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Monday 4th November

MON 4th Please pray for confirmations taking place in Polesworth today. TUES 5th Please pray for the induction of new clergy that takes place at Bishops Croft today. WED 6th Leonard, hermit, 6th cent. Revd Dr Griphus Gakuru, of All Saints, Stechford, asks: Please pray for on-going work with children, especially the Homework and Fun Club, for children and volunteers. Pray for the parish as we seek a new vision for the future in response to change. THURS 7th Willibrord, bishop, 739 From Revd Richard Tebbs, of St Leonards, Frankley: Give thanks for a rich vein of ministry with wedding and baptism families and for a delightful trip to the seaside with Messy Church families. Pray that all our members will have prayerful and committed ownership of the mission on our estates which are some distance from our lovely church. FRI 8th Saints and martyrs of England From Revd Ann Simmons, of St Leonards, Dordon: Please hold in prayer the people of Dordon and Freasley, all who work within the parish and those who travel through. Give thanks to God for the generosity and faithful witness of St Leonards church in hospitality and outreach to our neighbours and visitors. SAT 9th Margery Kempe, mystic, c. 1440 From Revd Diane Couture, of St Leonards, Over Whitacre: St Leonards Church is struggling at the moment. As well as very few in the congregation the churchyard is extremely overgrown and upsetting some of the families with loved ones buried there. We need your prayers for any help we get in response to our appeal to tidy the churchyard up.

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