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Year 10 Interim Assessment: 11th Nov Florence Foundation Whilst your work here shows good understanding of technique,

competent photography and careful research, it doesnt feel as if all tasks are complete. For example- you explain the photogram technique but do not include any photograms and you illustrate shutter speed and aperture qualities well visually but do not annotate. However, dont worry about this for now.

Collage & Photomontage General

Collage Homework Herbert Bayer Analysis

Lucas Simoes Response

Target Grade Well done, most classwork tasks etc are complete however, make sure you have completed all the missed points I have highlighted in red. You also need to accompany your Gordon Magnin response with an image by him and a brief outline of the process involved. Can you make the size and colour of your text consistent? Please enlarge the text, it is difficult to read. Well done, An appropriate image to work with. You also show confidence in using digital manipulation. A successful outcome. Well done, you have managed to appropriate the research and write a thoughtful piece of analysis. I only have an issue with the opening line: is a very in depth surrealist image Is an image indicative of the Surrealist concerns may have been better. Superb response, very slick. Well done. It would be great if you could just explain what you did.


T+ T


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