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Works Cited Britt, Darice. "Genetically Modified Foods Explained." Genetically Modified Foods Explained. N.p., 5 Apr. !

" . We#. $! A%&. !"$. C'a%dry, Ars'ad. . GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS | The Science C eati!e "#a te ly. A%&. !!(. We#. !" No). !"$. *'ttp+,,,&enetically/0odified/foods,1. Freed0an, Da)id 2. "Are En&ineered Foods E)il3" Scientific A$e ican 4 !"$5+ 6!/65. We#. 7ones, 8rey. "Genetically Modified Foods 4Biotec' Foods5 9ros and Cons." %e&MD. We#MD, !!$. We#. $ :ept. !"$. %hat's the Deal %ith Genetically Modified Foods. 9erf. ;acey Green. Yo#t#&e. DNe-s, 7%ne !"$. We#. $ :ept. !"$.


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