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Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology: Julia Roberts Horoscope by Ronnie Gale Dreyer (This article first appeared in the NCGR

Geocosmic Journal in Fall 2004.) Jyotish (Sanskrit for Science of Light), is based on the Sidereal, or Nirayana, zodiac, which is fixed in relation to the stars, as opposed to the sy bolic !ropical, or Sayana, zodiac, which is based on the "ernal, or Spring, #$%inox& !he difference between the two zodiacs lies in the ayana sa, the difference in degrees and in%tes between '( )ries in the sidereal zodiac, and the "ernal #$%inox& Since the earth*s rotational axis o+es slowly in a circ%lar, or precessional, otion, the "ernal #$%inox, the point where the S%n crosses the celestial e$%ator each year, o+ing fro so%th declination to north declination, ne+er $%ite ret%rns to its starting place& ,nstead, the +ernal point o+es in a retrograde anner thro%gh the zodiacal belt at an ann%al rate of approxi ately -'&./ seconds per year,0 tho%gh it +aries slowly o+er ti e& 1nown as the 23recession of the #$%inoxes,2 this slow and steady backward o+e ent of the +ernal e$%inox takes approxi ately 40&54 years to ad+ance one degree (40&54 x -'&./2 6 /5'' seconds or 5' in%tes or 0 degree)& )ltho%gh that is relati+ely inconse$%ential o+er one lifeti e, o+er any cent%ries the "ernal #$%inox has o+ed farther and farther away fro '( )ries, tho%gh the #$%inox and sidereal '( )ries act%ally coincided aro%nd .70 )8& ,n .''9, the 1rishna %rti ayana sa is aro%nd ./(-.*, which eans that the "ernal #$%inox falls at aro%nd 5( 3isces :* in the sidereal zodiac& !his fig%re ay +ary slightly fro astrologer to astrologer, as there are se+eral different ayana sas in %se& !he one ost co only %tilized is na ed for Lahiri, who for %lated it, and at present it is ./(-:*;only abo%t six in%tes difference fro the 1rishna %rti ayana sa&. <ther co only %sed ayana sas are those %sed by =& "& >a an, Sri ?%kteswar, and the @aganA)llen ayana sa, fa+ored by Bestern siderealists who %se the sidereal zodiac b%t do not s%bscribe to "edic astrology& Calculating the Chart !o arri+e at the "edic sidereal positions, yo% can of co%rse %se any of the c%rrent software progra s a+ailable, or yo% can si ply s%btract the ayana sa of the year yo% were born fro the tropical positions& (!he ayana sa is easy to find in any software progra , book, or e+en al anac&) Csing J%lia >oberts as an exa ple ( ctober !"# $%&'# $!:$& A(# )myrna GA), we first s%btract the 1rishna %rti ayana sa for 0754 of ./(0:* fro her tropical ascendant of .4( Dancer -0*, arri+ing at a sidereal ascendant of 9( Dancer /.*& 1nown in Sanskrit as Lagna, the ascendant is the sign that rises on the #astern horizon at the exact o ent of birth, and constit%tes the first ho%se of personality, destiny, and general life path; aking it the ost i portant ho%se of the chart, and the one that best defines oneEs indi+id%ality and life choices& !he r%ler of that ascendant and where it is placed will also help define all facets of the personEs

!his is the fig%re %sed by astrologer and article&


athe atician, 1&S& 1rishna %rti, whose ayana sa , %se thro%gho%t this

=eca%se Lahiri and 1rishna %rtiEs ayana sas differ by only six in%tes, they gi+e +ery si ilar res%lts& !he ti ing of dasas, or planetary periods, between these two ayana sas differ by abo%t fi+e weeks, and e+ery so often, the difference in ayana sas ay ca%se a planet to be in a different sign&

destiny and personality& ,f the ascendant and its r%ler are strong, so will the character be strong, and if it is weak, the life force ay also be weak& =%t donEt despair, beca%se within the syste of Jyotish there are so any ways to strengthen yo%r weaknesses, and direct the e+ents of yo%r life so that yo% can f%lfill yo%r destiny, or kar a& Like ost classical syste s, "edic astrology %tilizes the whole sign ho%se syste , whereby an entire sign, or rasi, co prises each ho%se, or bha+a& !his is not by any eans the only ho%se syste %sed in ,ndia, b%t it is the ost co on and the ost straightforward for beginners to %se& ,n >obertsE chart this eans that the entire first ho%se is ade %p of the sign of Dancer, her rising sign& !o that end, the second ho%se will be Leo, the third ho%se "irgo, the fo%rth ho%se Libra, and so on& #ach ho%se contains the entire sign and all planets that occ%py that sign& #+en if the ascending degree were .7( Dancer, for exa ple, the entire ho%se wo%ld still be Dancer, with the exact ascending degree falling towards the end of the ho%se& )fter s%btracting the ayana sa fro the ascendant, we then do the sa e with all the planets, or grahas& J%lia >obertsE sidereal lagna retains the sa e sign as her tropical ascendant beca%se it is abo+e ./ degreesF any of her planets, howe+er, change signs& )ltho%gh ost odern "edic astrologers %se Cran%s, Nept%ne, and 3l%to, , ha+e only %sed the traditional grahas;S%n thro%gh Sat%rn, and North and So%th Node (>ah% and 1et%)& =y taking that ayana sa and s%btracting it fro her tropical planets we get the positions as followsG *ropical +ositions S%n (S%rya) Hoon (Dhandra) Hars (1%Ia) Herc%ry (=%dhi) J%piter (J%r%) "en%s (S%kra) Sat%rn (Sani) North Node (>ah%) So%th Node (1et%) 9( Scorpio '/* .9( Leo 94* /( Dapricorn 9-* 0/( Scorpio -/* > 0( "irgo ..* 0:( "irgo '9* 4( )ries '7* > .4( )ries --* .4( Libra --* )idereal +ositions 0'( Libra 9-* 0( Leo .7* 0'( Sagittari%s .5* .'( Libra /9* > :( Leo 9* .9( Leo 9-* 0/( 3isces -'* > 9( )ries /5* 9( Libra /5*/

!he next step is to draw the horoscopes, and , ha+e %sed both North and So%th ,ndian diagra s, which +ary fro region to region& !o read the North ,ndianAstyle chart (@ig& 0), follow the signsAho%ses by starting with the ascendant (the top central box) and proceeding countercloc,-ise& !he ho%ses are always in the sa e positions, b%t the signs contained therein +ary depending on the rising sign& ,n this chart we can clearly see the order of the ho%ses& !o read the So%th ,ndianAstyle chart (@ig& .), in which the signs are always in the sa e place, begin with )ries, which is the second position fro the %pper left corner, and proceed cloc,-ise. 3lacing a diagonal thro%gh it arks the Dancer ascendant& Be then place the planets in their appropriate sign&

!his is the order that the planets are always listed& !hey also correspond to the days of the week as followsG S%ndayAS%n, HondayAHoon, !%esdayAHars, BednesdayAHerc%ry, !h%rsdayAJ%piter, @ridayA"en%s, Sat%rdayA Sat%rn&

Julia Roberts /agna and /agna /ord !o %nderstand the co%rse of her Io%rney, we begin with >obertsE lagna& Dancer is a cardinal, water sign that represents, ho e, fa ily, e otions, and often t%r oil that lies beneath the s%rface& Dancerians are de+oted to their fa ilies, and $%ite often, their relati+es and lo+ed ones are instr% ental in helping the achie+e their goals& ,t is no wonder that J%lia went into the fa ily b%siness of acting;her other ran a dra a school thro%gho%t J%liaEs childhood, and her older brother #ric (with who she has a diffic%lt relationship) was an established actor when J%lia started o%t& Ker older sister Lisa, also a str%ggling actress, welco ed her yo%nger sister to share her New ?ork apart ent after J%lia grad%ated high school& Bitho%t the s%pport of her fa ily and doors that opened for her, she ight not ha+e s%cceeded& Jeorge B& =%shEs fa ily relationships are also clearly seen thro%gh his sidereal Dancer ascendant& )ltho%gh fa ily is of %t ost i portance, Dancerians are +ery sensiti+e, and since their feelings often stay beneath the s%rface, they are acc%sto ed to relationships that fall in and o%t of fa+or& )s close and loyal as they are to those they lo+e, they are e$%ally %nforgi+ing to those they feel ha+e betrayed the & )fter exa ining the rising sign, we o+e on to the planets that occ%py the first ho%se (>oberts does not ha+e any planets there), and then we analyze the chart r%ler, that is, the planet that r%les the ascendant& !o assess what area of the chart will do inate the indi+id%alEs life, o%r first step is to see the sign and ho%se that the ascendant lord occ%pies& >e e ber that classical "edic astrology does not %se Cran%s, Nept%ne, and 3l%to, and that we %se traditional r%lerships so that Hars r%les Scorpio, J%piter r%les 3isces, and Sat%rn r%les )$%ari%s& Csing J%lia >obertsE chart, we see that the Hoon, which r%les her Dancer ascendant, is placed in Leo, a fixed, fire sign that is dra atic, independent, egotistical, controlling, and agnani o%s& ,t occ%pies the Hagha Nakshatra (Hoon Hansion), which contains the royal star >eg%l%s and whose nati+es, according to 8ennis Karness, are great actors and perfor ers on the stage of life&9 !he Hoon is placed in the .nd ho%se of finances and;beca%se the ho%ses relate to parts of the body;the face& Bith the r%ler of the 0st ho%se of destiny placed in the .nd ho%se of assets in the grand sign of Leo, it is no wonder that her face is her fort%ne, she is known for her h%ge s ile, and the role that catap%lted her to fa e was Prett !oman& )dditionally, the last o+ie she starred in was called "ona #isa $mile& <nce we +iew the location (sign, nakshatra, and ho%se) of the r%ling planet, we can then assess whether the planet is generally fa+orable or %nfa+orable& !here are any layers that re+eal the $%ality of each planet in the chart, and in this article we will ski the s%rface with a few easy to %se, yet profo%nd, r%les that apply to the lagna lord& )s already stated, if the r%ling planet is beneficial, the person sho%ld be able to f%lfill his or her destiny witho%t too any obstacles& @irst, we see if the planet is in its dignity (r%lership), exaltation, or debilitation& Bhile "edic )strology does not %se detri ent, a planet is %s%ally not strong if placed in the sign opposite its r%ler& )ltho%gh the planets are exalted and fallen in specific degrees where they ha+e the greatest strength (see table below), they are still considered exalted or fallen in the entire sign&

8ennis Karness, The Na%shatras, p& /7

+lanets (Jrahas) S%n Hoon Hars Herc%ry J%piter "en%s Sat%rn >ah% 1et%

Rulership (Swakshetra) Leo Dancer )ries, Scorpio Je ini, "irgo Sagittari%s, 3isces !a%r%s, Libra Dapricorn, )$%ari%s )$%ari%s Scorpio

01altation (Cchcha) l'( )ries /( !a%r%s .:( Dapricorn l-( "irgo -( Dancer .4( 3isces .'( Libra !a%r%s, Je ini Scorpio, Sagittari%s

Debilitation (Neecha) l'( Libra /( Scorpio .:( Dancer l-( 3isces -( Dapricorn .4( "irgo .'( )ries Scorpio, Sagittari%s !a%r%s, Je ini-

Ker r%ling planet is not in any of the abo+e positions, b%t we do notice that the S%n in her chart is located at l'(9-* Libra;its exact degree of debilitation& !hat eans that what the S%n represents in the chart both as 1araka (significator), and as the lord of a ho%se, will be proble atic& !he 1araka of the S%n is the father, and J%lia lost her father twice as a child, first thro%gh her parentsE di+orce, and later thro%gh her fatherEs death fro cancer when she was only 0' years old& ,t also eans that her life, char ed as it is, will always ha+e its %ps and downs& +lanetary Aspects !he next step in exa ining the Hoon is to look at its associations with other planets, since those ight infl%ence the graha ore than the graha itself& !he pri ary eans by which we look at a planetEs association with another planet is thro%gh its aspects, which are slightly different fro the way we are %sed to I%dging aspects& 8rishti (Sanskrit for seeing, +iewing, beholding with the indEs eye, wisdo , intelligence, look glance, t%rn the eye to) is the word we %se to ean aspects& 3lanets that aspect one another are said to be face to face, infl%encing each other, looking at each other, and therefore, knowing each other and pro+iding knowledge& @or that reason, planets only aspect other planets in a forward otionF if J%piter aspects Sat%rn, for exa ple, Sat%rn does not necessarily reciprocate the aspect& ,n that case, J%piter will ha+e ore infl%ence o+er Sat%rn $%ite often than Sat%rn itself& ,f J%piter and Sat%rn %t%ally aspect each other, then J%piter and Sat%rn will be infl%enced and odified by each other& ,n Jyotish, aspects are defined by the nat%re of the planet, and N<! the nat%re of the aspect& )spects fro a nat%ral benefic strengthen a planet and aspects fro a nat%ral alefic weaken it& 3lanets that aspect another planet gi+e the res%lt of their nat%ral tendency, and the ho%se(s) they r%les& >ather than categorizing an aspect by its type (ie& s$%are, trine, etc&), they are I%dged by the planets that are in+ol+ed& ,f Hars r%les the second ho%se and aspects "en%s, then the aggressi+e, hostile, energetic Hars colors the nat%re of "en%s& =y the sa e token, HarsE r%lership o+er oney and assets will also acco pany lo+e, bea%ty and whate+er else "en%s represents in the chart&

!here are differences of opinion abo%t whether >ah% and 1et% r%le signs, and where they are exalted and debilitated&

!wo or ore planets that occ%py the sa e sign and ho%se for a powerf%l and infl%ential relationship with one another& Bhile any "edic astrologers %se the word conI%nction to describe this association, planets that share the sa e sign and ho%se ay be separated by a %ch wider orb than o%r nor al conI%nction and yet still be potent& )ltho%gh these co binations are not considered to be drishti per se, b%t rather fall %nder the category of do%ble and triple planetary yogas (planetary co binations), they are still one of the ain associations (along with %t%al aspects and %t%al reception) that planets for with each other& !he conI%nction is defined by the nat%re of the two planetsF if Hars and J%piter are placed in the sa e sign and ho%se, the leadership abilities of this co bination will pre+ail& )dditionally, Hars will get the infl%ence of J%piter, while J%piter gets the infl%ence of Hars& ) planets always aspects the ho%se (and planet occ%pying that ho%se) that is se+en places fro itself& #+en if a ho%se is %nocc%pied, it still recei+es the planetary aspect& ,n J%lia >obertsE chart, Hars in the 5th ho%se aspects the %nocc%pied ho%se e+en tho%gh there is no planet present& 3lanets that aspect each other by 4th ho%se aspect are called %t%al aspects beca%se they face, and therefore, infl%ence each other& Like the conI%nction, two planets that aspect each other by %t%al aspect are defined by the co bination of what they represent, as well as the infl%ence of one planet on the other& ,t is i portant to note that %t%al aspects are N<! oppositions, and are I%dged by the nat%re of the planets in+ol+ed& ,n J%lia >obertsE chart, S%n and Herc%ry for a %t%al aspect with >ah%& (, did not incl%de 1et% beca%se the North and So%th Node are always opposite each other, and therefore se+en ho%ses apart&) Bhile e+ery planet aspects the 4th place fro itself, Hars, J%piter, and Sat%rn also ha+e special f%ll aspects& Hars aspects fo%r and eight places fro itself, J%piter aspects fi+e and nine places fro itself, and Sat%rn aspects three and ten places fro itself& So e people feel that >ah%, as well as 1et%, aspect fi+e and nine places fro itself, while others feel that only >ah%, and not 1et%, aspects forward& )fter all, 1et% is headless with no eyesF it cannot see, and therefore, cannot aspect& !he key is to always co%nt the planet throwing the aspect as the first position& J%lia >obertsE sixth ho%se Hars, for instance, aspects Sat%rn in the ninth ho%se (fo%r places), the twelfth ho%se (se+en places), and the first ho%se (eight places)& <ther %t%al aspects incl%de Hars aspecting Sat%rn by 9th ho%se aspect, and Sat%rn aspecting Hars by 0'th ho%se aspect& !hat always occ%rs when Sat%rn is fo%r signs ahead of Hars& ,n J%lia >obertsE chart, Hars is in Sagittari%s in the 5th ho%se, which aspects Sat%rn in 3isces in the 7th ho%se& ,n ret%rn, Sat%rn aspects Hars by 0'th ho%se aspect& <ther than 4th ho%se aspects for ing f%ll, %t%al aspects, Hars and Sat%rn in this partic%lar sit%ation is the only exception& (H%t%al reception has the sa e effect as a f%ll, %t%al aspect, b%t it is not classified as an aspect&) Csing >obertsE chart again, we can see that her r%ler, the Hoon, reaps the benefit of its association with "en%s and J%piter, the two ost powerf%l nat%ral benefics, in the second ho%se of oney& !he nat%ral benefics are Hoon, Herc%ry, "en%s, and J%piter, while nat%ral alefics are S%n, Hars, Sat%rn, and the Nodes& !here is not %ch ore one co%ld ask for in a r%ling planet& <ther than that, the Hoon only recei+es a f%ll -th ho%se aspect fro >ah% in )ries in the 0'th ho%se, which links aterial (>ah%) a bition (tenth ho%se) to her destiny&

<ther eans by which planets beco e strong are whether they are placed in the ho%se of a friend, ene y, or ne%tral planet& Since the Hoon and the S%n are best friends, the HoonEs place ent in Leo, r%led by the S%n, pro+ides >obertsE r%ling planet with a +ery co fortable li+ing space, so to speak& )dditionally, the yogas that in+ol+e the Hoon also add to the story of >obertsE life& Sanskrit for %nion, yogas refer to planetary co binations, which yield specific res%lts incl%ding conI%nctions, %t%al reception (also called 3ari+artana ?oga) and certain spatial relationships& J%liaEs Hoon and J%piter co bination constit%tes a 1esari (Lion) ?oga, for ed if the Hoon and J%piter are ang%lar fro each other, that is, in the sa e ho%se, 9th, 4th, and 0'th places fro each other& )nyone born with this yoga is said to be passionate, e otional, fa o%s, wise, and able to defeat ene ies like a lion& )ll of the abo+e associations ha+e their ost profo%nd effect d%ring the 8asa (planetary period) and =h%kti (s%bAperiod) of the planets in+ol+ed& J%st as we ha+e done for the ascendant, we can define each ho%se of the chart by +iewing the sign that akes %p the ho%se, planets occ%pying that ho%se, and the condition and position of the ho%se r%ler& )ltho%gh this is a si plistic look at the chart, and there are any ore r%les, e+en a r%di entary look s%ch as this can re+eal a great deal abo%t character, periods, trends, kar a, and destiny& Vimshottari Dasa )ystem Bhat disting%ishes "edic astrology fro so any other astrological syste s, is the %ni$%e "i shottari 8asa syste , which di+ides the lifeti e into planetary periods spanning 0.' years& #ach period, the first of which is deter ined by the HoonEs Nakshatra, is r%led by a different planet in the following orderG 1et%G 4 years, "en%sG .' years, S%nG 5 years, HoonG 0' years, HarsG 4 years, >ah%G 0: years, J%piterG 05, Sat%rnG 07 years, Herc%ryG 04 years& J%lia >oberts was born with the Hoon in the nakshatra of Hagha, which is r%led by 1et%& !hat is why she is born in that period, with the rest of her dasas following s%it& !he $%alities of the dasas are deter ined by the general $%ality of the planetary r%ler, the sign and ho%se the planet occ%pies and r%les, and the planetary associations& Ker "en%s 8asa bro%ght her the ost wonderf%l and the ost de+astating experiences& !ho%gh "en%s in Leo is part of a >aI, or >oyal, ?oga pro ising stat%s, and a 8hana, or prosperity, ?oga g%aranteeing oney, it is also tainted by its H%t%al >eception, or 3ari+artana (Sanskrit for exchange) ?oga, with the S%n, r%ler of Leo, placed in the 9th ho%se at 0'( Libra;its exact debilitation degree& !his eans that fro ti e to ti e d%ring its 8asa, "en%s exchanges places with, and brings on the res%lts of, the fallen S%n, karaka of the father who literally fell o%t of >obertsE life;first thro%gh her parentsE di+orce, and %lti ately thro%gh his death on 8ece ber /, 0744 in "en%s 8asa, S%n =h%kti;the two planets for ing the 3ari+artana ?oga& <n the other hand, "en%s 8asa bro%ght her eteoric rise to the top with the release of the fil Prett !oman in 077', and ade her the darling of the o+ie ind%stry and fans thro%gho%t the world& She also got arried to co%ntry singer Lyle Lo+ett, since "en%s is the karaka of arriage& Like the "en%s 8asa, the debilitated S%n 8asa, which began in early 0779, was disappointing in the beginning;she got di+orced in 077-, and starred in se+eral box office flops& ,n 0774, she finally bo%nced back with " &est Friend's !eddin(, the sa e type of light co edy that ade

her a star, followed by the hit o+ies Nottin( )ill and Runa*a &ride, released in 0777& She also had a highly p%blicized ro ance with =enIa in =ratt, fa o%s for his role in the !" show #a* and +rder& Ker renewed pop%larity heralded the present Hoon 8asa (.'''A.'0') and, e+en with the %s%al %ps and downs, her present state of personal happiness, professional recognition, and fab%lo%s wealth& )t present, J%lia >oberts contin%es to lead what ost people consider to be a char ed life& She is in the Hoon 8asa, which is her best one yet in ter s of personal and professional f%lfill ent& !he Hoon is her ascendant r%ler, and d%e to its association with the great benefics, J%piter and "en%s, this period pro ises to f%lfill her great destiny& !h%s far J%piterEs infl%ence bro%ght recognition and opport%nity when she won the =est )ctress )cade y )ward in Harch .''0 for her title role in the o+ie ,rin &roc%o-ich, and "en%sEs agic to%ch bro%ght arriage in J%ly .''.& =eca%se J%piter is the karaka of children, and her fifth ho%se r%ler, Hars, is placed in the 5th ho%se and aspected by J%piter, the Hoon 8asa, J%piter =h%kti (8ece ber 05, .''.A)pril 05, .''9) bro%ght her fertility, as did J%piterEs transit thro%gh sidereal Leo (J%ly .7, .''/A)%g%st .:, .''9), the ho%se that natal J%piter, "en%s, and the Hoon occ%py& <n J%ne 0, .''9, she officially anno%nced that she was pregnant with twins& <f co%rse, ost people do not ha+e an ascendant lord $%ite like J%lia >obertsE, b%t whate+er destiny we do ha+e, can be f%lfilled to the best of o%r abilities& J%lia >obertsE "i shottari 8asa (according to 1rishna %rti )yana sa) 1et%& <ctober .:, 0754 A Jan%ary 09, 0749 "en%s& Jan%ary 0-, 0749 A Jan%ary 09, 0779 S%n& Jan%ary 0-, 0779 A Jan%ary 09, .''' Hoon& Jan%ary 0-, .''' A Jan%ary 09, .'0' Hars& Jan%ary 0-, .'0' A Jan%ary 09, .'04 >ah%& Jan%ary 0-, .'0: A Jan%ary 09, .'/J%piter& Jan%ary 0-, .'/5 A Jan%ary 09, .'-0 Sat%rn& Jan%ary 0-, .'-0 A Jan%ary 09, .'4' Herc%ry& Jan%ary 0-, .'4' A Jan%ary 09, .':4 2irth Data J%lia >oberts, <ctober .:, 0754, ''G05 )H, S yrna J), //N99, :9B./, )) >odden rating fro birth records& 2ibliography 8reyer, >onnie, .edic /strolo( 0 / Guide to the Fundamentals of J otish1 ?ork =eachG Sa %el Beiser ,nc&, 0774& Karness, 8ennis, The Na%shatras0 The #unar "ansions of .edic /strolo( , !win LakesG Lot%s 3ress, 0777

><NN,# J)L# 8>#?#> is an internationally known cons%ltant, lect%rer, and teacher based in New ?ork Dity& She is the a%thor of )ealin( $i(ns, .edic /strolo( 1 .enus1 2our $un and "oon Guides to #o-e and #ife, and a contrib%tor to the anthologies 3nder +ne $% and /strolo( for !omen& >onnie was an early pioneer in bringing "edic astrology to the attention of Bestern astrologers& She cond%cts ongoing "edic astrology classes and workshops thro%gho%t the Cnited States, and has been on the fac%lty of conferences thro%gho%t the world& >onnie teaches for )D")Es online college () erican Dollege of "edic )strology), and is on the fac%lty of SJD (Sri Jagannath Denter)& She was Dorresponding Secretary and 3residing <fficer of )@)N ()ssociation for )strological Networking) fro 077.A.''/, and is c%rrently editor of NDJ>Es mem4erletter and website& >onnie is the pro%d recipient of the Jyotish 1o+id (,ndian Do%ncil of )strological Sciences), )@)NEs Ji Lewis Do %nity Ser+ice )ward (077:), and the Harion 8& Harch >eg%l%s )ward for Do %nity Ser+ice (.''.)& Ker new book .edic /strolo( in /ction will be released .''-& >onnie can be contacted at .0.A477A70:4, >J8reyerLaol&co , www&ronniedreyer&co &

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