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Jeraldine A.

Arguelles Section B

November 16, 2011 Assignment in locomotion

TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: First aid for sprains SUMMARY: The article talks about the first aid for sprains wherein a sprain is a stretched or torn ligament connecting bone to bone . Remember that r-est i-ce c-ompression e-levation stabilization are used for treating sprains. A step by step ways to treat a patient is first assess the victim of her injuries ,examine the injured body part for swelling tenderness and pain . After that is treat the injury by applying a cold ice pack to the injured area to reduce the pain and swelling ,also you can apply an elastic compression bandage to reduce swelling and help stabilize the injury site ,also you can apply splint. Then after treating the injury instruct the victim to not bear weight on or use the injured part until she has a diagnostic workup,teach them also to roperly apply an elastic bandage for compression,advise also to apply ice pack to the sprained area for 20 minutes ,and teach the client to follows manufacturers guidelines when taking over the counter medication. REACTION: We as nurses in the future can help those people who are injured by simply knowing the first aid in treating sprains . Because not all the time we are in the hospital setting when we are out of the hospital we can easily help the injured people outside by being resourceful and using the things that are around are environment. This article helps us by being a good and smart nurse in the future knowing this simple things can really save a lot people so dont hesitate to read articles like this because a simple reading can change a lot in our society.

REFERENCE: Jones l. , First aid for sprain , Nursing 2006

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