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The Fight for My Choice Hatchet, is a made up survival story about a character named Brian, and Lost Trail,

is a real life survival story about a character named Donn. They were both great stories, and I will compare them to see which one is better. The main similarity between Brians story and Donns is that they both had to put up with natural nuisances. Brian had to put up with mosquitos, a moose, a skunk, porcupine, and birds. Donn had to put up with mosquitos, a bear, a deer, and a chipmunk. The main difference between Donns story and Brians story is how they were both rescued. Brian was rescued when he left his emergency transmitter on and a nearby plane heard it and went to check it out, in the end rescuing Brian. Donn was rescued when he stumbled near a cabin with people in it; they found him and brought him to safety. In the end, I have decided that Hatchet is in my opinion the better of the two books. It has lots of action and is thrilling in every chapter.

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