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September 27, 2013

rubaker Buzz

Coming prepared
Each day your child should come to school prepared to learn at their very best. Thank you for helping your child return to school with their binders signed! I encourage you to look through that binder in order to see some of the great things your child is learning this year. You will see many things within in the content areas of the binder. Ask your child ques ons about their learning and let them teach you about their topics. When they teach you, they become the masters! One area that needs to improve is responsibility with library books. We use these books daily in class. If your child does not come to school with these, it is impossible to complete reading assignments. I have encouraged the students to read the same books at home as they do at school. These books are on their level, and it is benecial to read con nuously from one book, than to bounce between books.

A Sneak Peek
Math Understanding word problems Reading Iden fying main idea, vocabulary building/context clues

Wri ng Wri ng conven ons and

publish ecosystem research

Science: Complete website to showcase ecosystem research Spelling-Week 6 Skill Work-Week 7due Friday morning

Dates to Remember
-10/3-Godfathers night -10/4-1010/11-Book Fair 10/9-Grandparents Day -10/10Fall Fes val (dont forget to send items for our basket)

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