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The Digestive System

Gastrointestinal System Function-physical and chemical breakdown of food

Includes alimentary canal and accessory organs Accessory organs: Salivary glands, tongue, teeth, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas

Alimentary canal
Mouth- physical and chemical breakdown. Mastication-the act of chewing Saliva contains enzyme amylase to break down carbohydrates

Pharynx- contains opening to trachea as well. Epiglottis covers opening of trachea. Esophagus-muscular tube dorsal to trachea Relies on a rhythmic wave-like motion called peristalsis

Esophagus- transverse view

Sphincter-a circular muscle that constricts a passage or closes a natural orifice (opening) Cardiac sphincter Pyloric sphincter Food sits in stomach for 1-4 hours. Gastric juices contain hydrochloric acidactivates pepsin, kills bacteria.

Small intestine: not so small! 20ft x 1 Duodenum- 1st 10 inches. Bile and pancreatic juice enter here Jejunum- next 8 ft. Ileum- final 12 ft. When food leaves small intestine, digestion is complete

Small intestine has lots of enzymes: peptidases maltase, sucrase, lactase, amylase. Lipase Bile Digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Large intestine- 5 ft x 2. Separated from small intestine by ileocecal valve Final absorption of water, storage of indigestible material, absorption of vitamins B and K by bacteria. Colon connects to rectum- anal canal opens to the anus (final opening). Fecal material is expelled.

But Wait! What about the accessory organs: Liver, gall bladder and Liver- largest gland in pancreas

your body Secretes bileemulsifies fat, makes them water soluble. Stores glucose in the form of glycogen Makes clotting proteins Detoxifies blood

Gall bladder- stores and concentrates bile

Pancreas- produces insulin, pancreatic juices amylase and lipase. Insulin regulates the uptake of glucose by the cells

Appendicitis Cholecystitis- gall bladder Cirrhosis- destruction of liver cells Diarrhea Diverticulitis Gasteroenteritis Hernia Pancreatitis Liver transplant Ulcer Colitis Bariatric surgery

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