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CV Name: Sam Samson Address: Willow Way, Hounslow, TW4 123 Telephone Number: 123 456 7891 Email: Education: Meadowview Primary School: 1998-2005 Field-path Secondary School: 2005-2010 Treetop College: 2010-2012 Qualifications: GCSES: English- A, Maths-B Science- C Science BTEC- B, English A-level-A, Maths A-level- C Work Experience: I work voluntarily for one hour a week in a charity shop. In this role I have to price up goods and create displays. I also deal with customers in a friendly manner to ensure that they find what they are looking for.

Interests: In my spare time I like to play football and socialise with my friends. I like going to the cinema. I also regularly baby-sit for my aunt.
Personal Qualities: I am friendly and hard-working. I enjoy working with people and I like helping others solve a problem or issue. I can use my initiative and work independently but ideally I like to work as part of a team.

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