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Christian Morality

Learning Contract
Chapter 1 – An Invitation to Life in Christ

Objectives of the Chapter

• Explain how moral decision making defines who we are.
• Recognize that Christian morality is our response to Jesus.
• Understand that the starting point of Christian morality is ‘God loves us.’
• Explain how grace as sharing in God’s life is a comfort and a challenge.

Objectives for Study

1. *Read Chapter 1, pp. 2-19.

2. *Define the 8 key terms found in Chapter 1, and also moral, immoral, nonmoral
and amoral. Must be hand written.
3. *Complete For Review questions 1-4 (p. 5) and 5-7 (p. 8). Either write out the
questions or answer in complete sentences (your answers contain the questions).
Each person’s answers should be different.
4. *Take notes on the chapter (hand-written); must be at least one page long.
5. Interview a parent, pastor, administrator or teacher about how they go about
making tough moral decisions (have a number of questions to ask him/her).
Summarize in a report of no less than ½ page.
6. Write a short story of somebody having to make a tough moral choice or choosing
‘Costly Grace.’ 1 page.
7. Choose any of the following Activities, one Objective credit for each one done: C
(p. 5), D (p. 6), E (p. 6), F (p. 8), H (p. 10), I (p. 11),


A: Select 6 of the above Objectives for Study and complete them. (Must include 1-4.)
B: Select 5 of the above Objectives for Study and complete them. (Must include 1-4.)
C: Select the first 4 Objectives for Study and complete them.

All Objectives for Study accomplished must be understandable, your own work and
complete. Failure to produce the minimum 4 assignments results in no grade. Work
incomplete will be turned back to the student to redo until completed. Deadlines will be

I, ___________________________________, choose to complete grade option

________ as listed above prior to the Chapter Test. I promise not to violate school Honor
Date started: _______________. Date to be turned in: ___________________

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