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Names: ______________ Ms. Muna Chapter 2 section1 vocabulary check.

ANSWER KEY Answer the questions below by lling in the blank.

9A Biology

1. Name two types of bonds. Ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds. (pick two!) 2. The smallest basic unit of matter is called a(n) Atom. 3. One type of atom, such as hydrogen, is called a(n) Element. 4. A(n) Ion is an atom that has gained or lost an electron. 5. ___compund__ and ___molecule___ are two words that mean a substance made of atoms that are bonded together. 6. What is the difference between an ion and an atom? Alright, here, most of you have clearly googled this question and just clicked on the rst link, nice try, but not cool. At least click on a few more links to get a different answer than an atom can be an ion but an ion cant be an atom, which isnt really a correct difference, because when an ion regains its lost electron, or gives back its added electron, they can return to having a neutral charge, and becoming an atom again, you see where the statement youve written isnt quiet correct?. Think about the two substances, ions are atoms that lost/gained electrons, hence, they carry an electrical charge. Atoms on the other hand are neutral, because the number of protons equals the number of electrons, so theres a difference between the two. 7. Name ve elements that make up the molecules in living organism 1. Carbon 2. Hydrogen 3. Nitrogen 4. Sulfur 5. Oxygen

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