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Performance Support

Virtualization: Installing an Operating System on a Virtual Machine

Were using the vSphere Client from VMware to connect to a physical host where weve installed VMware ESX. We've also created two virtual machines and for our purposes today were going to install an operating system on one of our VMs. !nstalling an operating system on a virtual machine is no different than installing the operating system on a physical machine. "he machine is completely ready. !t has access to all the resources it re#uires. $n a physical machine you simply put the installation media in the C%&%V% drive power the machine on and the installation 'egins. (or a virtual machine it's much the same process. !t's the same installation media. )ll we need to do is ma*e sure that when the virtual machine is powered on it can 'oot from that installation media. +ow do we do that, -et's select the virtual machine and edit the settings so that we can see where the C%&%V% drive is actually pointed. "he virtual C%&%V% drive on this virtual machine is currently pointed to Client Device. What we want to do is we want to change that selection. We want to select Datastore ISO File. (or our demonstrations !ve created a folder on the ESX server .or the host server/ and !ve placed an !S$ file there that we can use to actually install the Windows X0 operating system. So we want to ma*e sure that the virtual machine is pointed to that !S$ file 'efore we start. We also want to ma*e sure that the device 1 the virtual %V% drive 1 is going to 'e connected when we power the machine on. So we change the setting clic* OK and let the reconfiguration of the virtual machine complete. )nd then we simply power on the virtual machine. -et's go have a loo* at the Console ta' which is where were going to see the window of the virtual machine itself. )nd as you can see here the virtual machine is powered on. !t's 'ooting from the !S$ image of the installation C% and the Windows installation has 'egun. $nce the operating system installation completes we 2ust access the operating system to complete the configuration directly from the Virtual Machine Management Console 1 as you see here 1 2ust as you would complete the installation of any physical machine. "hats how you install the operating system on a VM.

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