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Christian Listoe Professor Raymond English 1101 October 2, 2013

That Tall White Statue The Belk Tower design is very unique and original. It is made up of twenty, seven foot long hollow circular segments stacked on top of each other. The base of the tower is madeyt' brown brick and has a lump on one side. "The second hump was for another tower ... a~IlY a service door." After the Belk Tower was built on May 31, 1970, Dean Colvard, former chancellor said: just

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shall be very proud to have this tower become a symbol of the beauty and


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grace of the campus, and we are especially proud to have it identified with this pioneer North Carolina familyX


The Belk Tower is an iconic statue on the UNC Charlotte campus. The tower is visible by Interstate 85, Highway 29, and Highway 49. The Belk Tower stands ()l:}8'mm.ere~,,*,! feet tall and plays music periodically throughout the day. The Belk Tower was dedicated to William Henry Belk, the owner and founder of the Belk Department Store. S~'6n


The Belk Tower was designed by architects from the Little, Lee and Associates firm. The Belk Tower was funded by the Belk family, Belk Brothers Company, and the Belk Foundation. All in all, they donated one hundred thousand dollars in the construction. "The shape of the tower is designed to reduce the aeronautical wind load and to provide a pure and inspiring shape

to symbolize the University's upward reach toward excellence." The Belk Tower stands one hundred and forty seven feet tall, which is about twelve stories tall. Preacher Gary stands at the Belk Tower and evangelizes to everyone that walks by. Here is a reaction from a campus worker "As Mike (campus staff at UNCC) and I walked towards Belk Tower on the campus ofUNC Charlotte, the sound of "Hells Bells" by ACIDC drifted through the air. There was an international studies fair planned at the tower, and we knew that a controversial open-air preacher was there as well, but where AC/DC fit into that was beyond me. The answer became clear as we approached the tower, which has a small hill at its base. The preacher, Bible in hand and wearing a baseball cap that read "REPENT", argued with a crowd of students, while above him on the hill, a student played heavy metal on his guitar, amp cranked to "11." Preacher Gary has been traveling around to different colleges around North Carolina for twenty years. He is known by many staff members and students. The Belk Tower stands a total of Oee IIwrched and fOlly Se't'eR feet tall. There are twenty, seven foot long sections stacked on top of each other. The twenty sections are made of white aggregated material and reinforced with cables in the middle. The base of the tower is made of brown brick and is seven feet in diameter. In the base of the tower, there is a one hundred and eighty three bell electric carillon. The carillon can be played manually or programmed to play at certain times throughout the d~





Sanford, Ken. Charlotte and UNC Charlotte Growing Up Together. 1996. Print.

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