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Issues on Disclosure movie: POWER/AUTHORITY TOWARDS HARASSMENT: This issue is seen when Meredith called Tom in her office

e and aggressively tried to have a sexual intercourse on him, her former boyfriend. Eventhough Tom was aroused at first, he suddenly refused and left thinking he now has a family and a good career. We all know that it is uncommon for a woman to initially perform a sexual harassment towards a man; but since Meredith has a higher position compared to Tom, she has the power to do unlikely things and control it. Another concern would be Toms relationship towards his wife. Tom at first did not inform his wife on what happened to him that day on the workplace. That became an issue especially during the court proceedings when Meredith alleged him for a sexual harassment, which is a reverse of what was really happened. On the other hand, Tom was just trying to protect his family especially his wife for not informing it initially. Another issue would be knowing when an action is already below the belt. Tom was seen tapping the buttock of his girl secretary unconsciously. For Tom it was just a friendly gesture but it became an issue towards the case against him. Later on, his secretary remained on his side and helped him win the case. An additional concern on the movie would be the politics inside a workplace. When Meredith felt she was losing the case, she tried to make Tom look incompetent during their conference. That event would be a good cause for firing Tom, which Meredith wanted to happen. However, Tom retrieved some of the deleted important files and those helped him to uplift his self in the conference.

Connections on personal, organizational and social issues: One personal issue on the movie would be the harassing made by Meredith towards Tom. She wanted to resume their romantic relationship of Tom but the latter has a family of his own already. Connecting it with the organizational issue regarding power and authority towards the harassment. Since Meredith has a higher position compared to Tom, she has the perception on doing whatever she wanted. Connecting it with the social issue of a woman initially performed a sexual harassment. Since it was uncommon for a woman to do it, we can see in the movie that nobody believed in the story of Tom against Meredith.

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