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Portable Shortwave Radio Guide

VERSION 4 2011
The information below is not guaranteed to be free of errors.

This guide will help you pick a top shortwave radio. Most radios are not worth purchasing.
This includes image-laden single-conversion radios that lack SSB (ex. KA!"# $%&!!# 'B-(!!)*#
ATS-+!+# *!# and ,,%adio S-). and dri/ty analog-tuned radios with digital /re0uency-counter
displays (ex. KA!!1# *T$%# 2M+!!# 2!!# )T-"!# 3*!+# S("!34# and S+"!345. and analog
dial radios. My picks are show in green6 negatives in yellow6 and deal-7reaking negatives in red.
The charts only show dual-conversion (/or gain distri7ution and image re8ection. and )44-
synthesi9ed (/or sta7ility and memories. radios. 'ou can minimi9e selective /ading distortion and
select the cleaner AM side7and (/or reduced ad8acent inter/erence. using SIDE(!ND#SE"ETED !).
$or SIDE(!ND#SE"ETED !) select: AM-mode (slow A2,.# a narrow /ilter (( or + k;9.# and
o//set tune 7y plus (<SB. or minus (4SB. nearly half the /ilter=s 7andwidth ( or > k;9.. 'ou will
notice a 7oost in audio /idelity. *x. --,% at +1+! k;9 is <SB tuned at +1+> k;9 and 4SB tuned
at +1(1 k;9. <nder normal selective /ading SIDE(!ND#SE"ETED !) works well6 and during heavy
/ading it is superior (there is no lock to 7e lost. to production porta7les having Synchronous-AM.
Radio R* (+ Ste, SS( o-t Si.e )e/ 01ob Re2h
KA $A?% " k;9 @A B"! ( !!! @A @A
3*!" $A?% k;9 @A B&! ( !!! -;**4 '*S
2& Aviator $A?% k;9 ! ;9 BC! 1 C!! -;**4 B1
KA! 2AA3 > " k;9 @A B&" D >! @A '*S
)4-+"! 2AA3 > k;9 @A B&C > "!! '*S '*S
KA!> 2AA3 > k;9 '*S B&D >> (( @A '*S
3*!( 2AA3 > k;9 '*S BC> ( >&1 '*S '*S
$A?% > k;9 )AA% B!" (+ +!! '*S '*S
)4-&!! $A?% > k;9 )AA% BC! +! "!! '*S '*S
)T-1! $A?% k;9 )AA% B+1 "> 1 -;**4 @A
2+!!!A 2AA3 > k;9 )AA% B11 &! +! @A @A
2AA3 > k;9 +! ;9 B>+" &> ("> '*S B1
ATS-"!") $A?% k;9 )AA% B!( &" 1 '*S @A
%)>!! 2AA3 > k;9 B"> B> >>D (! '*S B1
Satellit C"! 2AA3 > k;9 '*S B>&! &! &!! '*S @A
RF (radio and audio performance), BW (bandwidths), Sie (in cubic inches)
!em (shortwa"e memories), Rech (recharge system and batteries)
#aito imports $egen radios% for e&ample, the #'(()* and $+(()* are interchangeable.
The CCRadio SW is the R,-()). The Tecsun S-2000 is the Satellit ./).
0uality control on the Grundig Satellit 750 and Grundig G6 Aviator is not good.
The discontinued ATS-606AP, ATS-818ACS, 5, G5, and SW!5 are not recommended.
The KA!> is a small and lightweight radio with good audio# decent SSB# and Eautomatic
tune scanningF (ATS.. ?ts ATS will automatically populate >! memories with stations it /inds. The
radio is good on $M and its 7uttons are 7acklit. SSB is only availa7le when in E)age DF memories.
The 3*!( is a top modern 35ing porta7le with good whip sensitivity and good immunity
to external antenna overload. ?ts Epause and continue1 scanning helps to /ind stations. The kno7
can 7e used to step through the memories. The radio does well on $M and its 7uttons are 7acklit.
*rgonomics are not stellar. The radio has no "-k;9 tuning kno7 step and the tuning kno7 dou7les
as a volume control (press EGA4F then turn the dial6 or type a volume num7er then press EGA4F..
The %)>!! is easy-to-use and sensitive. ?t has a 7ig kno7# display# and " -atts o/ audio.
The unit has no numeric keypad# no SSB (B"> extra.# and only ! memories per ! M;9 segment.

SAM detectors insert a carrier that maintains phase with the incoming carrier6 to help with
carrier dropouts. @o detector can recover audio lost in a side7and dropout. 3istortion is primarily
reduced via 7andwidth limiting (audio phasing can suppress an entire side7and. and a slow A2,.
$iode detection o/ AM is /orgiving o/ local oscillator insta7ility: the carrier# akin to 7eing a
B$A# moves with the side7ands in per/ect Esynchroni9ationF. 3uring carrier dropouts# signals will
appear over-modulated6 7ut# with normal modulation# a diode distorts less than a SAM detector.
Radio R* (+ Ste, SS( o-t Si.e )e/ 01ob Re2h
2( $A?% > k;9 '*S B"! (! C!! '*S B1
)4-&&! 2AA3 > k;9 '*S B! +( +!! '*S '*S
S-C&!!2% 2AA3 k;9 '*S B+" +" !! @A @A
The "1106, possibly similar to the 2*, was not a"ailable in the 3S.
0uality control on the Grundig G! is not good.
The SW.4))2R #olds loc$ slightly better than the ,5644) and much better than the 2*.
The S-C&!!2% is a well6built radio with SAM# good sensitivity# good $M# a slick antenna#
and great SSB due to its audio phasing. Sony includes a wind-up antenna (A@-C. and a 0uality
carrying case. The audio is a little tinny (hollow. sounding and an A, adapter will run a7out B>!.

4. SI"ION "!(S Si4434 (!SED DSP
The Si+C(+ is an innovative low-?$ 3S) receiver chip made 7y Silicon 4a7s. ? have written
/ive articles on this chip. <n/ortunately# some makers are not properly programming the chip. The
Si+C(+ has " digital /ilters ((, -, *, 7, and 4 89.# an on-chip s-meter# and it automatically tunes
its input. The Si+C(+ does not decode SSB. 2ood SSB helped distinguish the radios chosen a7ove.
Radio R* (+ S) SS( o-t Si.e )e/ 01ob Re2h
3*" $A?%
@A B+ & !! @A '*S
@A B&+ & !! '*S '*S
@A B+D & !! @A '*S
)4-(&! 2AA3 '*S @A B"1 ( >"! -;**4 '*S
)4-&!& 2AA3 + '*S @A B"( ( >"! -;**4 B+
)4-(1! 2AA3 " 4A- @A B"( 1 >"! -;**4 '*S
)4-(!!-T $A?% '*S @A B"" 1 >!! -;**4 '*S
21 $A?% '*S @A B"! 1 >!! -;**4 @A
)4-(! 2AA3 " '*S @A B"( >> >!! '*S '*S
)4-(D! 2AA3 " 4A- @A B&& >D >"! -;**4 '*S
S! (soft muting): can cause a wea8 station;s audio to drop off or decrease.
<nly the P%-!80, P%-!10, and P%-!&0 ha"e a numeric 8eypad.

The )4-(D! is a good Si+C(+-7ased radio. ?t has all /ive digital /ilters# minimal soft muting
(can attenuate 35.# and a numeric keypad. The ATSH*TM makes /inding stations simple. The line
in =ac8 can 7e used to play other devices through the dual speakers. The display shows signal-to-
noise ratio (dB.# signal strength (dBu.# and temperature. Tuning step si9e is (6#h. The )4-(1! is
the )4-(D!Is smaller si7ling with one speaker# no line in =ac8# and no antenna =ac8. The )4-(! is
a popular radio: it is sensitive and has a tuning kno7. The )4-(! does have heavier so/t muting.
Silicon 4a7s is now the leader in shortwave technology. And Tecsun has a keen eye /or ergonomics.

'ou can hear distant stations (35. using porta7les# such as those ? recommend. A B"!!
ta7letop is not needed6 7ut they do work well# especially on SSB. <sing SIDE(!ND#SE"ETED !)
you can program listen (S-4. without a SAM detector. ?n >!!(# ? proved that an B Sony ?,$-
S!MK> and %adio Shack 4oop could detect 647 o/ what an ?,AM %C" and Juantum J5 4oop
could (on M-.. 35 varies moment to moment and catches o/ten depend upon timing# location#
operator skill# luck# and the antenna. ? routinely use single-transistor (and triode. radios to 35.
'our /irst upgrade# 7e/ore a ta7letop# should 7e the antenna. ?n ur7an locations tape >"
/eet o/ wire wrap (nearly invisi7le. high up on your wall. Another option is to 7uild a tuned loop.
4oops reduce mixer energy and can 7e rotated to stop local noise. When tuning SSB on a radio
without an 3SB>5SB switch, try offset tuning by ( to - 89 (3SB upward, 5SB downward). The
stock speakers on porta7les are not optimal. *arphones or headphones can greatly enhance the
radioIs audio. ?/ possi7le# 7uy radios /rom <S dealers so that a pro7lem can 7e returned easier.
? recommend the KA!># 3*!(# S-C&!!2%# )4-(D!# and )4-(1!. Schematics /or the
/irst three are availa7le on the internet. The KA!> is a great little radio /or shortwave listening.
The 3*!( is the winner o/ many modern porta7le 35 contests. The S-C&!!2% is 7uilt to last#
and has a good synchronous detector and SSB. The )4-(1! and )4-(D! are 3S) radios with /ive
digital /ilters# an easy-tuning-mode (/inds stations /or you.# a good display# super7 $M# and top-
notch ergonomics. 'ou can o//set tune these two 3S) radios 7y up to an entire /ilter 7andwidth.
Tecsun and Silicon 4a7s are revolutioni9ing M-# S-# and $M radio: the )4-(D! is sure to please.
Kaito 0!1102
S+"# small# lightweight
no 8nob
Sony S+4800GR
S!)# high-0uality# SSB
hollow sound
Tecsun P"#390
DSP# " /ilters# *TM
no SSB
3egen DE1103
S+ D: champion
ergonomics not ideal
?f ? could own only two:
$egen @ #aito

Tecsun @ Silicon 5abs
Tecsun P"#360
DSP# " /ilters# *TM# $M 35
no SSB

Copyright 2011
Dr. Phil

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