictures so that you can upload
them quickly onto Scribd.
• Whatever is not completed in class needs to be
done for homework and be uploaded by 7pm
Sunday 21st June.
KISS 100 ?

Radio Podcast

BBC Asian


? ?

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