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eliness may be one of the hardest feelings that someone could experience.

It is one of the few feelings that could cause a suicide. But what is loneliness? As you may have already noticed, you may have lots of friends or know lots of people but still feel that you are all alone in this world or even isolated.
what causes loneliness?

The main cause for the feeling of loneliness is the lack of intimate relationships. Yes, you may know lots of people or have many friends but if your relationship with them is too superficial or if you never share your emotions with them then you will feel lonely. Sharing your emotions and secrets with people won't only help you in overcoming loneliness but it will also help you get closer to your friends. Another strong cause for the feelings of loneliness while being with other people is feeling that you are not welcomed. If you felt that people dont like you then you wont be able to form intimate relationships with them and so you will feel lonely when being with the

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