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Performance Task

for Media &

Information Literacy
Grade 12 Midterm

Name : Sheena M. Lavarez

Grade & Section : 12 GAS5-Santiago
Summary of the Movie “The Man from Toronto

Teddy Jackson (Hart) is a loveable screw up who works as a sales guy for Marty’s gym.

He uploads videos online promoting outlandish fitness ideas which are borderline dangerous. On

his wife Lori’s (Jasmine Mathews) birthday, he books a cabin in Onancock, Virginia for a

romantic getaway but before that, goes to talk Marty about his brilliant business idea — no

contact boxing. The gym owner is bewildered at the concept and berates Teddy about the flyers

he made as they don’t have the gym’s address or phone number. To make Teddy’s day worse, he

ends up firing him.

Elsewhere, we are introduced to Randy aka the Man from Toronto (Harrelson), a

dangerous criminal who specializes in torture. On an assignment, he extracts information from a

man with just his terrifying words. Teddy comes back home but doesn’t tell Lori that he’s out of

a job and the two prepare to leave. Meanwhile, Toronto gets a call from his handler who assigns

him a two phase information extraction job worth a million dollars each, also in Onancock.

The couple arrives at the destination and Teddy leaves Lori in a day spa for two hours.

He then goes to check out the cabin to make sure it is perfect before his wife arrives.

Unfortunately, due to the reservation page being blurry, Teddy drives towards the wrong cabin

which turns out to be the one where Toronto is supposed to carry out the extraction. The person

who greets Teddy mistakes him for the criminal and clicks his picture to send to his superior.

Teddy, unaware of the situation, checks out the cabin and is shocked to find a beaten and tied-up

man in the basement. Realising that there has been a mistake, Teddy plays along for the fear of

his life and subtly tries to convince the hostage to speak up lest they both be killed.
As he acts the bad guy, he somehow manages to extract the information — which is a

code — but the FBI raid the place before any further developments can take place. The Feds talk

to Teddy and reveal that they know he’s not the criminal. They let him know that his picture was

sent to a Venezuelan Colonel Sebastián Marín by the man who let him into the cabin. The

Colonel is a wanted man as he staged a coup to overthrow his own government. It was prevented

by the US intelligence but he escaped with his wife. The Man from Toronto was the only way to

bring out Marín. They request Teddy to continue acting like the criminal and meet the Colonel in

Washington DC the next day. After being told that there are lives at stake, he agrees but asks for

a few tax and debt related favours in return.

Furthermore, Toronto arrives at the scene a bit too late and does some hacking to

discover Teddy’s identity. Meanwhile, an FBI agent is stationed with Lori to escort her to DC for

a shopping spree. The next day in DC, Teddy is briefed, fitted with a tracker and sent to meet up

with Marín’s associates. Toronto arrives and observes the situation as well. Unaware of the

second phase, Teddy is shocked to find that he’s to fly to Puerto Rico to extract information from

another target before he can meet the colonel. Toronto hijacks the car of the agent overseeing

Teddy, chucks him out and follows Marín’s party. He shows up to confront Teddy mid-flight and

amid the confusion, a fight ensues which nearly kills everyone. However, Toronto uses his skills

to eliminate everybody except Teddy who reveals that he’s genuinely stuck in this due to bad

printer ink. They land the plane in Puerto Rico and Toronto threatens Teddy to continue with the

facade and get information from the second target, Mr. Green.
I. Technical Code

This movie is a combination of action and

comedy, but mostly comedy. If you are a fan of

Kevin Hart, you would know that every movie that

he is in will always be a funny one. This picture is

the poster for the movie, it make use of colors red,

yellow, and orange and has a black vignette. Those

colors meant that it is an action one since those

colors represent rage, anger, and danger.

It can be seen from the close up view of

the facial expression of this guy, the boss of

Teddy (Kevin Hart) that he is a quirky and funny

assassin. This scene is when the guys

assassinates the person that he is ought to kill.

But instead of killing him with a single shot of

his gun, he tortures him. That is why he is

wearing that kind of facial expression.

This is the wide angle shot of Teddy’s

neighborhood. This scene was shown in the

beginning of the movie. This give us a

background of the main character (Teddy),

especially where he is from and to give us the

setting of the movie. This scene also tells us the

characters attitude or how simple his life is.

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