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Teacher Eugnio

Class UNIT 2

Main Goal Introduce and practice the ING structures for talking about future plans and intentions. TASK 1: Warm up- show some pictures related to the vocabulary that will be introduced in the text and ask them to link the pictures to their corresponding names. The main aim is that they easily recognize the words in the text and the teacher can call their attention to the structures studied. TASK 2: Performance- the teacher has to separate them in two groups. Give each a set of papers with the text conversation Scenes 2. They have to unscramble the slips of paper and put all the conversation in order. Afterwards, the T asks some key- questions like: where are they going?/ What are they going to do there?- The Ss are supposed to answer: they are going to Brazil/They are going to see the. Give them two slips of paper with Right / Wrong. Show some sentences using ING and ask them to say if the sentence is right or wrong. TASK3: Accountability- Focus on language 4- Students Book, page 15. Ask the students to share their findings. Give an example by asking a sample question to one of the Ss and say a sentence (write on the board) like: he/she is going to HOMEWORK- House of English

Samba school parade Copacaban a beach Sugar loaf Football match Parade Copacaban a palace

1- Mrs. Anthony: We are going to Brazil. Im so excited about it. Beth: Thats wonderful! When are you two going? Mrs. Anthony: On February 12. We are going to land in Rio de Janeiro. And we are going to visit two other cities in BrazilFortaleza and Recife. Beth: Thats Wonderful! Why dont you visit Buenos Aires?

Mrs. Anthony: Beth, I think Buenos Aires is not in Brazil. Beth: OopsHow long are you planning to stay in Rio? A month? Mrs. Anthony: no, Tom can only take two weeks. Beth: What are you going to do there? Mrs. Anthony: Tom wants to watch a football match in Rio. Were planning to see the samba school parade too. The Sugar Loaf Mountainand Beth: What about Copacabana Beach? Mrs. Anthony: Aha, guess what! Were going to stay at the famous Copacabana Palace! Beth: Wow, good for you!

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