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1. A new coin called Rupiya was issued for the first time by Ans. Sher Shah Suri 2.

Monsoon is caused by Ans. Seasonal reversal of winds 3. In the world of sports, the sobri uet Indo!"a# $%press& is applied to Ans. Rohan Bopanna and Aisam UI-Haq Quareshi '. (he world&s busiest port today Ans. Port of Sin apore ). *hich +ompany owns &,u-ar .ree/, the leadin- brand of artificial sweetener in India0 Ans. !adila 1. 2and 3ai 4ose, Man5it 4awa, (yeb Mehta are6 Ans. Painters 7. *hat is "hishin-0 Ans. "raudulent wa# of a$quirin PI% and &an' passwords usin email 8. (he Indian company that manufactures automobiles for Mitsubishi is Ans. Hindustan (otors 9. *hich of these is not a film directed by Mira 2air0 Ans. )arth 1:. (he ma5or ;, (oy manufacturer that recently suffered a brea#down in supply chain from !hina on a$$ount of le all# una$$epta&le to*i$ su&stan$es in its produ$ts is Ans. (attel +o#s 11. ,ome of the lar-e deals entered into by I( ma5ors in India are listed here as options. (hey are all billion dollar deals e%cept one. *hich one0 Ans. IB(-Bharti 12. A suicide car bomb caused ha<oc in $n-land in =uly 2::7 at the followin- airport Ans. ,las ow 13. "a#istan si-ned .ree (rade a-reement >.(A? and a fi<e year in<estment pac#a-e with Ans. !hina 1'. Ma5or oil finds are recently reported in

Ans. -rishna ,odavari Basin 1). (he propa-ation of radio si-nals is -reatly influenced by Ans. Ionosphere 11. Accordin- to @un A 4radsstreet which one of the followin- is the lar-est employer amon- Indian I($, and R"B companies0 Ans. ,enpa$t 17. /In Cod we trust, the rest ha<e to brin- data on the table./ (his statement was made by the famous industrialist Ans. %ara#an (urth# 18. .ollowin- options are a list of fore% rates for ;, @ollar on a day recently. Identify the entry that is re<ersed. Ans. . US / 0 1 2.34 19. *hich of the followin- is not pro<ided in the constitution0 Ans. Plannin !ommission 2:. *hen did Co<ernor Ceneral&s rule end in India6 Ans. 56th 7anuar# .892 21. (he newspaper which was recently <oted as the lar-est sellinnewspaper in the world is Ans. +he +imes of India 22. *hich of the followin- countries is the top source of .@I inflows into India at present0 Ans. (auritius 23. (he human cell contains Ans. 36 $hromosomes :5; pairs< 2'. In 2::1, the three lar-est economies in the world were Ans. USA= 7apan. > ,erman# 2). (he runner!up in the recent Dice!"residential election was Ans. ?r. %a@ma Heptullah 21. $-- is a rich, source of nutrients e%cept. Ans. Aitamin ! 27. In ban#in- terminolo-y. +RR means Ans. !ash Reserve Ratio

28. /4ollywood/ name has been -ranted as a trademar# to which ;, based Media and $ntertainment company by Indian (rademar# Re-istry0 Ans. ?isne# )nterprises 29. 3a#shmi Mittal, the famous 2R1 industrialist, is partnerin- with Co<t. of India for the followin- bi- pro5ect6 Ans. Bil Refiner# 3:. *hich of the followin- allows one to start and continue to share re-ularly any of hisEher own personal e%perience, #nowled-e, opinion or thou-ht with the internet community0 Ans. Blo 31. Fapa# @i-ital $ntertainment is an on line -amin- <enture promoted by Ans. Anil ?hiru&hai Am&ani )nterprises 32. In Au-ust 2::7, +hennai Gi-h +ourt passed a landmar# 5ud-ment that may ha<e far reachin- conse uences on pharmaceuticals industry, dismissin- a writ petition filed by Ans. %ovartis 33. Honeru Gumpy is a player of Ans. !hess 3'. In recent months the mon#s of Myanmar marched the streets of Ian-on in hundreds Ans. +o protest a ainst the rulin overnment. 3). (o reco<er the national loss suffered by small in<estors in the I"B allotment scam from the 2ational ,ecurities @epository ,er<ices 3td A +entral @epository ,er<ices 3td. and ei-ht depository participants, a second interim order was passed by Ans. S)BI. 31. Indian 4roadcastin- ,er<ice was renamed in 1931 as Ans. All India Radio 37. *hich of the followin- is not a principal or-an of the ;2B0 Ans. Corld Health Br aniDation 38. *ho was the composer of the classical composition Moonli-ht ,onata0 Ans. Eudwi Aan Beethoven 39. @urin- the year 2::1!:7 Indian Railways earned a profit of appro%imately Ans. Rs. 52=222 $rores

':. ,tarbuc#s, the coffee chain retailer&s name is inspired from which boo# Ans. (o&#di$'

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