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Towards Unconventional Design

Luigi Colani
Industrial rial ial Designer Desig Designe gner

3:00PM - 5:00PM 3
Woonbum nbum Hall, Industrial In st tria r Design Department (N25), rial N25) ) KAIST, AIS D DAEJEON DAEJE EJ JE
What is a Good design? His long career began in the 1950s when he designed cars for companies such as Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Volkswagen, and BMW. In the 1960s, he began designing furniture, and as of the 1970s, he expanded in numerous areas, ranging from household items such as ballpoint pens and television sets to uniforms and trucks and entire kitchens. His unconventional designs have made him famous, not only in design circles, but also to the general public. He has received numerous design awards, although his unconventional approach has left him largely an outsider from the mainstream industrial design eam am mo of f in indu ndust us sr st rial ial d desi si

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