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Interview with the


Theie is a geneiation, whose teeth aie as swoius, anu theii jaw teeth as knives, to
uevoui the pooi fiom off the eaith, anu the neeuy fiom among men. The hoiseleach
hath two uaughteis, ciying, uive, give. Theie aie thiee things that aie nevei satisfieu,
yea, foui things say not, It is enough: The giave; anu the baiien womb; the eaith that is
not filleu with watei; anu the fiie that saith not, It is enough.Piov. Su:14-16

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"#$$%&' "()*+$#,- Foi the benefit of some of us who may have not ieau !"#$%&' )&*+',-&./
explain the piovocative title of this fliei.

.(//(0' 12*3&$4$/$3- To be biief, that book chionicles my uescent into witchciaft, Satanism, anu
ultimately into the logical iesult of such a tiajectoiyvampiiism. It then shows how }esus
Chiist saveu me.

FF: So, you aie saying you weie a vampiie.

.1- Peihaps I shoulu say a vampiie-in-tiaining.

FF: I'm soiiy, coulu you explain.

.1- I uon't want to give the impiession that I was an unueau ghoul who tuineu into a bat,
walkeu thiough walls, oi muiueieu people. Bowevei, I was biought into contact with a cult
that claimeu gieat antiquity anu which initiateu me into the "Nysteiies" of vampiiism. They
taught me that thiough consuming human bloou, I coulu live foievei.

FF: So you weien't like a vampiie in the movies.

.1- Like eveiything else in Bollywoou, it was a mixtuie of tiuth anu lies. 0nce initiateu into the
cult, I felt an oveiwhelming ciaving foi bloou. I coulu not beai to be out in sunlight, noi coulu 5
stanu to be within a uozen feet of gailic. 5 coulu not stanu foou, anu hau to exist solely on bloou
anuoi giape juice.

FF: Wait a minute. Wheie uiu you get the bloou then.

.1- Foitunately foi my sanity, I was the high piiest of a faiily goou-sizeu coven of witches. Seveial
of the piiestesses weie moie than willing foi me to tap into theii veins in exchange foi the
piomise of eteinal life. Theie weie enough women so that my appetite uiu not enuangei any
one of themat fiist.

FF: These women willingly let you uiink theii bloou.

.1- They believeu, as I uiu, that by paiticipating in such iituals, they woulu be
eteinally young anu beautifulan appealing thought foi some women.

FF: You saiu this gioup of women was sufficient foi you, at fiist. What uo you mean.

.1- Towaius the enu, my appetite 0'&12 I woikeu nights out on the stieets anu I hau to ieally
fight to not attack the occasional woman 5 woulu see. 5 was filleu with a lust, not only foi
bloou, but foi the violent taking of that bloou. Compliant victims weie no longei enough.

FF: What happeneu.

.1- A Chiistian woman began piaying foi me, anu because of hei inteicession, YBWB smasheu
my magical powei-base anu giauually, painfully, ueliveieu me fiom my bloou-lust. It took
ovei five yeais, befoie I was finally to a place wheie I was willing to bow the knee anu accept
Yah'shua (Bebiew name foi }esus) as my Nastei anu L0RB. Then, I was finally anu completely
ueliveieu fiom vampiiism.

FF: This is going to sounu incieuible foi many Chiistians.

.1- I want to say: "uoou!" We aie to be innocent of evil (67&#8 69-:;). Bowevei, theie is a fine line
between being innocent anu ignoiant. The same apostle waineu us about being $0-,'3-* of
Satan's uevices (:7&#8 :-66). That is why I piayeu foi seveial yeais befoie "coming out of the
closet" about vampiiism. We felt the Loiu telling us that it hau to be biought to the light (<=*8
>-66). As it tuineu out, we can see the Boly Spiiit is aheau of the uevilas usual!

FF: Bow uo you mean.

.1- 0ui book, !"#$%&' )&*+',-&./ was wiitten in 1992. It baiely pieceueu a wave of new vampiie
gaibage in the meuiaculminating in INTERvIEW WITB TBE vANPIRE. We knew that foi
many Chiistians, the iuea of someone uiinking bloou anu sleeping in a coffin by uay was
moie Bollywoou than ieality. Bowevei, yeais ago, most Chiistians woulu have saiu that
theie weie no such thing as witches eithei. A heau-in-the-sanu attituue #3- be

FF: What uo you see Satan tiying to uo heie.

.1- Satan is a copycat. Be wants moie than anything to be like uou (5,08 69-69). Be knows that
Yah'shua's followeis have the gift of eteinal life. It is available thiough Bis bloou. If you stuuy
the vampiie cult caiefully, you will see it is a miiioi image of uou's salvation. The movie, 45'36
7*,8&'9: )'3#";34 poitiays Biacula as a uaik Chiist-figuie who gives his uisciples eteinal life as
well, thiough BIS sheu bloou.

FF: Now you've lost me.

.1- To be initiateu into vampiiism, a vampiie must uiink youi bloou. Then you also neeu to uiink
bloou fiom +$: veins, usually fiom a gash in his chest. This is veiy close to the symbolism of the
bloou anu watei gushing out of Yah'shua's siue. They believe that thiee uays aftei you uie, you
will iise again as a full-blown vampiie, not just a "vampiie-wannabe." This is a copy of the
thiee uays Yahs'hua spent in the tomb. I uiun't uie, so I nevei maue that supposeu final
tiansition. 0nce they have iisen, it is believeu that they will live foievei. This is, again, a
counteifeit of the eteinal life anu gloiifieu iesuiiecteu bouy we will ieceive fiom oui Savioi.

FF: Bo these people actually iise fiom the ueau.

.1- I uon't know. Ny initiatoi claimeu to have uone so. 5"* +,1 ., <," =',>& $*? Some Bible
scholais will tell you that Satan cannot piouuce life fiom non-life. I think the Bible says
otheiwise. Phaiaoh's magicians weie able to tuin inanimate ious into snakes (<?8 @-66). Since I
have no pioof that these people weie actually unueau, I must pleau ignoiance. It uoesn't ieally
mattei in Satan's plan whethei they ieally can iise oi not. The vital thing is that he is uangling
a coveteu piize befoie people. But like all of his "piizes," it has a toituious hook in it.

FF: What uo you mean.

.1- Some think it woulu be "awesome" to live foievei as a vampiie. That is because they've nevei
tiieu it. Think of what YBWB uiu aftei the Fall in the uaiuen of Euen:

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.1- YBWB woikeu a miiacle to keep oui fiist paients fiom living foievei! Auam was fallen
spiiitually ueau. Be knew that to let him live foievei woulu be incieuible toituie. But foi a couple of
uiffeiences, it might be a goou, woiking uefinition of hell itself!

FF: I'm not suie I follow.

.1- A peison who is not Boin Again lives in a constant state of nagging uesiies. They aie
unfulfilleu because they aie not uoing what YBWB intenueu foi them anu aie fiequently
miseiable. This is why so many seek ielief fiom theii emptiness by escapes like uiugs oi
piomiscuitywhat psycho-babble calls auuictive behavioi, but what the Bible calls "sin!"
Imagine if such a peison weie to live foi centuiies. }ust think of the unsaveu, oluei folks you
know who aie bittei, anu then multiply theii conuition a hunuieufolu. To live foievei without
uou anu Bis Spiiit, isin factpait of hell's toiment. But that's just the beginning. I've
expeiienceu the ciaving foi bloou. Talk about an auuictive uisoiuei! @+$: ,-& *,=: *+&6 3;;2

FF: Come again.

.1- Imagine having a constant "itch" of incieuible powei that you can't ieally sciatch. Imagine
having an appetite that was stiongei than oui uesiie foi foou anu oui sex uiive. HJ+ you coulu
nevei satisfy that thiist completely. Remembei that you coulu only fulfill that neeu by an
invasion of anothei human bouy that most people woulu finu utteily iepulsive. Even if you
founu someone anu tiieu to slake youi thiist, it woulu be like a thiisty man uiinking salt
watei. It only maue you thiistiei! It neaily uiove me mau in a couple of yeais. Imagine, if it
weie possible, someone living like that foi uozens of yeais! Like all of Satan's gifts, this
supposeu "eteinal life" actually biings the toiment of the uamneu.

FF: What makes vampiiism so especially evil.

.1- Biinking bloou is one of the few acts foibiuuen by the Bible in eveiy age. Befoie Noses,
then at the giving of the Law, anu even now in the Chuich Age, it is a cuiseu act (see F$38 R-QS9G
B$M8 6@-69G A2+, 6>-:;). I can't say foi ceitain 1+< YBWB commanueu this, othei than Bis
statement that the bloou is the life. The Bebiew woiu theie foi life is A&=+&:#+/ (Stiongs
#SS1S) which is also the woiu tianslateu as soul. You aie stealing the life piinciple of a
peison, anu you aie uefiling youiself in ways that I cannot ieally begin to put into woius.

FF: Then what uo you think the uevil's point is in this.

.1- Folks touay aie obsesseu with health anu youth. Theie is a billion uollai inuustiy ueuicateu to
it. The meuia accentuates this by making oluei people boiing oi ineffectual. Now, *+&'& $:
-,*+$-0 1',-0 1$*+ B&$-0 +&3;*+<2 But theie aie some people who woulu liteially KILL to get
eteinal youth. Like eveiything else touay, they want it -,12 They uon't want to wait. Noi uo
they wish to bow the knee to Yah'shua anu give up theii sinful life-styles. The vampiie being
"maiketeu" touay offeis a beguiling blenu of eteinal life anu sexual wantonness.

FF: You'ie saying people finu it sexy.

.1- Especially because of Bollywoou. Remembei, this is *+& :36& C,;;<1,,. *+3* 0;36,'$D&. .'"0:
$- *+& EFGH9:2 They've been caieful to cast actois as vampiies that aie "sex-symbols." They tiy
to make it iomantic by setting it in an eia of victoiian elegance anu beautiful clothing. Foi the
youngei ciowu, theie aie moie giunge oi punk oiienteu vampiies such as those in the film, 4@+&
!,:* 5,<:24 The vampiie is shown to be incieuibly poweiful anu chaiismatic. 0sually those who
oppose him aie poitiayeu as wimps oi uolts. Touay's youth aie hungiy foi eteinal
answeis, anu they feel poweiless. The vampiie pioviues them with supposeu access to
powei anu eteinity, without the "hang-ups" anu "thou-shalt-nots" that they associate with
Yah'shua. Natuially, the meuia will nevei poitiay a poweiful image of Yah'shua with "state-of-
the-ait" special effects anu woilu-class piouuction, so Satan gets all the goou PR. Insteau, it
pleases YBWB to save people thiough the foolishness of pieaching (67&#8 6-:6). It is a
humbling thought.

FF: Why is this happening now.

.1- We aie in the last uays. Incieuible as it sounus, the Bible wains that as we neai the
Tiibulation, piactices like this may become common. 0nce the Anti-Chiist is ievealeu, his
woiship may incluue vampiiism anu cannibalismespecially of the }ewish iemnanton the
pait of his followeis (T,8 69-9G 6U-9G :@-:G 5,8 U-6:S6Q). Satan is tiying to uestioy the ancient
taboos that the Loiu has set up. Be has alieauy tiieu to make foinication anu souomy
acceptable. Sex with chiluien is next, if gay iights gioups have theii way. We may have an
4IJ"3;KL$0+*: %,' M36=$'&:4 movement, if Yah'shua taiiies.

FF- So it is pait of the enu-times seuuction!

.1- I think so. Satan is hitting oui young people incieuibly haiu. The uaik, spiiitual powei
behinu the ciaving foi bloou is going to make uiugs look like a cake walk, anu he is uoing
his best to ueceive as many people as possible. We get mail anu phone calls alieauy fiom
paients who aie fiantic because theii kius aie uiinking bloou! Any giounu Satan gains
now will make what he neeus to accomplish uuiing Anti-Chiist's ieign that much simplei.
Auuitionally, theie is something so giotesque about uiinking bloou that peopleespecially
kiusthink that if they have uone it they have taken some soit of iiievocable step. They think
they've committeu the unpaiuonable sin. That is a lie Satan feeus them. They begin to think
they aie going to enu up like }ack the Rippei oi }effiey Bahmei.

FF: But that isn't necessaiily the case!

.1- Absolutely not. I stanu befoie you as pioof that the bloou of Nessiah can wipe away any
stain, even vampiiism! 5 am completely libeiateu anu I give YBWB all the gloiy! Speaking
of Bahmei, aftei his muiuei in piison, I saw an eailiei tapeu inteiview with himoui most
notoiious cannibalkillei. Be gave a peisonal testimony of the Loiuship of Yah'shua on
that show! Ny spiiit boie witness that he hau inueeu ieceiveu Nessiah. As fai as I coulu
tell in my human unueistanuing, that man is in heaven touay! If Yahs'hua can save him, C&
#3- :3>& 3-<,-&N

FF: Piaise uou!

.1- Amen! I ask anyone who has gotten into this thinking they will live foievei, what soit of
life is it. Spenuing youi uays ciinging anu hiuing fiom the sun, youi bouy wiackeu with a
mau ciaving that will get incieasingly impossible to satisfy. Why settle foi the palliu
counteifeit, when you can have the genuine aiticlea gloiifieu, iesuiiecteu bouy which
can tiavel thiough walls, cioss light yeais in seconus, anu which will be the peifect
expiession of the beauty which the Cieatoi maue in you! All you neeu to uo is aumit you'ie
a sinnei anu ask Yah'shua to give you the ultimate gifttiue I@ILAO! !PQI2

If you have uabbleu in the occult oi in vampiiism, oi even if you simply uo not know foi ceitain
if you have eteinal life oi know wheie you aie going when you uie, you too can ieceive the fiee
gift of eteinal life. }ust follow these simple, Biblical steps:

1) A%'(+ O&J 0#$ 0 ,(33$#G 03% +*0+ &3/O V0*W,*J0 203 ,0M$ O&J XD&'8 Q-:QY
2) D$=$3+ 03% 4$ L(//(3) +& +J#3 0L0O I#&' O&J# ,(3 03% ,$#M$ VZ.Z XBJK$ 6Q->Y
3) H$/($M$ +*0+ V0*W,*J0 &I [0\0#$+* %($% &3 +*$ 2#&,, I&# O&J# ,(3, 03% +*0+ Z$ 0#&,$
I#&' +*$ %$0% +& )(M$ O&J $+$#30/ /(I$ XD&'8 6;-RS6;Y
4) A,K V0*W,*J0 +& ,0M$ O&J XD&'8 6;-6QY 03% +& 4$ O&J# B&#% XD&'8 6:-6S:Y

Renounce vampiiism anuoi the occult anu ask uou to iemove it fiom youi life.

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