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apple provide a nutrient-packed, light and

Mild, anise-flavored fennel and sweet-tasting refreshing puree that's especially gentle on

PREP ARATION +C OOKING 7 + 12 minutes ~e~cool, then cover and

your baby's developing tummy and yet still makes a substantial first food to sustain him throughout the day. If you can't find fennel,
JS8 1 small fennel bulb, outer and diced into Yzin. cubes 2 eatin g ap ples, p eeled , core d leav es re mo ved , then finely and evenly chopped chopped, or 1 potato, peeled

potato instead.refrigerate for up to 2 days,

or freeze for up to 1 month.

1 Steam the fennel and apples for 10 minutes, until they are tender. 2 Put the mixture in a food processor or blender and Mxess until smooth. Add a little water from the steamer _ - :nce-boiled water to thin, if necessary. If you are breastfeeding, fennel lea can help stimulate your milk production.

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