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'101 Ways To Make Love To Yourself.

Written By; Shevy Cardoza

'101 Ways To Make Love To Yourself.' [Shevy Cardoza] [2011]. All rights reserved.

To my Dearly Beloved Maestro. You are the soft inspiration of dew drops on my soul. I love you forevermore.



25 Ways To Make Love To Your Body

1. Opt for gourmet sweets and desserts. 2. Choose freshly made juices over bottled sodas and drinks. 3. Snack on seeds, nuts or low sugar fruits; 4. Eat lots of vegetables. 5. Include more vegetarian / vegan meals in your overall meal plan. 6. Don't hate yourself because of your current weight. . 7. Do find the right health plan for your body. 8. Love your body. 9. Whatever the size of your body adorn it nicely. 10. Open and commit to finding people who will be madly in love with you regardless of what your body looks like and who YOU are madly in love with regardless of what their body looks like. 11. Adapt the right exercise routine for your body and personality type and do it at least 3 times a week. 12. Invest in a personal trainer for a few classes. 13. Participate in an endurance challenge every once in a while (even once a week if you like and if you can). 14. Move consciously. 15. Do Yoga. 16. Give yourself a body scrub and self-massage a couple times a week. 17. Get a professional massage as often as your budget allows. 18. Invest in natural essential oils. 19. Use natural oils, lotions, moisturizers and soaps.

20. Take as many air baths as you can. 21. Establish a sleep routine. 22. Cool down the evening before sleeping. 23. Turn off electronic devices before sleeping. 24. Do what you can to ensure that where you sleep is at the right room temperature. 25. Learn the art of Yoga Nidra and do it before sleeping.

25 Ways To Make Love To Your Mind26. Read as much as you can.

27. Read with discernment. 28. Have a healthy sense of skepticism. 29. Guard against information that hits you subtly. 30. Be careful about what information you offer others. 31. Ask questions of yourself. 32. Seek answers. 33. Cast not your pearls before swine. 34. Contemplate. 35. Observe silence. 36. Meditate. 37. Meditate on love. 38. Meditate on music. 39.Actively meditate. 40. Meditate on affirmations. 41. Engage the mind. 42. Learn something new. 43. Be in the flow. 44. Let the mind rest. 45. Avoid simple daily stresses. 46. Seek help from a Therapist or Counselor for big stresses you cannot change. 47. Learn to be an observer of the mind. 48. Document your thoughts. 49. Identify the difference between thoughts and emotions.

50. Let it go.

25 Ways To Make Love To Your Heart

51. Surrender. 52. Set an intention to open the heart. 53. Do not judge the current state of your heart. 54. Let go of your current definition of love. 55. Know that heartache is inevitable. 56. Spend time in the nature. 57. Keep your home beautiful and clean. 58. Look at Art. 59. Travel. 60. Remove the barriers of separation from your heart. 61. Connect with others in a meaningful way. 62. Be honest with others. 63. Refrain from gossip. 64. Encourage and praise others. 65. Give to others and expect nothing in return. 66. Open your arms and give a good hug. 67. Have sex with a present heart. 68.Practice detachment from others. 69. Learn to forgive. 70. Choose to heal. 71. Nurture your heart. 72. Seek healing words. 73. Read Poetry. 74.Search your heart to find your passion. 75. Be brave.

25 Ways To Make Love To Your Soul

76. Who am I?

77. Let judgment go. 78. Practice non-violence. 79. Repent. 80. Release guilt. 81. Be compassionate to yourself and to others. 82. Seek to end suffering. 83. Find and live your purpose. 84. Take action. 85. Have hope. 86. Observe non-human organisms. 87. Observe a flower. 88. Learn Science. 89. Look at the stars. 90. Have a sense of wonder about life and the Universe. 91. Transfigure others. 92. Sublime your energy. 93. Spend your energy wisely. 94. Exercise discipline. 95. Keep yourself pure. 96. Let envy go. 97. Be Patient. 98. Always return to humility. 99. Be Grateful. 100. Alas; Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi.

101. WRITE A MANIFESTO. About the Author

Once while walking home from my job as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan I remember feeling a heavy curtain of lonely's perfume hanging over my head. My entire being felt vacant and it was as if every step I took was another step into despair, darkness and void. Little did I know that day would prove to hold a major clue for the emotional anarchy that followed.

A few weeks later, I had a massive nervous breakdown that found me lost and frightened in a Japanese hospital. As a result I lost my job, my apartment and my money because my mental sanity became questionable. However, it turned out to be the greatest blessing of my life because it was the wake up call I needed to change ME!!!

It took me three years to fully recover from the breakdown and during the three years, though I would have several smaller breakdowns, I learned that the only way to overcome a life filled with depression, weight issues, a poor image of self and constantly feeling worthless was to commit to a journey of learning self-love and making love to myself.

I read everything I could find, sought advice from the wise, traveled around, went to therapy, dropped some people, activities and substances from my life and took up new people, activities and wholesome nutrition in my life. Three years later I am whole different person. Free from depression, free from selfhatred, empowered, beautiful, sensual and passionate about making love to ME everyday.

It is from this place of experience that I wrote 101 Ways To Make Love To Yourself. Every single way you will find here in this guide are ALL ways I have already incorporated in my life or that I am still working on daily to incorporate into my life. I cannot tell you that the journey to deeper self-love is easy. It does

require commitment, discipline and an incredible amount of empathy towards the self. What I can tell you however is I have found that making love to myself has made my life into a light that illuminates me, my path and those that choose to support me and walk with me on my path.

And so, from my heart to yours, I offer this guide, 101 Ways To Make Love To Yourself, as my gift and my silent support as you too begin your journey, or continue on your journey, to delicious, sweet, soulful, self-love.

Self-love, loving yourself, making love to yourself; Whichever of these
expressions you use is fantastic especially when you deeply understand the magnitude your chosen expression has on your life. That's right! When the notions of making love to yourself enter your field of thought you KNOW you have started on a journey of the greatest transformation of your life. But before we get into the sweet and delicious nature of this transformation lets make a few things immediately clear. Stepping unto the path of making love to yourself is NOT selfish. It is NOT arrogant. And it most certainly does NOT mean that you will turn a blind eye to the needs of those around you. Rather, making love to yourself is the ultimate self-created luxury you will embrace that will gift your life with abundance, joy, refreshment, invigoration and an epic end to 'THINGS' which never served you or your most loving interest.

Now, how in the world do you make love to yourself??? Well, the following guide will give you a smacking 100 ways of how you can make love to yourself right now, right here! For your ease, these 100 ways of how you can make love to yourself are divided into four categories; 25 ways to make love to your Body, 25 ways to make love to your Mind, 25 ways to make love to your Heart and 25 ways to make love to your Soul. If you are now thinking how in the world will I know where to start from a 100 WAYS, not to worry because the last way Way 101 - will help you incorporate the ways you need most into your daily life.

Remember, making love to yourself is your birthright and self-created luxury. It is your journey of celebrating YOU, the marvelous creation that YOU are, affirming YOUR unique imprint here on this earth and stepping into the knowing that YOU matter and YOU are wanted by all those you knowingly and unknowingly inspire with your firm steps of self-love. So have fun, visualize the new you that will blossom while you are making love to yourself and be responsible, safe and

committed to it all.

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