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- 8 minutes


- Within 8 minutes, students will grasp the definition of a bandage, its significance in first aid,


Good morning, everyone! Today, we're diving deep into the realm of first aid, focusing on one of its cornerstone
components: bandages. Bandages are like the unsung heroes of wound care, serving as a protective barrier that
wraps around injuries, shielding them from external contaminants such as dirt and germs. In addition to providing
this crucial protection, bandages also offer vital support to aid in the proper healing process. Think of them as the
reliable guardians standing between your wounds and potential harm, much like a comforting shield. Now, you
might be wondering: why exactly are bandages so indispensable? To answer that, let's imagine a common scenario
many of us have experienced: falling off a bike and scraping your knee. In such a situation, without the timely
application of a bandage, the wound is left exposed, vulnerable to infection. This not only prolongs the healing
process but also intensifies the pain and discomfort associated with the injury. Bandages step in as the frontline
defense, preventing harmful pathogens from infiltrating the wound site and allowing it to heal effectively.

Thankfully, the world of bandages is rich with diversity, offering a wide array of options tailored to meet various
needs and circumstances. From adhesive bandages adorned with fun designs, perfect for covering minor cuts and
scrapes, to gauze bandages that provide extensive coverage and absorbency for larger wounds, and elastic bandages
that offer firm support for sprains and strains, there's a bandage for every situation.

By understanding the importance of bandages and their role in first aid, we equip ourselves with the knowledge and
tools necessary to provide effective care in times of need.


1. Bandaging Injuries From Head to Toe. (2022). WebMD. Retrieved February 16, 2024, from
2. Finnie, A. (2002). Bandages and bandaging techniques for compression therapy. British Journal of
Community Nursing, 7(3), 134–142.
3. Contributor, N. (2001, July 12). Bandaging: a vital skill. Nursing Times.

12 minutes


Within 12 minutes, students will learn about different types of bandages and their uses.


"Now that we understand the importance of bandaging, let's dive deeper into the types. First, we have the adhesive
bandage, commonly known as the plaster. These are your go-to for minor cuts and scrapes, offering quick and easy
application with their adhesive backing. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including fun designs for
children, making them ideal for everyday wound care. Next up is the conforming bandage, also known as the crepe
bandage. This elastic bandage molds easily to the body's contours, providing gentle compression and support. It's
particularly useful for securing dressings, immobilizing injuries, or providing light pressure to reduce swelling. Then,
we have the cohesive bandage, which sticks to itself but not to skin or hair. This makes it perfect for wrapping
around joints or limbs, offering support and stability without causing discomfort upon removal. Moving on to the
cohesive retention bandage, it's similar to the cohesive bandage but with added stretch and flexibility. This makes it
suitable for use as a primary dressing retention layer, securing dressings firmly in place while allowing for movement
and comfort. Finally, we have the tubular bandage, which comes in a seamless tube form. It's designed to slide easily
over limbs, providing protection and support for sprains, strains, and soft tissue injuries. Its seamless design reduces
friction and irritation, promoting comfort during wear. Understanding the unique features and applications of each
type of bandage equips us with the knowledge to provide effective wound care in various situations.

Aero Healthcare. (2023, July 25). Different types of bandages and their uses.



- 12 minutes


- Within 12 minutes, students will master the application of basic bandages for various common injuries.


Alright, let's dive into the practical aspect of bandaging! Imagine you're enjoying a game of tag with your friends,
and suddenly, someone takes a tumble, ending up with a nasty scrape on their elbow. What's your next move? First
things first, we need to clean the wound to prevent any potential infections. Following the guidance from Saint
Luke's Health, we'll wash the area thoroughly with soap and water, ensuring we remove any dirt or germs that may
have found their way into the scrape. Once clean, we'll gently pat the area dry with a clean cloth, being careful not
to cause further irritation. Now, onto the bandaging process! For this type of minor scrape, an adhesive bandage will
do the trick. As outlined by Saint Luke's Health Library, we'll carefully select an appropriately sized adhesive bandage
and apply it over the cleaned wound, ensuring it covers the entire area. Pressing down firmly, we'll secure the
bandage in place, providing a protective barrier while allowing the wound to heal. But what if the injury is a bit more
serious, like a sprain or strain? In such cases, we need to provide additional support, which is where an elastic
bandage comes into play. Wrapping it snugly around the injured area, as advised by Saint Luke's Health Library, we'll
ensure it offers support without being too tight, as excessive pressure could compromise circulation and impede the
healing process. Remember, practice makes perfect! So, let's put our newfound knowledge into action and give
bandaging a try, ensuring we're equipped to handle various injuries and provide effective first aid when needed.

First aid: bandaging. (2024, January). Saint Luke’s Health System. Retrieved February 16, 2024, from



- 8 minutes


- Within 8 minutes, students will discern which type of bandage is suitable for different injuries through scenarios
and examples.


- " Alright, class, it's time to apply what we've learned about bandaging in real-life scenarios! Imagine this: you're
enjoying a day at the playground, and suddenly, your friend takes a tumble off the swing, clutching their wrist in
pain. What's your next move? In this situation, reaching for an elastic bandage would be the wise choice. By
providing gentle compression and support, the elastic bandage can help alleviate discomfort and stabilize the injured
wrist, aiding in the healing process. But let's say we find ourselves in a different scenario. Imagine you're out hiking
in the woods, surrounded by nature's beauty, when suddenly, someone in your group sustains a deep cut from a
stray branch. Would a simple adhesive bandage suffice in this case? Unlikely. For deeper wounds like this, proper
wound care is essential. We'd need to clean the wound thoroughly and apply a sterile gauze pad to cover it, followed
by securing it in place with either a gauze or elastic bandage to provide protection and support. These scenarios
highlight the importance of selecting the appropriate bandage for each situation, ensuring proper care and optimal
outcomes for the injured individual. By understanding the unique properties and applications of different types of
bandages, we can effectively respond to a variety of injuries and emergencies.

Emt-P, R. B. (2023, November 27). How to treat a deep cut laceration. Verywell Health.

Healthwise. (2022, November 9). Wrist sprain: care Instructions (A. Husney, Ed.). My Health Retrieved
February 16, 2024, from


10 minutes


Within 10 minutes, students will learn about bandaging safety, including how to remove a bandage without causing
further injury, and the importance of wound cleanliness.


First and foremost, safety should always be the top priority when dealing with bandages and wound care. Whether
you're removing a bandage from a recent scrape or a more significant injury, it's crucial to proceed with caution to
avoid causing any unnecessary pain or exacerbating the wound. When removing a bandage, take it slow and steady.
Rushing through this process can increase the risk of tearing the skin or causing discomfort to the individual. Peel the
bandage off gently, following the direction of hair growth if applicable, or along the skin to minimize any pulling or
tugging sensation. Now, onto the next critical step: cleaning the wound. Once the bandage is removed, it's essential
to thoroughly clean the area to prevent infection and promote optimal healing. Using an antiseptic solution, gently
cleanse the wound, ensuring that any debris or bacteria are effectively removed. Proper wound care not only
reduces the risk of infection but also creates an environment conducive to the healing process. Remember, a clean
wound is a happy wound! By prioritizing safety and following proper wound care protocols, we can ensure the best
possible outcomes for those in need of first aid.

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. (2022, December 22). Changing your wound dressing | Kent
Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.



6 minutes


Within 6 minutes, assess students' understanding of the importance of bandaging and when to use different types of
bandages through a brief evaluation.


"Now, let's review what we've learned today. I'll ask a few questions to gauge your understanding of bandaging
techniques, safety measures, and when to use different types of bandages. Don't worry, it's not a test, just a way to
reinforce what we've covered. Are you ready? Let's begin!"


What are bandages?

Why are bandages considered important in first aid?

Can you name one type of bandage suitable for covering minor cuts and scrapes?

What should you do before applying a bandage to a wound?

Why is it essential to select the appropriate bandage for each situation?

Absolutely, here's a simplified version:

1. Bandaging Introduction:

- Method: Talk and Discussion

- Materials: Pictures of bandages, a whiteboard.

2. Types of Bandages:

- Method: Show and Tell

- Materials: Real bandages, posters showing different types.

3. Practical Application of Bandages:

- Method: Try it Yourself

- Materials: Bandage kits, videos showing how to use them.

4. Bandaging Scenarios:

- Method: Story Time and Chat

- Materials: Scenarios written on paper, pictures of injuries.

5. Bandaging Safety and Wound Care:

- Method: Watch and Learn

- Materials: Videos, first aid supplies.

6. Review and Evaluation:

- Method: Question Time

- Materials: Questions written on the board or on paper.

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