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INFO ABOUT MERAL AYGN and HONDA Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959. Honda Motor Company is Japanese public multinational corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. Meral Aygn is 27 years old. She has been working at HONDA for 3 years and she is a Mechanical Engineer with in nterior Design.

WHY MERAL AYGN There as on why i chose Meral Aygn is because i believe that she is very succesful in her job and she is very happy with what she does.

INTERVEW Hi, What kind of business does your company do? We are manufacturing automobiles and motorcycles, robot, generators, Airbus etc. which can be used by many kind of industrial producers in lots of applications. We are producing materials which are backbone for an industrial country.

How did you get to this position? --After graduating from ODT (mechanical engineer with in interior Deisgn) i applied for an internship at this company.After a year they offered me a job that i couldnt turn down. How you chose the job? --As i mentioned i was just looking for an internship so i was happy with a company that was offered to me. Do you have any unequality in your business? --No.In my Office we are a family more than co-workers so everything is equal and professional.

What are your working hours? 5 days a week 8.30-17.00 but it depends on how busy i am. Are you happy with your job? --OF COURSE YES! If you had another chance what job would you like to do? --I can not imagine working in another company or another position. Do you get along with your colleagues? --Everyone in our company knows how to work professionaly so we do not

have an is sue about getting along. When its work its work when its fun its fun!.

I am very satisfied with the interview with Meral Aygn because now i know a little bit more about my future job. I have a beter vision about the engineering. Lastly the main point i have noticed is that working in this field you can earn what you deserve.

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