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A handy guide to take the guesswork out of counting calories plus sample meal plans to help you drop

pounds f-a-a-s-t.



f theres one thing even the most casual dieter knows for certain, it is the importance of keeping a daily track of the calories he takes in. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Reason: The paucity of reliable data on the caloric values of Indian foods. There are several factors responsible for this dietary roadblock: (a) the lack of significant research in the area of food analysis; (b) the fact that, unlike the West, where most of the population relies on ready-to-serve meals or packaged foods that have been calibrated down to the last decimal, we are still a people that relies on home cooking (think: a 1000 permutations, combinations and as many caloric values for a single dish!); (c) again, unlike the West, where government policy makes it compulsory for food manufacturers and restaurateurs to reveal caloric data, no such rules bind our food sellers... And so on and so forth. Given this sad state affairs, you can understand the dieters dilemma. How is he supposed to stay within his prescribed dietary limits if, say, he cant even guess at what a breakfast of idli-sambar or a dinner of dabba gosht and parathas could bring in, energy wise? Sure, there are dozens of little booklets in the market aimed at the dedicated dieter that list foods and their caloric values, but a close analysis of these typically reveal that they are the works of charlatans. .ollowing a diet based on such unreliable data can have serious consequences on someone who is watching his weight for health reasons. (But even the casual dieter can be unpleasantly surprised to learn that a daily intake of a

mere 100 extra calories a day could mean atleast 10 pounds of additional baggage at the end of the year.) Since readers of Health & Nutrition have long been clamouring for the caloric data of Indian foods, we went back to a little manual published over 10 years ago by the College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan for material. As far as we know, barring a few minor blips, the Calorie Counter is one of the most reliable and painstakingly researched compendium of its kind. (The National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, has also brought out a similar booklet, but on a more limited scale.) The following special section that the college has kindly permitted Health & Nutrition to reproduce, is an excerpt from the manual, and provides not only a comprehensive list of caloric values of common Indian foods, but also menu plans to help dieters lose weight. .ollow their advice and youll know that youre on the right track! Note: The Calorie Counter also has recipes for all the foods it has listed, so its worthwhile to get hold of a copy if you can!

o lose weight and to maintain the loss over the long term, dieticians recommend that you attempt to drop no more than half a kg a week (anything more will require a doctors supervision). Men are therefore advised to get atleast 1800 calories per day, while women can get by with 1400 calories. The following diet plan has been based on these figures and is conveniently divided into 3 meals and one snack. A midmorning or late night snack, may also be included provided the calories are adjusted with the nearest main meal. 400 500 350 550 cals Breakfast cals Mid morning cals OR Lunch cals Tea Dinner 400 100 500 300 500 cals cals cals cals cals Menus have been worked out for 300-400 cal. meals. Caloric value of average portions of many Indian dishes have been worked out for quick reference. It is important to remember that these values will change according to the amount of fat used in cooking and also the use of ingredients such as coconut, nuts and cream. CALORIE COUNTING Substitution of one food for another is possible in each of the suggested menus but the new food chosen should preferably be from the same group and contain approximately the same number of calories. The Calorie Counter is provided to help in this calculation. The 100 calorie exchange list makes it easier still.


Breakfast Lunch Tea Dinner

.or women, the 1400 cal diet prescription may be similarly divided as follows: Breakfast 350 cals Breakfast 300 cals Lunch 400 cals Lunch 350 cals Tea 250 cals OR Tea 250 cals Dinner 400 cals Dinner 400 cals Late night 100 cals The diet prescriptions mentioned above however have to be further individualised from person to person.

Breakfast 1. Bread Boiled egg Orange Skim milk

1 slice 1 1 1c 20g 50g 100g 150g 300 400 cals 49 87 48 29 213 94 101 40 59 294 98 36 87 31 258 130 100 101 301 Breakfast 5. Dosai Chutney Coffee+sugar 1 2 tbsps 1c 50g 50g 5g

300 400 cals 135 100 54 289 98 101 116 37 395 100 144 20 32 253 220 50 101 371

2. Cornflakes Milk (cows) Sugar Apple

1c 1c 2tsps. 1

25g 150g 10g 100g

6. Toast Scrambled egg Banana Tea+sugar

2 slices 1 1 1c

100g 5g

3. Bread Butter Cheese Tea 4. Idli Sambhar Milk

2 slices 1tsp 1cube 1tsp sugar 2 1cup 1c

40g 5g 25g 5g 90g 150g 150g

7. Porridge (oats) Milk Sugar Papaya

1c 1c 1tsp 1 / 3 med.

5g 100g

8. Upma .ruit (orange) Milk

1c 1 1c


Breakfast 9. Bread Cottage cheese (cows milk) Bacon (grilled) Tea

2 slices 2 tbsps 1 strip 1c 20g

300 cals 98 53 48 37 236 160 36 59 37 292 160 60 37

2. Chapati Dal (thick) Cauliflower with green peas Salad Dahi

2 1c c 2 small tomatoes 1c

100 166 125 20 100 511 70g 50g 200 120 65 10 75 470 178 71 140 29 418 168 152 23 343 147 127 25 299 130g 100g 100 243 24 367 100 170 59 329

10.Pancakes* Butter Apple Tea

2 1 tsp 1 1c

100g 5g 100g

3. Phulka Usal (moong) Doodhi raita Salad (tomato) Beans foogath

4 1c c 1 c

11. Cauliflower paratha stuffed (small)* Curds Tea

2 /3 c 1c

90g 100g 329

4. Tomato rice Cucumber raita Vegetable cutlet Roasted papad

1c 1c 1 1, large

45g 10g

5. Kichdi Kadhi (pakoda) Tomato & onion salad

1c 1c 75g

6. Tandoori roti Mutton Rogan Josh Onion salad & lime

1 100g 50g

Breakfast 12..rench toast Pineapple (raw) Coffee

2 slices c 1c


250 -- 300 cals 220 46 54 320 53 29 116 54 252 102 120 20 37 279 300 500 cals 200 100 104 9 100 513

7. Chapathis (no fat) Mutton kofta curry Mixed veg. salad

2 1c

13.Puffed wheat Skim milk Banana Coffee

1c 1c 1 1c


8. Rice Chicken vindaloo Carrot raita

1c c 1c

80g 100g

1 4.Dalia Milk (standardised) Sugar .resh figs

1c 1c 1tsp 2

Lunch or Dinner 9. .ish bake Mixed veg. salad Bread

1 slice

300 500 cals\ 80g 212 100g 24 20g 49 285

* Use minimum fat in cooking. Lunch or Dinner 1 Rice 2c Sambar 1c Cabbage foogath 1c Salad (tomato & cucumber) Curds 1c

130g 50g


Each of these supplies 100 kcal. You can have 2-3 exchanges each day. Dal (cooked) Legume/Usal Varan 1 katori 1 katori 1 katori


10. Mutton cutlets Tomato & cucumber salad Bread 2 1 slice 170g 100g 20g 337 17 49 403 185 75 39 299 193 59 56 308 180 115 50 345 100g 199 34 15 49 56 353 Each of these gives 100 kcal. Groundnuts/Cashewnuts/Til/ Almonds/Pistas .resh Coconut (grated) 1 handful katori

Each of these provides 25-30 kcal. You can have 2 or more exchanges each day. Veg. A Veg. B Veg. C (Dark Green Leafy Vegetables) (Ladies .inger, Brinjal or any other Vegetable) (Carrot, Beetroot) (Potato, Sweet Potato) 1 katori 1 katori katori katori

11. Lime rice Vegetable stew Tomato chutney

1c c

135g 115g 50g

12. Vegetable pulav Carrot raita Pear

1c 1c 1

150g 100g 100g

Each of these supplies 50 kcal. You can have 1-2 exchanges each day. Guava Apple Orange Banana Mango Chickoo .ruit Juice (unsweetened) 1 medium 1 medium 1 medium 1 small 1 glass

13. Khakra Doodhi with chana dal Tomato raita

2 1c 1c


14. Grilled chicken Beetroot Cauliflower (steamed) Bread Pear

1 leg c c 1 slice 1, small


Each of these gives you 100 kcal. You can have 2 or more exchanges each day. .ull Milk or Standard Milk (Unsweetened) 1 glass Curds 1 katori Cheese/Paneer 1 cube

20g 50g

Note that in diets 4, 5, 8, 9 & 12 the rice has been limited to 1 cup only.

The 100 Calorie Exchange

Calorie counting becomes very quick and easy when working with units of 100 calories. The 100 calorie portions of food listed below are based on average caloric values. They are useful to gauge quickly the calorie value of a meal. 1 Exchange = 100 cals

Each of the following provides 100 kcal. You can have 6-12 exchanges/ servings each day (depending on age, sex and physical activity). Rice (cooked) Bread Rava Upma Chapati Phulkas Puris Rice .lakes (Poha) 1 katori 1 big or 2 small slices 1 katori 1 2 4-5 1 katori

Each of these gives you 100 kcal. You can have 1 exchange each day. Poultry or .ish Meat/Beef muscle Mutton/Egg 1 serving 1 serving 1 serving

The 100 calorie exchange list makes selection of menus of fixed calorie value very simple. Taking one exchange from each group, the following menus are possible. 1 1 1 1 1 1 cereal exchange meat or dal exchange vegetable exchange fat exchange milk exchange fruit exchange 100 cals. 100 cals. 50 cals. 50 cals. 100 cals. 50 cals. 450 cals.

Each of these gives you 100 kcal. You can have 2-3 exchanges each day. Ghee/Vanaspati/Oil Butter 2 tsps 3 tsps

Each of these gives you 100 kcal. You can have 1 exchange per day. Sugar/Jaggery Honey 5 tsps 2 tsps

One can choose any one food from each exchange. e.g. Rice or chapati or paratha or pulav Dal or sambar or meat or fish Vegetable Curds .ruit .at (used in cooking). However to keep to the 450 cals per meal, the amounts specified for each food must be strictly maintained e.g. 1c rice or 1 large chapati or 2 small phulkas or paratha. Since 1 fat exchange = 5 gms., the amount of fat used in cooking is minimum. This may be increased slightly if skim milk is substituted for whole milk. It is important to consume foods from each group in order to ensure a balanced meal.


1 tsp 1 tbsp 1c / katori 1 measuring cup (std.) 1b 1g = = = = = = 5 ml. 3 tsp. 1 teacup 240 ml. 1 bottle 1 glass = = = = = 15 ml. 150 ml. 8 ozs. 200 ml. 200 ml.

Caloric value of commonly used Indian foods have been calculated according to estimated average servings. Portion size has been estimated according to number of pieces or volume in terms of 1 tea cup or 1 medium katori = 150 ml. The weights given are for edible portion only, after cooking. It must be noted that caloric values vary greatly, according to size and density of each piece and the amount of fat used in cooking. In the following calculations, amount of fat per person varies generally between 5-10 gms. for each recipe. Estimation of meat per person varies from 50-100 gms. depending on the type of recipe, 50 gms. in gravies and curries and 100 gms. in dry preparations such as roast or cutlets. The use of coconut, nuts and cream will also change caloric values considerably. Calculations of ones dietary intake is not intended to be a mathematical exercise. It is safe to assume a caloric variation of 25-50 calories on most combination recipes. It is therefore an unnecessary waste of time to calculate calories to the last decimal place. The calorie counter helps one to judge at a quick glance the energy value of the food one takes. It also helps to judge portion size more accurately. All too often, we eat too much without being aware of it. A daily record of the food one takes, the amount consumed and place, is very helpful to accurately estimate what one is eating, how much and where it is consumed. e.g. Bed Tea Pea Nuts Ice Cream 1c 2 tbsps. 1c 7 a.m. T.V. 9 p.m. Cinema 7 p.m.


RECIPES Chicken soup Clear vegetable soup Green pea soup Lentil soup Minestrone soup Mutton soup Sweet corn and chicken soup Tomato soup HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c

patience since weekend eating is usually different from the week day pattern of eating.

WT/VOL K.CALS 230 gms 180 246 210 260 215 gms gms gms gms gms 465 178 109 73 176 99 170 46

220 gms 145 gms

This can be calculated to give the average caloric intake per day. A seven-day record is more accurate if one has the

RECIPES Amti Channa masala Chole puri Dal Dhokli Drumstick amti Gatte ki sabji Kadhi Khatta moong Kokum kadhi Maa ki dal Makhani dal Mandra Masoor dal Moong dal fry Moong usal Panchkuti dal Pithla Sambhar Tomato rasam Tur dal palida+pulav Varan (thick) HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 2 puris + 1 c Chole 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1 c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c c + 1 c c WT/VOL K.CALS 120 gms 154 gms 82 gms+ 377 gms 105 gms 150 gms 148 gms 50 gms 150 gms 85 gms 146 gms 125 gms 177 gms 140 gms 150 gms 106 gms 141 gms 117 gms 120 gms 130 gms 80gms+155 gms 124 gms 124 231 453 238 83 275 170 187 54 92 203 388 254 171 279 110 102 209 156 306 112


RECIPES Bisi bele huli anna Chicken fried rice Chinese vegetable fried rice Coconut rice Curd rice .ried rice (plain) Green pea pulav Khichda Lemon rice Masoor biryani Mutton biryani Navratan pulav Prawn pulav Puliyodarai Sabudana khichadi Sontho Spanish rice Vegetable biryani Vegetable pulav HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1 c 2c 2c 2 c 3c 2c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1 c WT/VOL K.CALS 190 gms 100 gms 105 gms 115 gms 135 gms 120 gms 230 gms 450 gms 293 gms 245 400 162 130 169 272 375 230 200 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms 304 228 148 379 433 208 260 727 400 359 638 650 421 462 324 384 731 236 404

RECIPES Aloo mutter Avial Banana kofta curry Banana vegetable Baingan Bharta Bitter gourd fry Brinjal and arbi bhaji Brinjal curry Brown vegetable stew Cabbage fugath Cauliflower and peas vegetable Colocassia bhaji Doodhi kofta curry Doodhi with channa dal Drumstick amti Dum aloo Dum cauliflower .rench bean fugath .rench fries Hindustani dudhi bhaji Jami kand Kashmiri dum aloo Kuttu Lady finger fugath Lady finger vegetable Masala arbi Masala brinjal HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 1 c 1 c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c c 1c 1c 1c 1 c 1c 1c 1 c 1 c WT/VOL K.CALS 59 gms 150 gms 170 gms 165 gms 170 gms 40 gms 195 gms 305 gms 265 gms 155 gms 116 gms 172 gms 150 gms 120 150 125 195 100 43 gms gms gms gms gms gms 41 86 229 329 327 347 141 215 286 420 111 124 153 139 83 171 47 102 415 202 239 814 252 205 277 248 335

RECIPES Batura Chapati Dinner rolls Jowar roti Khakra Masala puris Methi thepla Missi roti Nan Onion dosa Onion puris Rava dosa with chutney Spinach puris Stuffed parathas (cauliflower) Stuffed parathas (mince) Thalipeeth American chopsuey Baked tomato cheese macaroni Vegetable noodles HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1 2 1 1 2 3 (medium) 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 2 1 2 c 1c 1c WT/VOL K.CALS 70 93 90 83 36 50 40 66 40 35 45 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms 325 203 378 186 102 233 178 281 129 157 191 193 214 202 337 448 459 285 235

325 gms 50 gms 93 gms 48 gms 132 gms 405 gms 180 gms 238 gms

185 gms 115 gms 195 gms 220 gms 133 gms 85 gms 170 gms 180 gms

Moghlai alu Palak paneer Paneer in white gravy Paneer masala Paneer with potato masala Pav bhaji Potato shaak Puri potato bhaji Rasdar aloo Royal malai kofta Sai bhaji Shahi paneer Sindhi curry Stuffed brinjals Stuffed tomato Stuffed tondli Undhiya Vegetable jhalfrani

1c 1c c 1c 1c 2 pav+ 1c bhaji 1c 1c 1c 1 kofta + 1 cup gravy 1c c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c

180 gms 160 gms 115 gms 260 gms 160 50 112 100 150 150 gms gms+ gms gms gms gms

328 165 187 421 597 269 165 546 125 174 185 263 61 146 152 297 501 159


RECIPES Akuri 1c Beef Roast 1c Beef Xacuti 1c Brain Masala 1c Butter Chicken c Chicken Chops 2 pieces Chicken Curry 1c Chicken .ricasse 2c Chicken .ry 2 pieces Chicken Pie 1c Chicken Roast 1 leg piece Chicken Salad 1c Chicken Souffle 1c Chicken Xacuti 1 piece chicken + c gravy Chilli Prawns c Dabba Ghost 1c Egg Curry 1c Egg Masala 1c Egg Vindaloo 2 eggs + c gray 2 pieces fish + 1 c gravy .ish Curry .ish Cutlets 2 pieces .ish Toast .ried .ish 1 piece .ried .ish in Bread crumbs 1 piece Kadai Chicken 1c Kentucky .ried Chicken 2 pieces Kheema Curry 1c Kidney Curry 1c Malai Chicken 2c Mince and Potato Chops 1 piece Murg Masalum 1c Mutton Do Pyaza 1c Mutton Egg Chop 2 pieces Mutton Korma 1c Mutton Rogan Gosh 1c Mutton Samosa 2 pieces Palak Chicken 1c Patra Ni Machi 1 piece Pork and Beef Rolls 1 roll Pork Vindaloo 1c Prawn Curry 1c Prawn Cutlets 2 pieces Prawn Patia 1c Prawn Pulav 2c Seekh Kabab 1 piece Shikam Puri Kabab 2 pieces Stew 1c Stuffed Omelette 1 Stuffed Omelette Toast 1 piece Tomato Masala Mutton 1c HOUSEHOLD MEASURE WT/VOL 130 160 150 180 185 100 205 340 130 145 55 130 100 175 87 156 70 138 75 204 90 53 23 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms K.CALS 317 221 370 716 694 230 443 483 241 266 81 353 188 347 195 394 175 144 291 165 280 174 33 291 439 512 199 433 355 230 317 254 269 189 193 326 87 303 159 388 104 265 222 421 141 103 114 127 168 274

415 gms 238 gms 95 gms 150 gms 200 gms 250 gms 106 gms 161 gms 98 gms


RECIPES Boondi Raita Carrot Raita Chicken Salad Cucumber and Tomato Salad Russian Salad Sprouted Moong + Cabbage Koshimbir Tomato Pachdi Tomato Sauce HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c 1c c WT/VOL K.CALS 145 gms 115 gms 130 gms 60 gms 115 gms 130 gms 124 gms 40 gms 169 68 353 12 517 180 112 50

Coconut Chutney Coriander Chutney Date Chutney Green Tomato Chutney Groundnut Chutney Ripe Tomato Chutney Spinach Chutney 1 tbsp c 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 2 tbsps 20 gms 25 gms 25 gms 20 gms 15 gms 30 gms 25 gms 83 72 63 55 75 40 14

110 gms 195 gms 106 100 128 295 87 130 134 90 200 138 52 75 87 122 120 60 66 127 162 55 120 164 80 96 167 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms


RECIPES Adirasam Apple Pie Banana Pak Basundi Besan Ladoo Bread and Butter Pudding Bread Halva Carrot Halva Chocolate Mousse Chocolate Pudding Chocolate Coconut Barfi Coconut Karanji Custard with .ruit Salad Dalia Ladoo Date Rolls Dudhi Halva Dudh Pak Eves Pudding .alooda (China Grass Pudding) .ruit Salad Gud Papdi Kaju Puri Kaju Rolls Khiran Koicalta Kopra Pak Malai Kulfi Malpua Mango Ice-cream Marzipans Mohanthal Murmura Chikki Nankatai Nougat Souffle Orange Soufle Pancakes with Lime and Sugar Peanut Ladoo Phirni Pongal Potato Halva Puran Poli Rabadi Rasgullas Rava Sheera Rice Kheer Sandesh Savaiya Seer Kurma Shahi Tukre Shrikand Steamed Modak Stuffed Bananas Sweet Sakarpara Til Ladoo HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 2 pieces 1/6th pie 1 piece 1c 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 1c 1c 1 piece 1 piece 2 pieces 2 pieces 1c 2 pieces 1 piece c 1 piece 1c 1 piece 1c 3 pieces 2 pieces 2 pieces 1c 2 pieces 3 pieces 1 kulfi mould 1 piece 1 kulfi mould 1 piece 2 pieces 1 piece 2 pieces 1 triangular piece 3"x3"x3" 1c 2 pieces 1 piece 1c c 1c 2 1 1/4c 2 pieces 1c 1c 3 pieces 1 serving 1c 1c 1c 1 piece banana + filling 12-15 pieces 2 pieces WT/VOL K.CALS 148 84 138 216 41 83 75 135 90 59 20 60 140 70 34 90 170 64 152 140 49 50 28 195 131 115 75 40 70 20 85 14 90 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms 532 278 421 513 317 706 215 461 158 302 140 314 538 253 370 176 234 559 120 250 225 283 153 166 411 345 305 208 342 147 92 121 71 300 282 212 235 496 403 402 335 544 726 387 252 347 89 521 311 482 466 244 467 335 209 RECIPES Akuri Alu Pattice Amiri Khaman Appam Bread Rolls Cornflakes Poha Corn Croquettes Coriander Muthia Dudhi Muthia .rench .ries .rench Toast Khandvi Masala Peanuts Mathri Misal Mutton .rankie Mutton Samosa

HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 2 pieces 1c 1 2 pieces c 1c 2 pieces 1 roll 3 pieces c 2 pieces 7 pieces c 6 pieces 1c 1 2 pieces PAKODAS Onion Pakodas Paneer Pakodas Peanut Pakodas Patra Pea Kachori Potato Bakarwadi Potato Poha Potato Tikkis with Tamarind Chutney Punjabi Samosas Quick Samosas pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces 1c 2 pieces+ c 2 pieces 5 pieces SANDWICHES RECIPES Chicken Sandwich Chutney Sandwich Potato and Cheese Sandwich Tomato Sandwich Tomato, Cucumber, Cheese Sandwich Sandwich Dhokla Scones Sela Bread Sev Spicy Shankarpara Tomato Omelette HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1 1 1 1 1 10 pieces 2 pieces 2c 1c c 1 WT/VOL 40 gms 30 gms 260 gms 100 gms 241 250 135 140 66 50 77 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms K.CALS 301 181 459 373 346 258 425 327 358 119 151 8 8 3 4 2 2 58 125 41 85 76 44 93 140 35 102 46 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms 315 376 225 214 203 119 178 240 518 127 WT/VOL 130 120 93 62 145 50 102 80 107 90 43 114 45 32 54 70 90 52 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms K.CALS 317 275 474 117 394 290 318 232 483 209 415 112 129 214 291 136 367 326

104 gms 100 gms 80 88 150 100 165 100 191 80 120 153 20 60 167 200 106 53 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms

123 gms 50 gms 40 gms


RECIPES Chickoo Milkshake Egg .lip Tea HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 1c 1c WT/VOL K.CALS 200 ml 160 gms 150 gms 180 272 54

RECIPES Bournvita in milk (1 tsp. sugar) Bournvita Cocoa Cocoa in milk (2 tsp. sugar) Coffee with milk (1 tsp. sugar) Coffee (instant) in milk (1 tsp. sugar) Complan Horlicks (15 g + 10 g sugar in milk) Horlicks Lactodex Tea (25 ml milk 1 tsp sugar) Viva HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1c 2 tbsp 1 tbsp 1c 1c 1c 1 tbsp 1c 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 1c 2 tbsp WT/VOL K.CALS 150 ml 30g 6g 150 ml 150 ml 150 ml 15 g 150 ml 30 g 30 g 150 ml 30 g 201 120 26 166 54 141 80 196 110 115 37 125

RECIPES HOUSEHOLD MEASURE Batata Vada 3 pieces Dahi Vada 2 pieces Medu Vada 2 pieces Mixed Dal Vada 2 pieces Sabudana Vada 3 pieces Vegetable Cheese Toast 2 pieces Vegetable Upma 1c Welsh Rarebit 2 pieces WT/VOL K.CALS 88 215 95 50 105 140 160 240 gms gms gms gms gms gms gms gms 419 181 218 198 327 308 256 869


RECIPES Butter Cookies Chocolate Brownies Custard Tarts HOUSEHOLD MEASURE 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece WT/VOL 20 gms 78 gms 40 gms K.CALS 100 477 327

RECIPES Beer (light) 4.5% alcohol Beer (lager) Gin Rum Sherry Whisky Wine (red) HOUSEHOLD MEASURE bottle 1 glass 1 peg 1 peg 1 wine glass 1 peg 1 wine glass WT/VOL K.CALS 375 240 50 50 50 50 50 ml ml ml ml ml ml ml 151 98 35 135 84 135 40

VARIETY Anytime Circus Coconut Crunchees Cream Cracker Delite Digestive Gingernut Glucose-D GoodDay Butter GoodDay Cashew Marie Milk Bikis Nice Petite Beurre Snax Thin Arrowroot Top Malt Bisk Bourbon Choc. Cream Orange Cream Elaichi Cream CALORIC VALUE PER BISCUIT 31 27 42 38 40 37 47 30 53 52 26 35 32 31 15 26 29 31 63 45 45


Gold Spot Thumsup Limca Citra .rooti Appy

250 250 250 250 200 200

ml ml ml ml ml ml

12.0 10.4 10.2 10.5 15.0 14.0


RECIPES HOUSEHOLD MEASURE Black .orest 1 piece Bright .ruit Cake 1 piece Cucumber Cake 1 piece Devils .ood Cake 1 piece Eggless Chocolate Cake 1 piece Mawa Cake 1 piece Pineapple upside down 1 piece WT/VOL K.CALS 56 gms 54 gms 3"x3"x3" 30 gms 6.5x5x3 cms 86 gms 40 gms 301 240 330 102 273 295 242

VARIETY Gluco (Parle-G) Monaco Krackjack Cheeslings CALORIES/100 gms 444 495 495 475

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