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Goodings Class
Earths Materials and Changes
We have been studying as a class, changes that happen on earth. Volcanoes, rocks and fossils either cause the changes to happen on earth or will show what happens after a change. For this project, choose one of the topics below to research. Use the websites given to gather more information and come up with a creative way to explain the earth changes that are made.

Information on Volcanoes

Be able to explain what makes a volcano er pt and give both positive and negative reasons for a volcano er pting.
http!""$.ng .ed "levels"elemen tar$"article"%&%'() http!""galenet.galegro$.ng .ed "servl et"*idsInfoBits+s b,opic-Earth .)B/cience0locI1-ngreenvillcl0failover-(0topic/cience.)B .)&)2.)BMath0c-30search,erm-Volcanoes0ste -&0tbst-tsrch0tab-30bConts-%' Volcano Video4 click on the video that is labeled and listed as 5Volcanoes6 - Describes volcanoes as large structures of rock with magma inside of them.

Information on 7ocks

Be able to name the % t$pes of rocks and describe how each are formed.
http!""galenet.galegro$.ng .ed "servl et"*idsInfoBits+s b,opic-Earth .)B/cience0locI1-ngreenvillcl0failover-(0topic/cience.)B .)&)2.)BMath0c-30search,erm-Igneo s .)Brocks0ste-&0tbst-tsrch0tab-30bConts-8

http!""galenet.galegro$.ng .ed "servl et"*idsInfoBits+s b,opic-Earth .)B/cience0locI1-ngreenvillcl0failover-(0topic/cience.)B .)&)2.)BMath0c-30search,erm-Metamorphic .)Brocks0ste-&0tbst-tsrch0tab-30bConts-8 http!""galenet.galegro$.ng .ed "servl et"*idsInfoBits+s b,opic-Earth .)B/cience0locI1-ngreenvillcl0failover-(0topic/cience.)B .)&)2.)BMath0c-30search,erm-/edimentar$ .)Brocks0ste-&0tbst-tsrch0tab-30bConts-% http!""$.ng .ed "sas"res l ts+sid-22'9%ad'432)84:ac84bb924 &3f2(:e:9%((.:(sessionmgr3%0vid-%0hid-)90b data-;k<3dGh=e>Bl?/@ic>Vlcnk';mAsa,B'7lCmD) x)M13@;n7&cG='MB.%d.%d

Information on <ossils

Be able to explain how fossils are formed and name place in /o th Carolina where fossils are fo nd.
http!""galenet.galegro$.ng .ed "servl et"*idsInfoBits+s b,opic-Earth .)B/cience0locI1-ngreenvillcl0failover-(0topic/cience.)B .)&)2.)BMath0c-30search,erm-<ossils0ste-&0 tbst-tsrch0tab-30bConts-%' http!""$.ng .ed "levels"elemen tar$"article"%&%3::

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