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Kotretan Modul 5 Kurva Karakteristik LED Biru (bening)

Gambar 1. Karakteristik 1 LED biru (bening).

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 1.42 and std 0.8375 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.8283 (-8.352e+006, 8.352e+006) b= 19.74 (-1.008e+007, 1.008e+007) c= 8.606 (8.253, 8.959) d = 4.159e-006 (-7.04e-006, 1.536e-005) Goodness of fit: SSE: 8.307e-008 R-square: 0.9951 Adjusted R-square: 0.9948 RMSE: 3.922e-005 Huruf Lower Upper a 0 Inf b -Inf Inf c -Inf Inf d -Inf Inf

LED Hijau (bening)

Gambar 2. Karakteristik 1 LED hijau (bening).

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.9954 and std 0.5925 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.7491 (-3.458e+006, 3.458e+006) b= 19.41 (-4.616e+006, 4.616e+006) c= 8.682 (8.334, 9.03) d = -1.008e-006 (-1.048e-005, 8.464e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 2.771e-008 R-square: 0.9983 Adjusted R-square: 0.9981 RMSE: 2.737e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

Inf Inf Inf Inf

LED Merah (bening)

Gambar 3. Karakteristik 1 LED merah (bening).

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.9211 and std 0.5503 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a= 0.05 (-2.888e+006, 2.888e+006) b= 19.71 (-5.776e+007, 5.776e+007) c= 10.29 (9.965, 10.61) d = 8.379e-007 (-3.872e-006, 5.547e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 5.968e-009 R-square: 0.9991 Adjusted R-square: 0.999 RMSE: 1.325e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

0.1 Inf Inf Inf

LED Orange (bening)

Gambar 4. Karakteristik 1 LED orange (bening).

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.9464 and std 0.5653 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a= 2.143 (-2.557e+007, 2.557e+007) b= 26.55 (-1.193e+007, 1.193e+007) c= 11.92 (11.27, 12.56) d = 1.102e-006 (-2.603e-006, 4.808e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 3.936e-009 R-square: 0.9989 Adjusted R-square: 0.9988 RMSE: 1.06e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

8000 Inf Inf Inf

LED Putih (bening)

Gambar 5. Karakteristik 1 LED putih (bening).

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 1.497 and std 0.8827 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.1349 (-2.962e+006, 2.962e+006) b= 18.34 (-2.195e+007, 2.195e+007) c= 8.673 (8.421, 8.925) d = 3.266e-006 (-2.093e-006, 8.624e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 2.112e-008 R-square: 0.9981 Adjusted R-square: 0.998 RMSE: 1.925e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

Inf Inf Inf Inf

LED selubung Hijau

Gambar 6. Karakteristik 1 LED selubung hijau.

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.9705 and std 0.5782 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.0005 (-3.937e+004, 3.937e+004) b= 13.64 (-7.874e+007, 7.874e+007) c= 9.584 (9.087, 10.08) d = 3.765e-006 (-3.611e-006, 1.114e-005) Goodness of fit: SSE: 1.588e-008 R-square: 0.9986 Adjusted R-square: 0.9985 RMSE: 2.1e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

0.001 Inf Inf Inf

LED selubung Kuning

Gambar 7. Karakteristik 1 LED selubung kuning.

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.9451 and std 0.5636 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.0005392 (-1.269e+005, 1.269e+005) b= 20.13 (-2.354e+008, 2.354e+008) c= 13.62 (12.97, 14.27) d = -1.835e-006 (-8.327e-006, 4.658e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 1.218e-008 R-square: 0.9989 Adjusted R-square: 0.9988 RMSE: 1.865e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

0.001 Inf Inf Inf

LED selubung Merah kecil

Gambar 8. Karakteristik 1 LED selubung merah kecil.

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 0.8454 and std 0.5065 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 0.4672 (-3.059e+006, 3.059e+006) b= 24.12 (-6.549e+006, 6.549e+006) c= 11.75 (11.52, 11.98) d = -2.033e-006 (-5.968e-006, 1.903e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 3.535e-009 R-square: 0.9995 Adjusted R-square: 0.9995 RMSE: 1.068e-005 Huruf Lower Upper

a b c d

0 -Inf -Inf -Inf

Inf Inf Inf Inf

LED selubung Merah besar

Gambar 9. Karakteristik 1 LED selubung merah besar.

General model: f(x) = a*exp(-b+c*x)-d where x is normalized by mean 1.998 and std 1.174 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a= 16.87 (-2.931e+009, 2.931e+009) b= 29.56 (-1.738e+008, 1.738e+008) c= 9.886 (4.857, 14.92) d = -1.008e-009 (-1.328e-006, 1.326e-006) Goodness of fit: SSE: 2.431e-009 R-square: 0.75 Adjusted R-square: 0.7403 RMSE: 5.619e-006 Huruf Lower Upper

a 0 Inf b -Inf Inf c -Inf Inf d -Inf Inf 2 Catatan: maksimal R yang didapat untuk grafik di atas hanya 75% apabila fitting seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar. Sebenarnya fitting dapat berupa garis lurus di sekitar nilai 0 dengan R2 mencapai 85%, tetapi tidak dapat merepresentasikan perumusan sebenarnya.

Gambar grafik di sekitar VTH LED Biru (bening)

Gambar 10. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED biru bening.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 2.41 V

LED Hijau (bening)

Gambar 11. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED hijau bening.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.77 V

LED Merah (bening)

Gambar 12. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED merah bening.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.5 V

LED Orange (bening)

Gambar 13. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED orange bening.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.58 V

LED Putih (bening)

Gambar 14. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED putih bening.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 2.52 V

LED selubung Hijau

Gambar 15. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED selubung hijau.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.65 V

LED selubung Kuning

Gambar 16. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED selubung kuning.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.56 V

LED selubung Merah kecil

Gambar 17. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED selubung merah kecil.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 1.41 V

LED selubung Merah besar

Gambar 18. Grafik pengamatan sekitar Vth LED selubung merah besar.

Dari hasil pengamatan, diperoleh nilai VTH = 3.83 V Catatan: grafik sisanya gradien buat nyari Rs.

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