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1) When only the front wheels of n !to"o#$le re r!n onto %l tfor" s& le the s& le # l n&es t ' (N) when only the re wheels re r!n onto the s& le* $t # l n&es t + (N, Wh t $s the we$-ht of the !to"o#$le n. how f r $s $ts &enter of -r /$ty #eh$n. the front 0le1 2he .$st n&e #etween the 0les $s 3,' ", 4ol!t$on: We h /e 5-ener l5 e6!$l$#r$!" %ro#le" s$n&e ll for&es $n the %ro#le" .o not &t thro!-h s$n-le %o$nt, 2h$s "e ns th t the %ro#le" & nnot #e sol/e. !s$n- only the 1st &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!" 7Fnet 8 0), We "!st lso e"%loy the 3n. &on.$t$on: 7 net 8 0), In the 1st f$-!re we .r w the & r w$th $ts front wheel on the # l n&e, 2he # l n&e re .s 59& r on # l n&e5 8 ' (N, :en&e* the for&e e0erte. on the & r 7N f) $s lso ' (N, In the 3n. f$-!re* w$th the re r wheels on the # l n&e* we f$n. th t 93 8 +(N, :en&e* the 1st &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!" -$/es !s: 9 hor: 0 8 0 ) 9/er: N f ; N r - W 8 0

2.8 m

Scale x

2.8 m

2h!s the we$-ht of the & r $s W 8 1< (N,

2he .eter"$n t$on of the lo& t$on of the &enter of -r /$ty 7%o$nt where W &ts) $n/ol/es .$st n&es = hen&e tor6!es, We h /e $n.$& te. W &t$n- t the >M 7.$st n&e 505 fro" re r 0le), 2he 3n. &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!" & n #e %%l$e. #o!t ny %o$nt, We sele&t %o$nt 5A5 s the re r 0le: A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 W 70) - N f 73,') 8 0

Insert$n- the (now / l!es for W = 93* we h /e: 7' (N)73,' ") 8 71< (N) 0 0 8 1,+ " 7Note: yo! sho!l. -o # &( now = %%ly the 3n. &on.$t$on #o!t the front 0le, ?o! sho!l. -et the s "e nswer,)

3) A +00 N #r$&(l yer $s 1,@ " fro" one en. of !n$for" s& ffol. A " lon-* we$-h$n- '00 N, A %$le of #r$&(s we$-h$n- @00 N $s B " fro" the s "e en., If the s& ffol. $s s!%%orte. t the two en.s* & l&!l te the for&e on e &h en., 10-3

4ol!t$on: We h /e -ener l e6!$l$#r$!" %ro#le" s$n&e ll for&es .o not &t thro!-h &o""on %o$nt, 4$n&e we "!st !se the 3n. &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!" to sol/e th$s %ro#le"* We C!"% r$-ht $n n. & l&!l te tor6!es, Now there re 3 5!n(nown for&es5 T1 n. T3 , A%%l$& t$on of the tor6!e &on.$t$on #o!t ny %o$nt -$/es !s s$n-le s& l r e6! t$on, 2h!s we nee. to &hoose %o$nts so th t one of the !n(nown for&es w$ll #e el$"$n te., If we &hoose %o$nt 5A5 s the left en. we w$ll el$"$n te T3, 2h!s:


3.5 m 7m

1.5 m

1.5 m

A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 W s 7B,@) ; W# 7<) ; W" 7@,@) - 21 7A) 8 7'00)7B,@) ; 7@00)7<) ; 7+00)7@,@) - 217A) 8 0, 2h$s -$/es: 21 8 7'100)DA 8 11@A N ,

We now &hoose to %%ly the 3n. &on.$t$on #o!t the r$-ht en.: B 8 &(w - &&(w 8 2 3 7A) - W " 71,@) - W # 7B) - W s 7B,@) 8 A 23 - 7'00)7B,@) - 7@00)7B) - 7+00)71,@) 8 0 , 2h!s: 23 8 7@300)DA 8 A<B N,

Now s &he&( $n the %ro#le" we !se the 1st &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!", 9!% 8 21 ; 23 8 11@A ; A<B 8 1E00 N, 9.own 8 W%l n( ; W" n ; W#r$&(s 8 '00 ; +00 ; @00 8 1E00 N, :en&e o!r nswers &he&(F

B) A " &h$n$st " (es the o#Ce&t shown, 2he short &yl$ $s " .e of #r ss 7.ens$ty ',+ -"D&"B)* the s" ller .$ "eter &yl$ $s " .e of l!"$n!" 7.ens$ty 3,A -"D&"B), If the .$"ens$ons re: r1 8 3 &") r3 8 < &") . 1 8 30 &") . 3 8 < &"* f$n. the lo& t$on of the >enter of M ss, Brass

d Al


r1 d

4ol!t$on: We &o!l.* of &o!rse* %%ly .$re&tly the e6! t$ons for f$n.$n- the >M of n o#Ce&t, :owe/er* s$n&e we w$sh to " ster 5tor6!es5 we w$ll ret!rn to # s$&s* n. .eter"$ne the >M #y tre t$n- -ener l e6!$l$#r$!" %ro#le", Before we st rt* we & l&!l te the " sses of the two %$e&es $n/ol/e.: 10-B M#r ss 8 B G 8 B 7 r3)3 . 3 8 7<)3 7B,1<1+)7<)7',+) 8 0,1A3E (-

M l!"$n!" 8 Al G 8

Al 7 r1)3 . 1 8 73)3 7B,1<1+)730)73,A) 8 ,0+A' - ,


9ro" the &yl$n.r$& l sy""etry of the o#Ce&t we (now th t the >M "!st l$e lon- the &yl$n.r$& l 0$s, 2he 6!est$on $s where1 If we now loo( t the o#Ce&t fro" the s$.e* n. %l &e $t on (n$fe e.-e so th t $t # l n&es* we w$ll h /e f$-!re s shown, :ere 505 $n.$& tes the lo& t$on of the >M fro" 7= (n$fe e.-e) fro" the left en., 4$n&e the (n$fe e.-e s!%%orts the ent$re we$-ht of the o#Ce&t* we h /e: N 8 WB ; WAl 8 7,1A3E ; ,0+A')7E,') 8 3,B+ N A

.5 d .5 d



Now %%ly the rot t$on l e6!$l$#r$!" &on.$t$on #o!t %o$nt 5A5 7the left en.), A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 0 , 2h$s -$/es: 4ol/$n- for 0 we h /e: 0 8 WB 7. 3 D3) ; WAl7. 3 ; . 1 D3) 8 7,1A3E)7E,')7,03) ; 7,0+A')7E,')7,1<) WB ; WAl 7,1A3E ; ,0+A')7E,') 8 ,0@B' " WB 7. 3 D3) ; WAl 7. 3 ; . 1 D3) - N 0 8 0 ,

Note th t we " y !se .$st n&es $n &" 7w$tho!t &on/ert$n- to "eters) s$n&e the tor6!e e6! t$on $s 5e6!$-.$"ens$on l5 7 ll ter"s &ont $n for&e 0 .$st n&e), :en&e the >M $s @,B' &" fro" the en. of the #r ss &yl$, >ons$.er now the e6! t$on we !se. to & l&!l te 505, We note th t e &h 5we$-ht5 ter"s $n/ol/es 5" ss5 0 - , 4$n&e e/ery ter" $n the n!"er tor = .eno"$n tor &ont $ns 5we$-ht5 then the 5-5 f &tor & n #e & n&elle. n. we h /e: 0&" 8 "1 01 ; "3 03 8 "$ 0$ "1 ; "3 "$ 2h$s $s* of &o!rse* the 5for"!l 5 for & l&!l t$n- the 0 %os$t$on of the >M, <) A l 3@ feet lon- we$-h$n- <' l# $s set - $nst /ert$& l w ll w$th the # se of the l A feet fro" the w ll, Ass!"$n- th t the l $s sy""etr$& l 7>M t the -eo"etr$& l &enter)* wh t re the for&es wh$&h &t t the # se n. to% of the l ..er1


4ol!t$on: We f$rst .eter"$ne the n-le of the l, We h /e: &os 8 AD3@ 8 A<0 , We (now th t the l $s $n &ont &t w$th the -ro!n. = the w ll, 2h!s there nor" l 7%er%en.$&!l r) for&es t #oth the to% = the #otto", In the f$-!re we & ll these NC = NA , We note th t NA n. WL re % r llel, :en&e* they ne/er $nterse&t, :owe/er* $f we e0ten. NC = WL these 3 for&es $nterse&t t %o$nt 5B5, 2he tor6!e &on.$t$on for e6!$l$#r$!" #o!t %o$nt B & nnot #e s t$sf$e., 72h$s $s e6!$/ lent to the f &t th t 9hor 8 0), 2h!s there "!st #e 5 ..$t$on l5 for&es %resent for e6!$l$#r$!" to hol., 4!%%ose there $s fr$&t$on on the w ll, 2h$s for&e wo!l. lso #e % r llel to NA = WL n. hen&e wo!l. not* #y $tself* %ro.!&e e6!$l$#r$!", N B N


Now s!%%ose there $s fr$&t$on t the # se* #!t not on the w ll, In o!r se&on. f$-!re we .r w $n the fr$&t$on l for&e & ll$n- $t fAs , In th$s s$t! t$on we see th t $t $s %oss$#le to h /e 9hor 8 0* n.* $f we - $n &ons$.er %o$nt 5B5* we h /e #oth &lo&(w$se n. &o!nter&lo&(w$se tor6!es #o!t 5B5, :en&e the "$n$"!" &on.$t$on for l to #e $n e6!$l$#r$!" - $nst w ll $s th t there #e fr$&t$on t the # se of the l, 2h!s we w$ll sol/e th$s %ro#le", We note th t we h /e B 5!n(nown5 for&es $n/ol/e. 7 NC, fAs, NA) 7fAs n. NA re &t! lly the 5hor$Hont l5 n. 5/ert$& l5 &o"%onents on the s$n-le for&e Fground on !dder), We "!st !se tor6!es $n o!r & l&!l t$on, :en&e we loo( for %o$nt thro!-h wh$&h 3 of the B !n(nown for&es % ss, We note we h /e %o$nt 5A5 7the # se of the l* n. %o$nt 5>5, A%%ly$n- the rot t$on l e6!$l$#r$!" &on.$t$on #o!t these 3 %o$nts we h /e:


24 ft


fA A

7 ft

A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 WL 7AD3) - N> 73<) 8 7<')7AD3) - 3< N> 8 0 N> 8 A l# > 8 &(w - &&(w 8 WL 7AD3) - f As 73<) 8 7<')7AD3) - 3< f As 8 0 f As 8 A l# 10-@ We e0%e&te. th$s res!lt* s$n&e $t s$"%ly &onf$r"s th t 9hor 8 0,

Now $s there %o$nt we & n &hoose wh$&h w$ll s$"!lt neo!sly el$"$n te #oth NC = f As" 2he nswer $s no s$n&e these 3 for&es re % r llel, 2h!s to & l&!l te N A we &hoose ny %o$nt we w nt 7s$n&e we now (now #oth NC = f As), Let !s &hoose %o$nt 5B5 B 8 &(w - &&(w 8 NA 7AD3) - f As 73<) 8 NA 7AD3) - 7A)73<) 8 0 NA 8 <' l#, A- $n we see th$s $s &onf$r"e. #y the 1st &on.$t$on: 9/ert 8 0, Wh t #o!t the "ore -ener l %ro#le" where we h /e fr$&t$on t the # se n. on the w ll1 4o"e ..$t$on l $nfor" t$on "!st #e -$/en, We wo!l. st$ll f$n. th t N> 8 f As 8 A l#, B!t now the we$-ht of the l 7<' l#) $s s!%%orte. #y 3 /ert$& l for&es NA = the fr$&t$on on the w ll, @) A !n$for" l 3+ ft lon- n. we$-h$n- @3 l# le ns - $nst s"ooth w ll w$th $ts # se 10 ft fro" the w ll, :ow f r !% the l & n 1@+ l# wo" n &l$"# $f the " 0$"!" hor$Hont l for&e / $l #le t the # se $s +0 l#1 Wh t $s the "$n$"!" &oeff$&$ent of st t$& fr$&t$on %oss$#le #etween the # se of the l n. the -ro!n.1 4ol!t$on: We f$rst .eter"$ne the n-le of the l, We h /e: &os 8 10D3+ 8 +A,<0 , We .r w the /e&tor for&e .$ -r ", 2he for&es t the # se of the l h /e #een & lle. 90 = 9y , We re -$/en th t 90 8 +0 l#, If we %%ly the 1st &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!"* we h /e: 90: 90 - N 8 0 N 8 +0 l#, 9y: 9y - W - w 8 0 9y 8 30' l#, We & n now nswer the se&on. 6!est$on s(e. $n the %ro#le", 4$n&e 9y $s the nor" l for&e &t$n- t the # se* n. 90 $s the st t$& fr$&t$on t the # se* then: 90 I s 9y , Fy W Fx N

2h!s the "$n$"!" %oss$#le &oeff$&$ent of st t$& fr$&t$on $s: s "$n 8 7+0)D730') 8 0,3'' ,


2he 6!est$on re- r.$n- how f r !% the l the wo" n & n &l$"# $n/ol/es .$st n&es* n. hen&e & n only #e nswere. #y &ons$.er$n- tor6!es, Let 0 8 .$st n&e the wo" n $s !% the l fro" the # se, 2he for&e &on.$t$ons 7 #o/e) re not ffe&te. #y th$s .$st n&e 0, We now $"%ose the 3n. &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!"* th t the net tor6!e #o!t ny %o$nt "!st #e Hero, Let !s &hoose %o$nt 5A5* the # se of the l, A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 w 73+D3) &os ; W 0 &os - N 73+) s$n 8 0 4$n&e #oth w = W re f$0e. 7w 8 @3 l#) W 8 1@+ l#) n. the n-le $s f$0e.* then s 505 $n&re ses we "!st h /e N $n&re s$n-, 2he "$n$"!" / l!e of N o&&!rs #efore the wo" n -ets on the l, 9ro" the for&e e6! t$on N $s lw ys 8 fr$&t$on l for&e t the # se, :en&e* when 0 $n&re ses* N $n&re ses 7= hen&e 90 $n&re ses), 2h!s* 0 $s " 0$"!" when the fr$&t$on l for&e $s " 0$"!"* th t $s 8 +0 l#, Not$n- th t &os 8 10D3+ we then h /e s$n 8 3<D3+ n.: 0" 0 8 7+0)73+)73<D3+) - 7@3)71B)710D3+) 8 71@+)710D3+)

N B y x W x Fy A Fx C
L sin

x cos

(L/2) cos

(L/2) cos

1E,A ft,

+) A &!#$& l #o0 1,@ " on s$.e we$-hs '00 N n. rests on ro!-h floor for wh$&h the &oeff$&$ent of ($net$& fr$&t$on $s 0,'0 , A hor$Hont l for&e 5P5 $s %%l$e. so th t the #o0 sl$.es &ross the floor t &onst nt s%ee., If the &enter of -r /$ty of the #o0 $s t $ts -eo"etr$& l &enter* then wh t $s the -re test he$-ht 7 #o/e the floor) t wh$&h 5P5 & n &t so th t the #o0 .oes not t$%1 4ol!t$on: We .r w the f$-!re w$th 5P5 &t$n- t n r#$tr ry he$-ht 5h5 #o/e the floor, Now let !s &ons$.er the other for&es %resent, We .r w $n W 7$t &ts thro!-h the >M of the #o0), We .r w $n the fr$&t$on l for&e wh$&h &ts % r llel to the floor n. t the floor, Now &ons$.er the nor" l for&e N, 2h$s for&e & nnot &t thro!-h the >M, If we &ons$.ere. tor6!es #o!t %o$nt 5A5* we wo!l. h /e n !n# l n&e. tor6!e .!e to for&e P, 4$n&e th$s tor6!e $s &(w #o!t 5A5* then N "!st %ro.!&e &&(w tor6!e #o!t 5A5, 2h!s N "!st &t t the # se of the #o0 to the r$-ht of the >M, We %%ly the 1st &on.$t$on of e6!$l$#r$!": 10-A 90: P - f ( 8 0 n. 9y: N - W 8 0 , f
y x C

N !
# x


We lso h /e the rel t$on #etween f ( = N:

f ( 8 ( N ,

2h!s: N 8 W 8 '00 N n. f ( 8 7,'0)7'00) 8 +<0 N, 2hen P 8 +<0 N, :en&e* we "!st %%ly for&e of +<0 N hor$Hont lly to sl$.e the #o0 t &onst nt s%ee., Now the 6!est$on $s 5where & n 5P5 #e %%l$e.15 We re6!$re th t the #o0 re" $n $n rot t$on l e6!$l$#r$!" 7th t $s not t$%), :en&e* the s!" of tor6!es #o!t ny %o$nt "!st #e Hero, Let5s %%ly the &on.$t$on #o!t %o$nt 5B5 7where the nor" l for&e &ts): B 8 &(w - &&(w 8 W 0 - P h 8 7'00) 0 - 7+<0) h 8 0 ,

Now s 5h5 $s $n&re se. the .$st n&e 505 7le/er r" of N) "!st $n&re se, :owe/er* 505 $s l$"$te. #y the &on.$t$on th t N "!st &t on the #o0F :en&e* when h 8 h " 0 * 0 8 0 " 0 8 0,A@ ", At th$s %o$nt the nor" l for&e $s &t$n- t the front &orner of the #o0, 7If yo! .r w the #o0 s $t $s C!st st rt$n- to 5t$%5 yo! w$ll see th t the only %o$nt of &ont &t #etween the #o0 n. the floor $s the front &ornerF), 2h!s we h /e: h " 0 8 7'00)7,A@)D+<0 8 ,E< " A) A 3<0 N .oor 3,@ " h$-h n. 1,3 " w$.e $s h!n- #y two h$n-es* e &h of wh$&h s!%%orts h lf the we$-ht, If the h$n-es re 0,B " fro" the to%* n. 0,B " fro" the #otto" of the .oor* f$n. the hor$Hont l &o"%onents of the for&es e0erte. on the .oor #y the h$n-es, Ass!"e th t the .oor $s !n$for"* th t $s* th t $ts >M $s t $ts -eo"etr$& l &enter, 4ol!t$on: We .r w ll for&es &t$n- on the .oor, Note th t we h /e $n.$& te. #oth hor$Hont l n. /ert$& l for&es t #oth h$n-es, 7Q!est$on1 :ow .$. we (now wh$&h .$re&t$on to .r w the hor$Hont l for&es1) A%%ly$n- the 1st e6!$l$#r$!" &on.$t$on we h /e: 90: 9Ah - 9Bh 8 0 , 9y: 9A/ ; 9B/ - W 8 0, 2h!s the hor$Hont l for&es t the h$n-es "!st #e e6! l $n " -n$t!.e, 2he s!" of the /ert$& l for&es 8 we$-ht of the .oor, Now we re tol. th t e &h h$n-e & rr$es 1D3 the we$-ht, :en&e: 9A/ 8 9B/ 8 130 N, 7We w$ll see th t th$s $nfor" t$on $s not ne&ess ry to sol/e the %ro#le"F)

FB$ B FB# # F A$ A d FA#


We now %%ly the 3n. e6!$l$#r$!" &on.$t$on, We f$rst %%ly th$s #o!t %o$nt 5B5, 72h$s el$"$n tes: 9A/* 9B/* n. 9Bh): 10-' B 8 &(w - &&(w 8 W 7,+) - 9Ah 71,E) 8 0 9Ah 8 7,+) WD71,E) 8 7,+)73<0)D71,E) 8 A+ N,

:ere we & l&!l te the .$st n&e #etween the h$n-es s: h - 3 . 8 3,@ - 73)7,B) 8 1,E " , Now %%ly the &on.$t$on #o!t %o$nt 5A5: A 8 &(w - &&(w 8 W 7,+) - 9Bh 71,E) 8 0 9Bh 8 A+ N, 2h$s -rees w$th o!r &on&l!s$on #o/e th t the " -n$t!.es of these for&es "!st #e the s "e, We now note th t these for&es re .eter"$ne. $n.e%en.ent of the /ert$& l for&es, :en&e* $f we h . not #een tol. th t e &h h$n-e s!%%orte. h lf the we$-ht* we wo!l. st$ll rr$/e t the s "e nswers for the hor$Hont l for&es, 2he 6!est$on then o&&!rs to !s: 54!%%ose we h . not #een tol. th$s f &t, >o!l. we & l&!l te 9A/ n. 9B/ 15 2he nswer to th$s $s noF 2he 1st &on.$t$on tells !s th t the$r s!" $s e6! l to W, We wo!l. h /e to $n/o(e the 3n. &on.$t$on $n to tte"%t to & l&!l te the$r $n.$/$.! l / l!es, :owe/er* 9A/ = 9B/ re &oll$ne r 7th t $s* the &t lon- the s "e l$ne), 2h!s sele&t$n- ny %o$nt to el$"$n te 9A/ lso el$"$n tes 9B/) sele&t$nny %o$nt to ret $n 9A/ * lso ret $ns 9B/ , 2h!s the$r $n.$/$.! l / l!es & nnot #e & l&!l te.,

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