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The total potential energy of an elastic body , is defined as the sum of total strain energy (U) and the work potential (WP) . = U + WP

For linear elastic materials , the strain energy per unit volume in 1 the body is T

For elastic body total strain energy (U) is U = 1 T dv


WP = u fdV u Tds u Pi
. T . T V S T i i

The work potential is given by

The total potential energy for the general elastic body is

. . 1 T T T T = dv u fdV u Tds ui Pi V S 2 i

Principal of minimum potential energy

For conservative systems, of all the kinematically admissible displacement fields, those corresponding to equilibrium extremize the total potential energy . If the extremum condition is a minimum , the equilibrium state is stable


K2` 2

K1` q2 K3 3

q1 q3 K4


Figure 1 ,shows a system of spring . The total potential energy is given by

where 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 are extensions of four spring . since 1 = q 1 - q 2 2 = q 2 3 = q 3 - q 2 4 = - q 3

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 = k11 + k2 2 + k3 3 + k4 42 F1q1 F3q3 2 2 2 2

we have
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 = k1 ( q1 q2 ) + k2 q2 + k3 ( q3 q2 ) + k4 q3 F1q1 F3 q3 2 2 2 2

where q 1 , q 2 , and q 3 are the displacements of nodes 1 , 2 and 3 respectively

For equilibrium of this 3- DOF system , we need to minimize to with respect to q 1 , q 2 , and q 3 the three equations are given by



i = 1 ,2 ,3

which are


= k1 (q 1 - q 2) - F1 = 0


= -k1 (q 1 - q 2) + k2 q2 - k3 (q 3 - q 2) = 0


= k3 (q 3 - q 2) + k4 q3 F3 = 0

Equilibrium equation can be put in the form of K q = F as follows

K1 -K1

-K1 K1+ K2+ K3 -K3

q1 q2 q3 =

F1 0 F3 .. .. 1 1

-K3 K3+ K4

If on the other hand , we proceed to write the equilibrium of the system by considering the equilibrium of each separate node as shown in figure 2 We can write K11 = F1 K22 - K11 - K33 = 0 K33 - K44 = F3 Which is precisely the set of equations represented in Eq-1

We see clearly that the set of equation 1 is obtained in a routine manner using the potential energy approach, without any reference to the free body diagrams . This make the potential energy approach attractive for large and complex problems .

RAYLEIGH-RITZ METHOD Rayleigh-Ritz method involves the construction of an assumed displacement field, say u = ai i ( x, y, z) v = aj j( x, y, z) w = ak k( x, y, z)
N > M > L

i = 1 to L j = L + 1 to M k = M + 1 to N Eq-1

The functions i are usually taken as polynomials. Displacements u, v, w must satisfy boundary conditions.

Introducing stress-strain and straindisplacement relation Substituting equation 1 in to (PE)

= ( a1, a2, a3, ... ar ) where r = no of independent unknowns the extremum with respect to ai,( i = 1 to r) yields the set of r equation



i = 1, 2, 3 ,r


The potential energy of for the linear 1-D rod with body force is neglected , is

1 = 2

EA du dx
where u1= u

d x 2 u1

(x = 1)

E = 1, A= 1 X 2

let as consider a polynomial function u = a1 + a2x + a3x3 this must satisfy u = 0, at x = 0 u = 0 at x = 2 thus 0 = a1 0 = a1 +2 a2+ 4a3

Figure- 2

Hence a2 = -2a3 u = a3 (-2x + x2) u1 = -a3 then ,


du = 2a3 ( 1 + x ) dx


2 1 = EA du dx dx 2u1 20

2 = 2a + 2a3 3
2 3

we set

a3 Resulting in a3 = -0.75 u1 = - a3 = 0.75


the stress in bar given by

du =E = 1.5 (1 x ) dx

exact solution is obtained if piecewise polynomial interpolation is used in the construction of u .

Galerkins method uses the set of governing equations in the development of an integral form. It is usually presented as one of the weighted residual methods. Let us consider a general representation of a governing equation on a region V Lu = P Where , L as operator operating on u

For the one-dimensional rid considered in previous example Governing equation

( dx

EA du

=0 ) dx

We may consider L as operator, operating on u d EA d ( ) dx dx

The exact solution needs to satisfy Lu=P at every point x . If we seek an approximate solution u , if introduces an error ( x ), called the residual

Lu P The approximate methods revolve around setting the residual relative to a weighting function Wi ,i = 0 to n

(x ) =

W ( Lu P ) dV = 0

The weighting function Wi are chosen from the basis functions used for constructing

u = Qi Gi
i =1

Here ,we choose the weighting function to be linear combination of the basis function Gi . Specifically ,consider an arbitrary function

Given by



Where the coefficient i are arbitrary , except for requiring that satisfy boundary conditions were u is prescribed.

For elastic materials

x xy xz + [( + + f x ) x + ......]dV = 0 y x z V

dV = dV + nxdS x x V V S
T T T T ( ) dV fdV TdS P V S i

let us consider the problem of the previous example and solve it by Galerkins approach. The equilibrium equation is


EA du



u=0 at x=0 u=0 at x=0 Multiplying this differential equation by Integrating by pars, we get

Figure- 2

du EA

d dx dx

+ EA du

dx ) (
1 0

+ EA du

dx )



is zero at x = 0 and x = 2.
dx is the tension in the rod ,which

EA du

takes a jump of magnitude 2 at x = 1 , thus

EA du

d dx dx

+ 21 = 0

Now we use the same polynomial (basis ) for u and if u1 and are the value at x = 1 ,thus

u = ( 2 x x ) u1

= ( 2 x x ) 1

Substituting these and E = 1, A = 1 in the previous integral yields

2 2 u1 (2 2 x ) d x + 2 = 0 0

1 8 3 u1 + 2 = 0
This is to be satisfied for every 1 . We get

u1 = 0.75

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