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OUTLINE Mobile Phones: Advantages Small Helpful in emergencies Communication with people far away Many features

Disadvantages Expensive Addictive Radiation o Eye damage o Ear damage

Conclusion Successful Necessary

Rocio Altamirano Inostroza 18.586.867-2

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones have many advantages. They are small and rechargeable, so you can carry them anywhere and do not always need electricity to use them. In fact, they allow us to be in touch with emergency personnel, family and friends in an instant, no matter how far we are from them. Furthermore, nowadays mobile phones have many features such as cameras, voice recording, calculator, Internet browsing and many others that can be very useful in our daily lives. However, mobile phones have also some disadvantages. First of all, they can be expensive, especially smart phones. Secondly, they can be addictive. In fact, there are many people who never leave their mobile phones alone do not feel complete without having their mobiles around. Finally, the biggest problem of all is that the radiation these gadgets produce sometimes can be very harmful for peoples health; they can cause eye damage, ear damage and, what is more, they can cause brain damage or cancer. Mobile phones do have disadvantages, but most of them can be prevented by a correct usage of these powerful tools. The fact is that they are probably the most successful mean of communication these days and they have become necessary to our lives. They are still evolving and they surely will not disappear soon.

Rocio Altamirano Inostroza 18.586.867-2

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