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Optical Illusions Research Paper

The objectives in my optical illusions research paper is to explain the causes of these illusions and briefly describe the different types of illusions. Optical illusions are caused by visually perceived images that differ from reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a perception that does not match up with the physical measurement of the stimulus source. There are three main types of illusions: literal, physiological, and cognitive. Literal optical illusions are images that differ from the objects that create them. Artists may use objects such as fruit to create a portrait or scenery. While as physiological illusions are the effects on the eyes and brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type. Artists may use colors or movement to confuse the viewers eyes and brains. Cognitive illusions are where the eye and brain make unconscious inferences. They can be known as mind games. Perspective and color heavily influence this genre. Optical Illusions are basically incorrectly perceived images that trick our brains into thinking the image is something its not. Illusions are a kind of wrong perception. They are misperception that are perceived by most people.

Miguel Cortinas

Optical Illusions

1st Period

Block, J. (n.d.). What is an Illusion? Retrieved October 29, 2013, from Nierenberg, C. (n.d.). Optical Illusions: When Your Brain Can't Believe Your Eyes. ABC News. Retrieved October 29, 2013, from Nin, A. (n.d.). Causes of Optical Retrieved October 29, 2013, from

Miguel Cortinas

Optical Illusions

1st Period

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