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a symbol and/or design for an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

Monday, November 18, 13

Logotypes -- Logo that has text only Use when name is very
distinctive and simple

Monday, November 18, 13

stylized abbreviations/letters/acronyms

Helpful if name of organization is long or difcult to pronounce

Monday, November 18, 13

consist only of a symbol or icon

Like street signs, easily identiable- globally only 6% use only brandmark design

Monday, November 18, 13

Combination Mark
incorporates both text and
symbol More complex and more thought into design but versatile 56% of top brands use combination type

Monday, November 18, 13

Placing text inside a symbol Badge like- so used by government or
political organizations

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13

Monday, November 18, 13

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