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Name: _____Trisha Angeles________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be speci ic!: "ales Associate #ob o$er$ie%&What the' do ((ro$ide a paragraph description o the job) What %ould a t'pical da' on the job look like*!: +et,s sa' -,m %orking at Aeropostale as a "ales Associate) At irst 'ou prepare 'oursel or the job and listen to the recorder and kno% %hat the $olume goal is or the da'. the pst. gst and con$ersion) You also need to kno% the +oss (re$ention /onth Top and should kno% %hat it is all about) A ter that 'ou go approach the manager and ask %here he&she %ants 'ou in the store. You could be at the ront greeting costumers and telling them %hat,s the deal o the da'. 'ou can also be cash %hich 'ou help people and get to kno% %hat the' bought and tell them %hat a great choice o items or 'ou can also be at the itting room %here 'ou help people and get a room to it the clothes and also assist them %ith them i the' need help %ith an' si0e or 'ou can also help them mi1 and match out its) A regular da' at Aeropostale is re2plen. dusting. clean the back counter. make the %hole store clean and help customers)

Working conditions (3ours 'ou can e1pect to %ork* Risk o injuries* Time o da'&time o 'ear* -ndoors&outdoors* Clothing re4uired* 5tc6!:

- e1pect to %ork or 78 hours or more. risk o injuries is 98&98 it depends on ho% 'ou ollo% the directions and pre2caution) The %ork is indoors and there is no clothing re4uired but - ha$e to %ear the brand o our store)

"alar' (%hat %age can 'ou e1pect to earn*!: The minimum %age %hich is :8);9 because -,m just a student)

<uture outlook (%ill this job be in demand in the uture* Wh'&%h' not*!:

Yes) "ince -,m going to take ashion this is a big background or m' course because right no% stand as a =isual. "tock person. Cashier and Aero ambassador)

Post-Secondary Institute !rainin" Pro"ram #$

Central >kanagan or ?@C

%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located) What is the name o the program* Also tell us %h' this school appeals to 'ou! 'ritish (o)um*ia. +ashion, Media and arts (ost& ( irst 'ear ANA total cost o program. including tuition. books. and supplies! -t,s around Bk2Ck including the books - planning on attending a major uni$ersit': %%%)'ou)ubc)ca to calculate an appro1imate cost - planning on attending a college: %%%)okanagan)bc)ca&tuition to calculate an appro1imate cost Pre-re-uisites of pro"ram& (courses 'ou need to be taking in high school in order to get in. re4uired G(A! "e%ing class. Arts. (hotograph'. /edia

What are B related occupations 'ou could take i this one didn,t %ork out or 'ou (%hat %ould 'ou do i 'ou don,t end up doing this career and %h'*!:
.ctress, (hef, +ashion Desi"ner, Mode)

And most importantl'6 Wh' are 'ou interested in this career* (3o% long ha$e 'ou been interested in it* What led 'ou to %anting this job* 3o% does it suit& it 'our personalit'. interests. characteristics. strengths. etc6*!:

-,m interested in this career right no% because - just %ant to ha$e a background pick to ashion industr') - %ant to kno% %hat happens in the ashion industr' ho% people %ork around and ho%

the s'stem %orks this job %on,t be permanent because the salar' and %age is %a' to lo%) -,$e been interested at <ashion since -,m :: and - got the job because - ne$er stopped appl'ing and tr'ing and tr'ing. this job suites m' personalit' a lot because irst - like ashion. -,m updated to it and - like to mi1 and match clothes and - also enjo' making m' o%n clothes) /ost o m' strengths re$ol$es around the ashion and media)

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