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These four muscles move the mandible and are involved in chewing.

Three of them, , and are powerful closers of the joint and account for the strength of the bite.

1. Masseter 2. Temporalis 2. Medial Pterygoid

The and move the mandible from side to side and also protrude the mandible.

Medial and Lateral Pterygoid


Muscle Masseter !rigin "ygomatic arch #nsertion Mandible $ction %levates mandible


Muscle Temporalis !rigin Temporal and frontal bones #nsertion Mandible $ction %levates Mandible

Medial pterygoid

Muscle Medial pterygoid !rigin &phenoid 'Lateral pterygoid plate( #nsertion Mandible $ction %levates mandible) moves mandible side to side

Lateral Pterygoid

Muscle Lateral Pterygoid !rigin &phenoid 'Lateral pterygoid plate( #nsertion Mandible $ction !pens jaws, protrudes mandible) moves mandible side to side

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