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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y
. NAME: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Third Quarter
Week 5


Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy, and genetic information provide evidence for
evolution. (S10LT-IIIf-39)

1. Explain how fossil records provide evidences for evolution using images/pictures (S10LT-IIIf- ;
2. explain how rock formation, geologic time scale, and carbon-14 dating can be used in determining the age
of a fossil (S10LT-IIIf- ;
3. explain how comparative anatomy provides evidence for evolution using pictures/video clips
(S10LT-IIIf- ; and
4. explain how genetic information provides evidence for evolution (S10LT-IIIf-
The previous module explained how protein is made using information from DNA. The process of
DNA replication, transcription and translation were discussed. It is also mentioned that mutation may happen
during these processes. Now let us study how fossil records, comparative anatomy, and genetic information
provide evidence for evolution.

All organisms found on Earth has exhibited changes in their physical appearance – structure, traits
and abilities, as well as their genetic makeup which greatly supports the idea of evolution. These changes
were vital in surviving the ever-changing environment during their existence.
Now the question is, how were the scientists able to record these changes? One good way is through
the use of fossils. Fossils are remains (bones, teeth, or shell) or traces that are embedded in rocks of past
living organisms that have been preserved by natural processes or catastrophic events. They are commonly
found in sedimentary rocks. Scientists who study fossils are called paleontologists.

(a) (b)
Images were taken from

Images were taken from

(a) (b)
There are two types of fossils present: (a) compression and (b) impression. (Refer to the image
above). The picture above shows a fossil of the Gingko leaf. The fossil on the left formed a compression and
represents the positive side. This side has more organic material in it. However, the fossil on the right formed
an impression or imprint and represents the negative side. This side shows the external mold left by the
animal or plant tissue with little or no organic material.
The age of fossils intrigues almost everyone. Students not only want to know how old a fossil is, but
they want to know how that age was determined. Some very straightforward principles are used to
determine the age of fossils. Students should be able to understand the principles and have that as a
background so that age determinations by paleontologists and geologists don't seem like black magic.
There are two types of age determinations. Geologists in the late 18th and early 19th century studied
rock layers and the fossils in them to determine relative age. William Smith was one of the most important
scientists from this time who helped to develop knowledge of the succession of different fossils by studying
their distribution through the sequence of sedimentary rocks in southern England. It wasn't until well into
the 20th century that enough information had accumulated about the rate of radioactive decay that the age of
rocks and fossils in number of years could be determined through radiometric age dating.
Three methods can be used to determine the age of a fossil, these are rock formation, geologic time scale
and carbon-14 dating.
Rock Formation: A rock formation is an isolated, scenic, or spectacular surface rock outcrop. Rock
formations are usually the result of weathering and erosion sculpting the existing rock. The term rock
formation can also refer to specific sedimentary strata or other rock unit in stratigraphic and petrologic

Geologic Time Scale: The geologic time scale (GTS) is a system of chronological dating that
relates geological strata (stratigraphy) to time. The table of geologic time spans, presented here, agree with
the nomenclature, dates and standard color codes set forth by the International Commission on Stratigraphy
Some examples of events listed on the geologic time scale include the first appearance of plant life on
Earth, the first appearance of animals on Earth, the formation of Earth's mountains, and the extinction of the
The geologic time scale is an important tool used to portray the history of the Earth—a
standard timeline used to describe the age of rocks and fossils, and the events that formed them. It spans
Earth's entire history and is separated into four principle divisions.
Carbon-14 Dating: Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon-14 dating) is a
method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of
radiocarbon, a radioactive isotope of carbon.


Source: Payawal P. (1993)

Radiocarbon dating is a method that provides objective age estimates for carbon-based materials that
originated from living organisms. An age could be estimated by measuring the amount of carbon-14 present
in the sample and comparing this against an internationally used reference standard.

Science 10 Q3M5 Prepared by: Laila Marie F. Ilagan, Yolanda D. Tabirao, Ru Chin N.
Salcedo, Allan F. Manato & Jenifer T. Herrera

Radiocarbon dating involves determining the age of an ancient fossil or specimen by measuring
its carbon-14 content. Green plants absorb the carbon dioxide, so the population of carbon-14 molecules is
continually replenished until the plant dies. Carbon-14 is also passed onto the animals that eat those plants.

Homologous vs Analogous
Features of animals that have similar structure are classified as homologous if they have a common
evolutionary origin, even if they have different functions in different animals. A classic example of
homologous structures is that of the wing of a bat and the arm of a human. Both have similar internal bone
structure, and as mammals, the evolutionary origin is clearly similar. However, the wing of a bat is utilized for
flying, whereas the arm of a person is used to carry items or to perform other tasks and is not suited for flight.
Similarly, the leg of a dog, wing of a bird, and fin of a whale are also homologous to the human arm.
Alternatively, many structures that are clearly similar have entirely different evolutionary ancestors.
These have converged to have the same or comparable function despite differing origins and are known as
analogous or homoplastic structures. Consider bird wings and insect wings; both features of these organisms
allow for flight, but the development of wings on the bird and the insect evolved differently and subsequently
converged to allow both to function similarly.

Science 10 Q3M5 Prepared by: Laila Marie F. Ilagan, Yolanda D. Tabirao, Ru Chin N.
Salcedo, Allan F. Manato & Jenifer T. Herrera

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