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Generic Name: Lactulose Brand Name: Cholac Classification: Laxative (Hyperosmotic Drug) Route: Enteral Dosage: 30cc Frequency: 12hrs

Treatment for chronic constipation in adults and in the orderly.

Mechanism of Action
Increase water content and softens the stool. Lower the pH of the coions, which inhibits the diffusion of ammonia from the colon into the blood, thereby reducing blood ammonia level. Therapeutic Effect: relief of constipation and decreased blood ammonia levels.

Contraindicated in: patient on lowgalactose diets. Use cautiously in diabetic mellitus.

Adverse reaction
GI: Cramps, Distention, flatulence, belching, diarrhea.

Nursing Responsibility

Checked for the patency. Observed for the patency of the NGT prior to drug administration. Do not give the drug together with omeprezole. Mixed drug with 200m ml water. Explain to the watcher about side effect of the drug. Watched for any unusualties.

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