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Do not judge the book by its cover, but by its content.

First impression lasts.

The letters that make up the word listen are also the same letters that make up the word silent.


Layout- is the make-up or the window dressing of a page. It consists the arrangement of illustrations, text and graphics on a page which is to be printed including the selection of font styles, sizes and colors.

What can a good layout give a paper?

Factors of an excellent Layout 1. Proportion deals with the ratio of one part to another and of the parts to the whole. Ex. Pictures must be sized properly to keep up with other shapes on the page. Square cuts are undesirable. Length of stories must be considered.

A long story may ruin the proportion of the page. A jump story is better than a poorly proportioned page.

2. Unity (Harmony) the agreement between parts. Content of every page/double page must blend as a harmonious unit. No one page should over shadow another. The headlines should compliment each other and the pictures should not distract the eyes too much from the type.

3. Balance- a feeling of equality in weight; suggests the gravitational equilibrium of a single unit or a space arranged with respect to an axis or a fulcrum.

4. Emphasis- gives proper importance to the parts and to the whole. It involves the differentiation between the more important and the less important. Ex. News/articles must be displayed according to importance. The news value of every story must determine to what page it should be printed, its position on the page, and the style and size of its headline.

5. Contrast- is the blending of units as one. Every head and cut on a page should contrast with adjoining materials. Contrasting adjacent headlines will help emphasize the importance of each other, Boxes and pictures between heads are sometimes good makeup devices.

Extraneous factors that harm an excellent layout

1. Tombstoning- (placing two or more headlines on approximately the same levelling adjacent columns specially if they are of the same point and types.

Beautification drive launch

Social Studies department to put up mini library

2. Bad breaks breaking stories to the top of columns. The top of every column should have a headline or a cut.

3. Separating related stories and pictures.

4. Gray areas (sea of gray). Use fillers instead.

5. Screaming headline is one too big for a short or unimportant story.

6. Heavy spots Dont make the page top heavy.

7. Fit them all- Avoid many headlines of the same size on a page.

8. Placing small heads on rather long story.









MISMATCHING Stories & Pies Heavy Tops Fit-them-all Small-long Big-short


1. Front page make the top story distinct. - use the principles of contrast and balance

2. News facing page using the principles of contrast and balance.

3.Editorial/Opinions distinct, dignified and formal appeal. - Small editorial box that are of masculine appearance.

4. Feature and Literary literary and feminine appearance. - Wider columns and italics font types.

5. Sport bolder and lively appearance. - suggestive of content (action, speed and color) - bold font types.

6. Photo Essay- well captioned-pics. - story and pictures combined.


Usually daily publication whose main purpose is to report and comment on the latest news of society, politics, the arts, sports and other areas of interest.

Deck - Short block of text under the headline that completes it.

Headline - Word or group of words in large print that introduces an article.

Caption Short explanatory text accompanying a photograph, image or illustration.

Color supplement- Separate publication that is inserted into newspaper regularly or from time to time; it is printed in color and often glossy paper.

Kicker- Short text appearing above the headline that puts the article in context or highlights certain key points.

Section - All the pages of a newspaper that are devoted to one subject such as the arts, the economy, sports, tourism or finance.

Front page- First page of the newspaper.

Nameplate- Title of the newspaper presented in a specific graphic style.

Heading- Upper portion of the front page, it usually features the nameplate, the volume, number and the date.

Banner- Large heading appearing immediately below the heading running across multiple columns. Front picture

Article - Stand- alone text forming a whole; it usually presents information, explanation or commentary.

Subhead- Secondary title that separates and introduces the various parts of an article.

Index- Brief summary of the contents of a newspaper, usually in the form of a table of contents.

News items- Accounts of various events with no central unifying theme as accidents, natural disasters and crimes.

Column Regularly published article that presents the comments of one author (reporter or personality) on a chosen subject.

Masthead- Space that usually contains information about the newspaper such as address, main contributors, and subscription information.

Letters to the editor- Part of the newspaper where readers opinions on topics of general interest are published.

Cartoon - Humorous or satirical drawing; it usually accompanied by a caption and comments on a news event.

Editorial In-depth article that reflects the collective viewpoint of a newspapers editorial board.

Lead- short text at the beginning of an article that introduces it or summarizes its contents.

Rule Line of varying thickness used to separate columns, articles and different graphic elements.

Photo credit line Mandatory mention of the individual holding the rights to the photograph used to illustrate an article or a publication.

Pictures/Editorial box/ads


Headline/breaks/ lead


End of the story or article


The article or story is not yet finished





Vol. I Tralala, Leyte August 2009

Brace or Focus Layout

Ang Ibon

Perfect/Symmetrical Layout

Thank you so much for your undivided attention!

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