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Near Field Communication is the buzzword of the smartphone industry today. It is turning out to be a revolutionary breakthrough in terms of its wide array of applications and versatility. Even though it was introduced years ago, it became a familiar word on the arrival of the flagship smartphone Google Nexus S manufactured by Samsung. It is introduced to power up the much awaited service by Google known as the Google Wallet. It turns out to be an ambitious project from the internet giants. But, Near Field Communication proves to be not only a mean for such applications and provides us with a plethora of options in many fields. Health monitoring is such example where this promising technology can be applied. For the disabled it will be easy for utilizing such wireless method of heath monitoring for the access of all the vital stats like pulse rate, heart rate, pressure etc. Earlier, we had the inconvenience of making the monitoring instruments attached to the patients. Or, in some cases of extreme health conditions, the patient has to be admitted for thorough analysis and diagnosis. The main advantage the Near Field Communication technique is that constant proximity of personnel is not a requirement here. Short range wireless communication devices comes to our help by enabling us to carry out the same procedure of health monitoring without the need for the patient to be tied down or making him/her carry the instruments all the long. Also, the main concern for such devices, which is the power consumption, is very low. It even reaches milliwatts range for most of them while on operation. Also, we can expect that many such crucial applications will be utilized in the near future where our imagination is the only limit.

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