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Character Nasir: A young A.C.C.A. graduate from Quetta. Now living in Lahore in a rental studio flat all by himself.

Fair, of a middling height with a tendency to gain weight especially around the waist. Having given up all outdoor activity including his passionate involvement with cricket. He had once prided himself as an aggressively fast bowler. Now totally given to sedentary pursuits, like reading mostly biographies, and watching TV documentaries. These activities providing a small diversion, if it could be called that, from the humdrum, cut and dried, sterile. Nine to seven monotony that his life had become in trying to keep up with the requirements of a demanding job. Although never a gregarious person, Nasir appears to have withdrawn from all social contacts, distancing himself from the fast-paced metropolitan life and retreating into his own private cocoon. This recluse like existence brought with it creeping uncertainties which made him seek support in prayers which he offered with robotlike regularity. On his way back from his office it was customary for him to stop by at the neighbourhood dhaba where he would pick up his evening meal. There was not much variety though, usually it was Dal, or vegetable or Chicken Curry in a polythene bag and a couple of Nans. His meals then were as humdrum as his life.

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