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Name : Eman Saif

Roll no : 07
Are Cellphone dangerous ?
Cell phones are one of the greatest inventions in the world. We can
imagine how life would be without cell phones. Cell phones are very
handy; it can make our communication easier. Also cell phones can
provide us with everything, like relaxing with music, browsing the
internet, chatting on social networking sites or playing games.
Unfortunately cell phones are not risk free. Using cell phones involve
emission of EMR electromagnetic radiation, which is a dangerous sort
of energy wave, is produce by modern appliances that surround us in
everyday lives.
The first reason why cell phones are dangerous is because it can cause
germs if you don’t wash your hands very often. According to the
article Health Risks of Mobile Phones’ states that, “In 2011,
researchers from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
at Queen Mary University of London found that 1 in 6 cell phones is
contaminated with some sort of fecal matter, probably because their
owners didn’t wash their hands with soap after using the toilet.
Students are the majority who are dangerously effected by cell
phones. Therefore, Here are some ideas which can reduce phone
addiction in students. The most common suggested ideas:
1. Turn off notifications.
2. Set screen to black-and- white.
3. Remove distraction-based apps from your home screen.
4.Set a longer passcode.
5. Use airplane mode.
6. Turn on do not disturb.

The second reason why cell phones are dangerous because it can
cause traffic accidents. According to the study, 69% of drivers in the
US ages 18-64 reported that they had talked on their cell phone while
driving within 30 days before they were surveyed. So, Anything that
causes you to take your eyes off the road, even for a split second, is a
dangerous distraction. Cell phone use, in particular, ranks as a top
problem. Using a cell phone while driving, whether hands-free or not,
makes it four times more likely you will have a collision.
In conclusion, cell phones brought on a new age of technology and
they make life more convenient in terms of communication. However,
the side effects of cell phones and the distractions that they cause
many dangerous and unhealthy situations to occur. They can cause
traffic accidents, germs, emit radiation and strain your eyes. They can
do more harm than good to our health.

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