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AXIS: An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry.

In other words, composition = elements of art + principles of design. The elements of art are the individual basic qualities of visual art, such as line, shape, and color. Elements of art are like the individual words that make up a sentence. Principles of design are like sentences. The elements of art are arranged in various ways using principles of design

UNITY is the arrangement of elements and principles of art to create a feeling of completeness,
wholeness, and/or a sense of belonging together. Unity--harmony, similar elements within an artwork, a sense of wholeness; variety--contrasting elements within the composition that add interest The artist might achieve unity in his/her composition when he/she: Repeats a color shape, pattern or line. Uses one dominant color or shape. Uses related colors, such as an analogous color scheme. Arranges the elements to create a feeling of order. Supports a theme with shapes or elements. Supports a mood with shapes or elements.

EMPHASIS the importance given to certain objects or areas in an artwork. Color, texture, shape, space,
placement, and size can be used to create dominance, contrast, or a focal point.

BALANCE in artwork, is the placement

other part or seems visually heavier

of the elements so that no one part of the design overpowers any

Radial balance: A type of balance which lines or shapes spread out from a center point. Assymetrical/ Informal balance: a type of balance in which the two sides of the artwork look equally important even though they are not alike. Symmetrical: a type of balance in which both sides of an artwork look the same or almost the same.

HARMONY in visual design means all parts of the visual image relate to and complement each
other. Harmony can be achieved through repetition and rhythm. Repetition reemphasizes visual units, connecting parts and creating an area of attention. Rhythm is the flow depicted in a visual; it helps direct eye movement.

MOVEMENT Motion or movement in a visual image occurs when objects seem to be moving in a
visual image. Movement in a visual image comes from the kinds of shapes, forms, lines, and curves that are used. Similar shapes connected with each other or overlapping each other can imply movement or restlessness. Changes in direction, or change in the darkness or lightness of an image can also create a sense of motion.

CONTRAST is referred to the difference in two related elements such as color, shape, value, type,
texture, alignment, direction and movement. The more contrast is shown the more a viewers attention is obtained. If there is little contrast in the painting, then there will be too much similarity and the art piece would become more monotonous. This is to say that the design may seem dull.

PERSPECTIVE is created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look like
they appear in real life. Perspective adds realism to a visual image. The size of a rectangle means little until another object gives it the size of a desk, or the size of a building.

PROPORTION relationships of parts to each other and to the whole work.

Our sense of proportion in art comes from the human body. Proportions are expected. They can also be exaggerated and distorted. often normal and

Sometimes proportions are idealized more perfect than you might see in nature. Standard: describes a person or object that seems to have appropriate height, width, and depth compared to its surroundings Altered: describes objects or people whose proportions have been changed or altered. Monumental: much larger than life-size Miniature: very small Scale: the relative size of something compared with what you expect. Scale can be created in two ways. a. Realistic Scale: when an artist creates a work of art in which various elements seem to t together well and they resemble size relations in real life. b. Unrealistic Scale: when an artist intentionally makes size relationships that do not resemble real life.

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