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, Assistant Professor, Indian College of Education, 51/2A, Katapdi to Thiruvalam Road, Opp to V.I.I. Vellore 14. Vellore District. Email id:
Cell: 91+ 97860 54756.

Abstract Ancient Moral Education: The term moral education typically conjures up the vision of getting the young conform to the moral codes and values of the elders in the community in which they are growing up. The moral education is the yearning for cultural reproduction: the desires of the older generation to produce their own beliefs, values, code of conduct, habits and practices among the young. The object of much contemporary moral education in so called free countries is to make moral men in-the-street into the morally well- informed citizens, but to some extent, and even in the non - domestic societies, the process growing to adulthood inevitably poses questions that force many people the reconsider the moral recipe learned in childhood and routinely applied up to that moment. Musgrave 1978.The following are described in the moral education such as Self control, Development of character, Generation of sociability or Social awareness, Integral development of personality, Propagation of purity and Preservation of knowledge and culture. The child is not born with a built in moral conscience. But he is born with those natural, biologically purposive capacities that make him potentially a moral being, Bull 1969. Modern Moral Education: Moral education refers to the processes through which relevant knowledge, attitudes, values and skills are transmitted and developed in children. It focuses on the development to the cognitive, social and emotional skills which are necessary for moral thinking, action and feeling. Moral education concerns thus the practices and strategies that socializing agents use to equip children with the resource to address issue about right or wrong in their everyday life. In other words moral education is the process by which boys and girls in the school are facilitated to live well, and its goal is to teach them to reach for the higher good. It is commonly held that the fundamental human need is to get on with others, to love and be loved, be concerned and be considerate of others.

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