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Significance of Health, Safety and Environment Highlighted 11th October, 2013 Seri Mulia Sarjana School The first

t Health, Safety and Environment talk was organized by the HSE Committee and Emergency Response Team on Friday at SMSS Preschool hall. Present during the event were the Principal of Secondary Section, Cikgu Radzuan bin Abdullah, Deputy Principal for Preschool & Primary Section, Cikgu Masjiah bte Metussin as well as the supervisors, teachers and staff from the Preschool, Primary and Secondary sections. Acting Deputy Principal (Administration) Mr. Simon Wong , in his opening address highlighted the significance of HSE in todays school environment and the importance of sharing safety guidelines and procedures as an intention for a safer learning and working environment. He said that organizing such event is in line with the schools core value of making the safety of the children a priority. The HSE policies and procedures were further elaborated by the appointed HSE officers for each section. Among the main objectives of the policy were to establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the school and to ensure the provision of sufficient information to ensure that all employees and pupils are aware of hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety. During the event, appointed Fire Marshalls and First-Aid Coordinators have additionally explained their roles, guidelines and procedures in providing a framework in which the school can plan for and perform its respective emergency functions during school crisis situations. At the end, questions and suggestions from the attendees were answered and taken into consideration respectively in order to make our school a safe and conducive working environment.

Written by:

Amallina binti Hj Ahmad English Department

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