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The awkward, inexperienced Bard. The sickly, unethical Druid who has a divine connection.

The laid-back, posturing Bard searching for employment. The poised, mature Paladin. The nimble, clueless, bloodthirsty Cleric who belongs to a secret organization. The sickly Cleric searching for a lost friend. The nurturing Sorceror. The cute Sorceror. The tolerant, ugly Bard who wields an unusual artifact. The craven, mean-spirited Cleric. The biased Fighter. The tireless, aggravated, ignored Cleric who has rare occult knowledge. The mature, manipulative Bard. The sleazy Barbarian. The striking Sorceror. The agile, rude Paladin who posesses a strong immunity to magic. The selfish Cleric whose dwelling is haunted. The young, courageous, unheroic Druid with an unexpected destiny. The innocent Rogue. The moralistic Barbarian. The beggar who had a near-death experience that changed them significantly. The humble, mean-spirited theologian. The aged, smart businessperson. The dexterous rascal. The striking, moralistic, cruel wanderer. The mean-spirited servant. The unjust sailor who is prone to odd statements. The diabolical, arrogant philanthropist. The apathetic, broken-hearted bartender. The unathletic, loudmouthed, cruel pedlar with a heart of gold. he young, selfish magical girl. The tireless, romantic monster dojo owner. The clumsy, biased monster fight referee. The melancholy monster rights activist whose true power is concealed from them. The cunning head villain who exploits monsters mercilessly. The depressed monster fight gambler who fell in with the wrong crowd. The altruistic, unpopular magical girl. The henchman who is very protective of monsters. The immoral super robot creator. The graceful, slovenly, sarcastic monster historian. The biased, fearsome monster therapist from another world. The dexterous monster fighter. The studious secret agent trapped by the past. The young, plucky, playful henchman. The educated, short-tempered magical sidekick. The healthy, immature, promiscuous head villain who had a near-death experience that changed them significantly. The unjust, bigoted super-powered agent escpaing the past. The grim, sadistic henchman who had a near-death experience that changed them significantly. The villain with a large fortune. The sickly monster doctor who came from another world to seek his/her parents. The strong laborer. The unbalanced, social conjurer. The odd scribe with a dark past. The awkward, paranoid pretender.

The plain, cowardly official. The plain, paranoid gladiator from a big family. The unjust merchant who wields an unusual artifact. The unhealthy, friendly gladiator searching for a family member. The healthy, boastful monk who hates animals. The striking conjurer. The strong, just barbarian. The energetic, obedient dutchess. The strong, spiritual, disloyal coachman with little money. The laid-back bowman. The paranoid druid from a bad family. The extraverted ranger. The poised, wily, greedy exorcist. The cynical queen who was blessed by the gods. The nurturing occultist with no hope. The aged coachman. The athletic, ethical gladiator. The sickly, clinging circuit priest who tends to annoy demonic beings. The enduring knight. The educated duke. The complacent, generous gladiator. The whiny occultist with a peculiar lack of affinity for magical items. The awkward, altruistic dungeon delver. The enduring, just, unjust paladin living on borrowed time. The composed dutchess who loves children. The altruistic knight who is easily affected by magic. The whiny herbologist who can see invisible entities. The sickly, bullying fortune-teller. The stressed druid haunted by flashbacks. The unhealthy, promiscuous ranger searching for a family member. The awkward, anxious, ignored watchman. The shifty exorcist trapped by the past. The unathletic, watchful knight. The striking, kind wizard. The awkward, intimidating exorcist with unexpected depths. The philandering, unfriendly alchemist who can't resist a fight. The crippled, opportunistic jock. The tough, opinionated repairman. The cheerful super computer. The aged, moral botanist fighting against a culture that won't allow him/her to reproduce. The logical media personality in posession of stolen technology. The virtual reality engineer coping with mental illness. The awkward astronaut with strange powers that only work when emotionally agitated. The promiscuous zookeeper. The unhealthy, nervous space hitchiker. The poised, open-minded, social terraformer.

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