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Consolidated Syllabus


Centre for Business Administration

Central University of Jharkhand Ranchi- !"20"

#u%&ects 1) Principles of Management 2) Micro Economics 3) Financial Accounting 4) Fundamentals of Computers 5) Functional English 6) ociolog! and "usiness #) "usiness Mathematics

emester $

Credits % &3

Principles of Management
Course Content
ManagementAn Overview: Definition Managerial Roles - The Functions of Managers-Planning, Organizing, Staffing; Lea ing an !ontrolling" The Le#els of Management Management s$ills an organizational hierarch% Evolution of Management Thought: &arl% approaches to ManagementRo'erts O(en, !harles )a''age, , *n re( +re an !harles Dupin, ,enr% Ro'ison To(ne; !lassical approachScientific Management, * ministrati#e Theor%, )ureaucratic management )eha#ioral approach- Mar% Par$er Follet, &lton Ma%o, *'raham Maslo(, Douglas Mc.regor, !hris *rg%ris; /uantitati#e approach- Management science, Operations Management, Management 0nformation S%stems" Mo ern *pproaches to ManagementS%stems Theor%, !ontingenc% Theor%, &merging approaches in management thoughts" Social Res onsibilities of Management: Social Responsi'ilit% of Management, *rguments for an against Social Responsi'ilities of )usiness, Social Sta$ehol ersSharehol ers, &mplo%ees, !ustomers !re itors, Suppliers an Societ% an .o#ernment" 'undamentals of (lannin)* 'efinitions( ) *ature and ignificance of Planning ) +!pes of Plans( Planning Process( Pre%re,uisites for Effecti-e Planning ) .imitations of Planning/ 012ecti-es trategies and Policies3 *ature of 012ecti-es( M"0( M"0 Process ) "enefits and limitations of M"0 ) ma4ing M"0 Effecti-e ) *ature and Purpose of trategies and Policies ) trategic Planning( Characteristics and limitations of trategic Planning +ana)erial ,ecision-makin)* 'ecision%ma4ing Process% +!pes of Managerial 'ecisions ) 5roup 'ecision%ma4ing3 Forms of group decision% ma4ing( 'ecision%ma4ing +echni,ues6 ignificance and .imitations of 7ational 'ecision%ma4ing #trate)ic -r)ani.ation ,esi)n* Designing Organizational Structures - Ma1or Structural *lternati#es- Functional, Di#isional, ,%'ri an Matri2 )ases for Departmentation !hoosing the Pattern of Departmentation" Line 3 Staff *uthorit% an Decentralization/he 0uman 'actor* ,uman Resource Management*n O#er#ie(- ,uman Resource planningStaffing; Training an De#elopment; Performance *ppraisal; !ompensation The 4ature of People- Mc.regor5s Theor% 6 an Theor% 7 ,armonizing O'1ecti#esThe 8e% to Lea ing" +otivatin) 1m2loyees for Jo% (erformance* Definitions an Meaning of Moti#ation, Moti#ational Tools, 0mportance of Moti#ation; 0ntro uction to moti#ation theories content an process theories" Lea ership- Definition an Meaning of Lea ership, Lea ership traits; Lea ership for 'usiness e2cellence Managing !ommunications- Definitions, Significance of !ommunication in organizations, !ommunication Process, Do(n(ar communication; +p(ar !ommunication; !ross-(ise !ommunications, )arriers to !ommunication .ate(a%s to &ffecti#e !ommunication" /he Control 'unction* Planning an !ontrolling, 0mportance of !ontrolling, Le#els of controlling- Strategic control; Tactical control; Operational control, The )asic !ontrol Process, Re9uirements for &ffecti#e !ontrols" /he Control /echni3ues3 Ma1or !ontrol S%stems- Managerial Le#el; 4ature of timing- Financial !ontrolFinancial Statements; Ratio *nal%sis, )u getar% !ontrol- /ualit% !ontrol, 0n#entor% !ontrol" +ana)ement $nformation #ystems Management 0nformation- meaning of information- *ttri'utes of information0nformation nee s of Managers -!omponents of an information s%stem-

'undamentals of -r)* 'efinition( "enefits of 0rgani8ing6 Closed s!stem 9s 0pen s!stem -ie: of 0rgani8ation ) Formal 9s $nformal 0rgani8ation % pan of management ) Prere9uisites for &ffecti#e Organizing"

,ar (are; Soft(are ; People; Data proce ures-T%pes of information S%stemsTransaction processing s%stems; Office *utomation s%stems; Decision support s%stems; &2ecuti#e support s%stemManagement 0nformation s%stem&#olution of M0S" *uthorit% efine Po(er- )ases of Po(er, Line an Staff Relations- !oncepts of Line an Staff; Functional *uthorit%, Line an staff conflict, :ie( point of line managers#ie( point of staff managers, *#oi ance of Line an Staff !onflict - !entralization #s" Decentralization, Delegation of *uthorit%

/e4t and Reference Books Essentials of Management3 An $nternational Perspecti-e ;arold <oont8( ;ein8 =eihrich6 +ata Mc5ra:%;ill >Management?( @ames A F toner( 7 Ed:ard Freeman and 'aniel 7 5il1ert6 Prentice ;all of $ndia Management 3 +as4s 7esponsi1ilities Practices6 Peter F 'ruc4er6 Allied +he Practice of management6 Peter F 'ruc4er6 "utter:orth%;einemann Management challenges for the 21st centur! Peter F 'ruc4er;arper Collins Management( 11Ae6 tephen P/ 7o11ins( Mar! Coulter6 Prentice ;all <outso!iannis A

emester $

Credits % &3

Micro &conomics
Course Content
&conomics- meaning, micro an macro economics, characteristics of (ants, human 'eha#iour an scarce resources, 0ntro uction to eman ; meaning of eman , the la( of Deman , principle of e9ui- marginal utilit%, !onsumer 'eha#iour, the in ifference cur#es approach; in ifference cur#e, in ifference map, marginal rate of su'stitution, properties of in ifference cur#e, 'u get line, &9uili'rium of consumer , elasticit% of eman ; price elasticit% of eman , income elasticit% of eman , cross elasticit% of eman , measurement of elasticit% of eman , 0ncome effect, income consumption cur#e, su'stitution effect, Sluts$% su'stitution effect an price effect, price consumption cur#e, !onsumer surplus; Marshalian concept of consumer surplus, ,ic$sian four concept of consumer surplus" *pplication of ifferentiation an integration in the measurement of total utilit% an marginal utilit% Meaning of Pro uction function, iso9uant, properties of iso9uant , marginal rate of technical su'stitution, elasticit% of su'stitution, !o''-Douglus pro uction function, La(s of pro uction; the la( of #aria'le proportions in the short run anal%sis of pro uction, la( of return to scale in the long run anal%sis of pro uction function, technological progress; capital epen ing technological progress, la'our epen ing technological progress, neutral technical progress, Relation 'et(een Total re#enue, Marginal re#enue, a#erage re#enue an elasticit% of eman application of ifferentiation an integration in the calculation of re#enue, a#erage re#enue Perfect !ompetition Mar$et; assumptions, short run e9uili'rium of the competiti#e mar$et, long run e9uili'rium of the competiti#e mar$et, Monopol% Mar$et ; efinition an con itions, short run e9uili'rium of monopolist, long run e9uili'rium of monopolist, Price iscrimination, Monopolistic !ompetition Mar$et; character, price an output e9uili'rium un er monopolistic competition mar$et, Oligopol% mar$et; characteristics, $in$e eman cur#e theor% of oligopol%, 4atural Monopol%"

/e4t and Reference Books

Ahu2a ;/.( >Ad-anced Economics3 +heor! Microeconomic Anal!sis( / Chand B Co/ .td/ *e: 'elhi/ 2&1& <outso!iannis A( >Modern Microeconomics? Macmillan Pu1lishers .td/ .ondon and "asingsto4e/ 2&1&

emester $

Credits % &3

Financial *ccounting
Course Content
$ntroduction Accounting6 +he .anguage of "usiness C'efinition)( Accounting3 An $nformation !stem Dsers of Accounting $nformation( "ranches of Accounting( "asic Accounting +erms 3 Assets( .ia1ilities( E,uit!( 7e-enue( EEpenses( 'efinition of Capital( +!pes of "usinesses3 ole Proprietorship( Partnership( ..Cs( Corporations( 5uarantee compan!( 012ecti-es of Financial Accounting ( .imitations of Financial Accounting( Accounting and "oo4 <eeping 'inancial Accountin) 'rame5ork +he "asic Accounting E,uation( +he Concept of +rial "alance( "alance heet and Profit B .oss Account( C+ransaction Anal!sis introduction)( .in4age 1et:een the "alance heet and Profit B .oss Account( +he 'e1it Credit 7ules 'ual Entr! Accounting -s ingle Entr! Accounting +!pes of accounts and their rele-ance( Accounting Period and fiscal !ear( Accrual "asis of Accounting ( 'ou1le Entr! 9s ingle Entr! ) ignificance of 'e1it and Credit in Accounts Accounting tandards and Con-entions3 Mone! Measurement Concept( Entit! Concept( 5oing Concern Concept( Cost Concept( 'ual Aspect Concept( Accrual Concept( Conser-atism( Materialit! Concept( Consistenc! concept( 'isclosure Concept /he Accountin) Cycle @ournal3 5eneral Principles( @ournal Proper( Purchase 'a! "oo4( ales 'a! "oo4( Cash "oo4( 5eneral .edger( +rial "alance C=ith focus on recording transactions and anal!sis)( "an4 7econciliation tatement B Cash "oo4/ Preparation of +rading account3 Profit and .oss Account B "alance heet of ole proprietorship 1usiness/ $ntroduction to preparation of financial statements of 2oint stoc4 companies/ Basic (rinci2les of 2re2arin) final Accounts "rief re-ie: of Accounting tandards in $ndiaC5enerall! Accepted Accounting Principles etc) 9aluation of $n-entories( E-ents occurring after "alance sheet date( Pro-isions B 7eser-es3 Pro-ision of 'ou1tful Accounts( Pro-ision for 'epreciation/ Accounting for fiEed assets and depreciation( Capital B 7e-enue eEpenditure/ 7ectification of errors B Ad2ustment entries/ 'epartmental Accounting ) "ranch Accounts ) 7eceipts and Pa!ments Account B $ncome and EEpenditure Account( Accounting for +aE EEpense( 'eferred +aE Asset and 'eferred +aE .ia1ilit!/ (re2aration of 'inal 'inancial #tatements Form and Preparation of $ncome tatement and tatement of Financial Position( Ad2ustments( Closing Entries( tatement of Cash Flo:s( tatement of toc4 ;olders E,uit!/ 'i-idend Accounting( $nterim 'i-idend "alance heet as per chedule 9$ format ) Finali8ation of Accounts/ Forfeiture of hares( urrender of hares( $ssue of +:o Classes of hares( 7ight hares( 7e%issue of shares( 'e1entures (artnershi2 Accounts Partnership Accounts( Admission of Partner( 7etirement of a Partner( 'eath of a Partner( 'issolution of Partner Piecemeal 'istri1ution( Amalgamation and sale of Firms/ #hares and #hare Ca2ital hares( hare Capital( Accounting Entries( Dnder su1scription( 0-ersu1scription( Calls in Ad-ance( Calls in Arrears( $ssue of hare at Premium( $ssue of hare at 'iscount/

/e4t and Reference Books

'r/ / */ Mahesh:ari( /</ Mahesh:ari CC2&1&)( Financial Accounting for ""A( 9i4as Pu1lishing ;ouse( *e: 'elhi/ $ "*3 F125G34356 P/C/ +ulsian C2&&G)( Financial Accounting( Pearson Education( *e: 'elhi/ $ "* G#FF1##5F22F4 Financial Accounting for "usiness Managers ( Ashish < "hattachar!a C2&&F)( 3rd edition( P;$ .earning $ndia Pri-ate .imited( *e: 'elhi $ "*3 G#FF12&33&13G "el-erd E *eedles and Marian Po:ers C2&1&) Financial Accounting( 11Ae( Cengage .earning 7a2esh Agra:al( 7 rini-asan Accounting Made Eas! econd Edition C2&11) +ata Mc5ra:%;ill Education Pri-ate .imited *e: 'elhi/ $ "*3 G#F&&#&#&&GF# "/</ "anner2ee C2&&F) Financial Accounting A '!namic Approach( 3rd edition( P;$ .earning $ndia P/ .td( *e: 'elhi

emester $

Credits % &3

!undamentals of Com uters

Course Content
0ntro uction to computers, generations of computers, processors, memor% hierarch% an 0;O e#ices, s%stem an application soft(are, generation of languages, compiler, interpreter, assem'ler, 4um'er s%stems, computer arithmetic Flo( charting, se9uential, 'ranching, iterati#e 0ntro uction to <!5 as programming language; *n o#er#ie( of <!5 Programme, <!5 !haracter set, <!5 to$ens, <!5 8e% (or s, Data T%pes =Primar%, eri#e 3 user efine >, storage classes, s%m'olic constants, operators =arithmetic, logical an relations> flo( of control =0f-else, s(itch case, (hile, o-(hile 3 for-loops> Functions =+DF, String functions, Mathematical function> Recursion, pointers, arra% =?-D, @-D>, strings, pre-processor irecti#es, structures, lin$e list file han ling +nit 0:- ! La' &2ecution of simple program !on itional an +n-con itional 'ranching Loops Functions =0terati#e 3 Recursi#e> *rra%s =?-D 3 @-D> Structures Lin$e Lists File 0;O

/e4t and Reference Books " = <ernighan( 'M 7itche ) +he C Programming language( P;$ HP <anet4ar ) .et us C( "P" Pu1lications E/ "alagurus:am! ) Programming in A* $ C ) 4e( Pu1lication % +M; Fundamentals of Computers ) P< inha

emester $

Credits % &3

Communicative English
Course Content
5rammar3 +ense( 9oice( Participle( $nfiniti-e( 5erund( Counta1les and uncounta1les( Ad-er1 order( Prepositions( Dsage of too and enough( some and an!( no and not an!( Model -er1s( Iuestion +ags( Causati-e -er1s( Conditions and Dnreal Past 7eading and =riting 4ills3 PrJcis Comprehension 0fficial .etters =riting Essa!s 0ration

/e4t and Reference Books *esfieldKs 5rammar

emester $

Credits % &3

Sociology and "usiness

Course Content
Meaning of Sociolog%, Meaning, 4ature an Scope of 0n ustrial Sociolog%, 0n ustr% an sociolog%, De#elopment of 0n ustrial Sociolog%" Rise an De#elopment of 0n ustr% &arl% 0n ustrialism T%pes of Pro ucti#e S%stems -The Manorial or Feu al s%stem The guil s%stem The omestic or putting-out s%stem an the factor% s%stem !haracteristics of the factor% s%stem causes an !onse9uences of in ustrialization

$ndustriali8ation in $ndia/ $ndustrial Polic! 7esolutions ) 1G56/ Contemporar! $ssues3 Changing Concept of =or4 and .a1our( Migration of .a1our3 .ocal( 7egional and +ransnational/ migration of la1our ( $ndustrial 'isputes 3 courses( stri4es B loc4outs( $ndustrial 7elations Machiner!( .a1our courts B $ndustrial +ri1unals( Code of 'iscipline( tanding order/

/e4t and Reference Books 5is1ert Pascal( Fundamentals of $ndustrial sociolog!( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lishing Co/ =atson( +on!3 ociolog!( =or4 and $ndustr!( .ondon6 7outledge and <egan Paul( chneider Engno 9/( $ndustrial ociolog!( Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lishing Co/( Mamoria C/"/ And Mamoria /( '!namics of $ndustrial 7elations in $ndia/ inha 5/P/ and P/7/*/ inha( $ndustrial 7elations and .a1our .egislations( 0Eford and $"; Pu1lishing Co/

#u%&ects 6 1) Principles of Mar4eting $ 2) Macro Economics 3) tatistics for Managers 4) Financial Management 5) En-ironmental tudies 6) "usiness Communication #) "eha-ioral ciences

emester $$

Credits % &3

#rinci les of Mar$eting i

Course Content
LDnderstanding Mar4eting( E-olution of Mar4eting as a distinct management discipline( 7ole of Mar4eting in toda!Ks organi8ation( Philosophies of Mar4eting Core Mar4eting Concepts % ;uman *eeds B =ants( Products or 0ffering( Meaning of Mar4et( Mar4eting/ Mar4eting -s/ ales( Mar4eting Management( EEchange and +ransactions( 7elationships and *et:or4s( Competition *e: Mar4eting 7ealities ) Ma2or ocietal Forces( *e: Consumer Capa1ilities( *e: Compan! capa1ilities Compan! 0rientation +o:ards the Mar4etplace ) Production Concept( Product Concept( elling Concept( Mar4eting Concept( ;olistic Mar4eting Concept Dnderstanding Consumer mar4ets and 1u!ing 1eha-iour6 Dnderstanding 0rgani8ational Mar4ets and 1u!ing 1eha-iour/ Mar4eting MiE ) Products and er-ices Product .ife C!cle trategies Mar4et segmentation( targeting and positioning

/e4t and Reference Books

<otler( P/ Mar4eting Management/ Prentice ;all of $ndia( *e: 'elhi/ 7amas:am!( 9/ / and *ama4umari( /( Mar4eting Management( Planning and Control/ Macmillan $ndia .td/( *e: 'elhi/ <umar( A/ and Meena4shi( */( Mar4eting Management/ 9i4as Pu1lishing ;ouse P-t/ .td/( *e: 'elhi "ose "ipla1( Mar4eting Management/ ;imala!a Pu1lishing ;ouse ;P;

emester $$

Credits % &3

Macro Economics
Course Content
Macroeconomics3 concept and nature( scope +heories of $nterest3 classical theor!( <e!nes and importance of Macroeconomics( Preference theor! of interest and modern .imitations( 'ifference 1et:een Micro theor! of $nterest/ economics B Macro economics/ Mone!3 *ature and function( 'emand and *ational $ncome accounting3 concept( suppl! of mone!( Credit creation 1! methods of measuring national income( Commercial "an4( Central "an43 Function and $mportance and its limitations( Economic credit control( =elfare3 7elation 1et:een economic :elfare and national income6 *ational "alance of Pa!ment3 Meaning and income as a measure of economic :elfare/ components/ $nflation B deflation/ Classical theor! of emplo!ment( <e!nesian theor! of emplo!ment3 An Epitome( Dnemplo!ment and Full Emplo!ment

/e4t and Reference Books @hingan M/ ./ ) Macro Economic +heor!3 9rinda Pu1lications( *e: 'elhi/ 5upta /"/ ) Monetar! Economics( / Chand B Co/ .td/ *e: 'elhi/ Ahu2a ;/./ ) Macro Economics3 +heor! and Polic!( / Chand B Co/ .td/ *e: hapiro E/ ) Macro Economic Anal!sis( 5algotia Pu1lications( *e: 'elhi @/ ;ar-e! and ;/ @ohnson ) $ntroduction to Macro Economics '/ */ ':i-edi ) Macro Economics ) +ata Mc5re: ;ill( *e: 'elhi%2&&6 amuelson( *ordhaus ) Economics( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill

emester $$

Credits % &3

Statistics for Managers

Course Content
$ntroduction( 'efinition( Characteristics( Functions( $mportance( .imitations and 'istrust of statistics6 collection of data3 Primar! and econdar!( Methods of collection( Ad-antage B 'isad-antage( Classification of data( +a1ulation of 'ata6 t!pes( Fre,uenc! 'istri1utions( cumulati-e Fre,uenc! 'istri1ution( 5raphs6 Characteristics of a 5raph3 ;istogram (Fre,uenc!( Pol!gon( 'iagram6 Multiple 1ar( Pie( u1di-ided 1ar/ Measures of 'ispersion6 A1solute and relati-e measures of dispersion( rang( Mean de-iation and tandard de-iation( Iuartile de-iation and Coefficient of Iuartile de-iation/

Measures of Correlation3 Meaning( 'efinition( ignificance( <arl PearsonKs coefficient of correlation( 7an4 method( Measures of 7egression3 Meaning( 'efinition( ignificance( 'ifference 1et:een Correlation and 7egression6 7egression coefficient B their application/ Anal!sis of time series3 Meaning( *eed( Mo-ing a-erage method B least s,uare method/

Measures of Central +endenc!3 Meaning and 'efinition6 +!pes of A-erage( Median( Mode( Arithmetic mean( 5eometric mean( Com1ined mean for C5rouped B Dngrouped data)( Ad-antages and 'isad-antages of these/

/e4t and Reference Books

/C/ 5upta ) Fundamentals of tatistics % ultan chand B ons( 'elhi/ '/*/ Elhance ) Fundamentals of tatistics ) <ita1 Mahal( Allaha1ad/ tatistics for Management( "eri( +M; "asic tatistics( "/ ./ Agar:al( *e: Age $nternational/

emester $$

Credits % &3

!inancial Management % i
Course Content
$ntroduction Finance and its functions( 012ecti-es and scope of financial management( hareholdersK =ealth maEimi8ation o12ecti-es( Agenc! Pro1lem Financial !stems3 $ndia and the :orld Capital Mar4ets Efficienc!( Financial Mar4ets in $ndia( Participants3 Financial $nstitutions( $nsurance Companies( $n-estment $nstitutions( 7egulator! Authorities( Comparison :ith :orld mar4ets +ime -alue of mone! Practical application of Compounding( Annuit!( Present 9alue( Future 9alue( Effecti-e rate of $nterest( Present 9alue of Annuit! Capital EEpenditure 'ecisions Process of Capital "udgeting( "asic Principles of Cost and "enefits( Appraisal Criteria Pa!1ac4 Period( 'iscounted Pa! "ac4 Period( A-erage 7ate of 7eturn( *et Present 9alue $nternal 7ate of 7eturn "asic 7atio Anal!sis Profita1ilit! 7atios( 70E( 70$( EP ( 'upont Anal!sis 9aluation of "onds and hares Concept of 9alue( Hield to Maturit!( "ond 9alues and $nterest 7ate ( $ntroduction to E,uit! 9aluation( PAE 7atio Capital tructure $ntroduction ( .e-erage Anal!sis ( *et $ncome Approach ( *et 0perating $ncome Approach +raditional Position( MM Position ource of .ong +erm Finance E,uit! Capital( +erm .oans ( 'e1entures ( $nternal Accruals =or4ing Capital Management $ntroduction ( Cash Management ( Credit Management ( $n-entor! Management ( =or4ing Capital Financing

/e4t and Reference Books Prasanna Chandra C2&1&) Financial Management pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! +ata Mc5ra: ;ill/ $/M/ Pande! C2&1&) Financial Management( pu1lished in *oida 1! 9i4as Pu1lishing ;ouse/ $ "* G#FF125G3#142 <han B @ain C2&&1&) Financial Management( pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lications ;o:ells and "ain( Financial Mar4ets and $nstitutions

9an ;orne( Fundamentals of Financial Management( Prentice ;all/ Credits % &3

emester $$

"usiness Communication
Course Content
0ntro uction to )usiness communication- Meaning, 0mportance 3 O'1ecti#es - Principles of !ommunication, forms of communication, !ommunication Process, )arriers of effecti#e communication, Techni9ues of effecti#e communication" 4on#er'al communication- )o % Language, .estures, Postures, Facial &2pressions, Dress co es" The !ross !ultural Dimensions of )usiness !ommunication" Listening 3 Spea$ing, techni9ues of electing response, pro'ing 9uestions, O'ser#ation; )usiness an social eti9uettes Managerial speeches- Principles of &ffecti#e Speech 3 Presentations" Technical 3 4on-technical presentations; Speech of intro uction - speech of than$s Speeches for specific occasions Theme speech; Design an +se of au io #isual ai s; *nal%zing the au ience; 4on-#er'al imensions of presentation 0nter#ie( Techni9ues- Mastering the art of con ucting an gi#ing inter#ie(s, Placement inter#ie(s iscipline inter#ie(s - appraisal inter#ie(s e2it inter#ie(s inter#ie(ing to elicit information for ecision ma$ing .roup communication- .roup Decision ma$ing- 0mportance, Meetings - notice, agen a, minutes, opening the meeting, con ucting the meeting, conclu ing the meeting, follo(-up; group iscussions; :i eoconferencing" Managerial (riting )usiness letters- 0n9uiries, !irculars, /uotations, Or ers, *c$no(le gments, !omplaints, !laims 3 a 1ustments, !ollection letter, )an$ing correspon ence, *genc% correspon ence, )a ne(s an persua ing letters, Sales letters Ariting for &mplo%ment- )io- ata, Resume, !urriculum :itae, Bo' application letters, !o#ering Letter, 0nter#ie( Letters, Letter of Reference On the Bo' (ritingsMemos- T%pes of memos; re9uest memo; confirmation memo; perio ic report memo; informal stu % results memo; memos a'out unpleasant; persuasi#e memos Reports- T%pes of )usiness Reports Format, !hoice of #oca'ular%, coherence an cohesion, paragraph (riting, organization reports '% in i#i ual, Report '% committee"

/e4t and Reference Books .esi4ar( 7/9/ B Flatle!( M/E/ "usiness Communication/ 11e +ata Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lishing Compan! .td/

Aruna <oneru/ Professional Communication( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lishing Compan! .td .oc4er </0/ B <ac8mare4 </ "usiness Communication/ +ata Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lishing Compan! .td .ehman/ "usiness Communication Cengage .earning

emester $$

Credits % &3

"ehavioural Science
Course Content
"eha-ioural science ) definition( meaning of the term 1eha-iour( cope of " Methods of 1eha-ioural sciences Ph!siological 1asis of 1eha-iour Moti-ational aspects of 1eha-iour% =hat is moti-ationM +heories of moti-ation CMaslo:( McClelland( Mc5regor( ;er81erg( 9room( Porter B .a:ler( AdamKs e,uit! theor! ) Emotional aspects of 1eha-iour .earning% meaning and nature( .earning cur-eN t!pes of learning cur-es( +!pes of learning( .a:s of learning( 7einforcement( factors affecting learning +hin4ing ) nature( elements of thought( +!pes of thin4ing( stages of creati-e thin4ing( Conceps( 7easoning( Pro1lem sol-ing En-ironmental determinants of "eha-iour and Process of ocialisation/ /e4t and Reference Books 9alues( attitudes and 1eliefs Perception and illusion )perception 3meaning and nature( process( perceptual organisation( perceptual constanc!( perceptual illusion Perception and 1eha-iour

$ntroduction to 1eha-ioral science for 1usiness( <olasa( "lair @( @ohn =ile! B ons $nc( 1G6G Ps!cholog! 1! < Mangal( terling Pu1lication(

Fred .uthans( >0rganisational "eha-iour?( tephen 7o11ins( >0rganisational"eha-iour?

#u%&ects1) Principles of mar4eting $ 2) $ndian Econom! 3) Iuantitati-e +echni,ues 4) Management Accounting 5) Management $nformation !stems 6) "usiness .a: #) 0rgani8ational "eha-ior

emester $$$

Credits % &3

"usiness &aw
Course Content
1/ *ature meaning B significance of .a:/ ociet! tate B 7ule of .a:( ources of "usiness .egislation 2/ $ndian Contract Act( 1F#2 i/ "asic concept of a) 9alid Concept 1) 9oid( 9oida1le and $llegel Agreements c) Iuasi Concept ii/ 0ffer and Acceptance iii/ Consideration i-/ Capacit! of the Parties to Contract -/ Free Consent% Coercion ( Dndue $nfluence ( Misrepresentation ( Fraud and Mista4e -i/ .egalit! of 012ect and ConsiderationC"asic 7ules) -ii/ Performance of Contract C"asic 7ules) -iii/ "reach of Contract% 7emedies( 'amages iE/ Concepts of Contingent Contract( Agenc!( "ailment and Pledge( $ndemnit! and 5uarantee Practical Assignment 3 $CA( 1F#26 OMoc4 courtKA 7ole pla! eEercises 3/ ale of 5oods Act( 1G3&Formation of Contracts of ale% 5oods and their Classification% Conditions and =arranties ) Ca-eat Emptor% +ransfer of Propert! in 5oods% Performance of the Contract of ales% Dnpaid seller and his rights% 7emedies for 1reach of contract of ale of 5oods/ 4/ Compan! .a: 0rigin of companies Act 1G566 Definition of company6 Essential features of compan!6 statutor! Compan!/ 7egistered Compan! ( Pri-ate .imited Compan!( Pu1lic .imited Compan!/ Definitions of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association 6 Alteration of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association6 'octrine of indoor management/ Prospectus% 'efinition( Contents( Misstatements in the prospectus( tatement in lieu of prospectus/ Promotion and $ncorporation of Compan!6 teps in-ol-ed in Formation Procedure for 7egistration and $ncorporation6 Certificate of $ncorporation6 Commencement of "usiness6 PromotersK .ia1ilities/ Capital% hares and 'e1entures6 E,uit! Preference shares( 7ights and "onus shares6 hares Certificates6 hare =arrant6 7eser-e Capital6 'e1enture%Classification / 'irectors% 'efinition 6 Mode of Appointment6 7etirement( 7egistration( 7emo-al and 7emuneration of 'issectors( Po:er of the "oard( .egal Position( Po:er and .ia1ilities of 'issectors6 Managing 'irector( :hole%time 'irector6 EEecuti-e Committee/ Compan! Meeting6 <inds of Meeting% tatutor! Meeting( Annual 5eneral Meeting and EEtra 0rdinar! 5eneral meeting6 7ules reading meeting6 *otice 6 Iuorum6 9oting6 7esolution6 Minutes/

/e4t and Reference Books */'/<apoor ) Commercial .a: ultan Chand B ons( *e: 'elhi/

7/ /*/ Pillai and "aga-athi ) "usiness .a: /Chand B Co( *e:'elhi/ */'/ <apoor ) Compan! .a: ultan Chand B ons( *e: 'elhi/ M/C/ hu4la % Commercial .a: ultan Chand B ons( *e: 'elhi/ M/C/ hu4la and / /5hulsan ) Principles of Compan! .a:/ "usiness .egislation for Management% M/C/ <uchhal emester $$$ Credits % &3

Management Accounting
Course Content
$ntroduction Ma2or t!pes of Accounting3 1) Financial Accounting 2) Cost Accounting 3) Management Accounting/ Management Accounting3 'efinition( *eed( Process( 012ecti-es( cope( Functions( +ools of Management Accounting( "enefitsA$mportance( .imitations/ Cost Accounting3 'efinition of cost and cost accounting/ ;istor! of management and cost accounting( 7ole of a controllerAcomptroller/ 'istinction 1et:een Financial Accounting and Management Accounting( 'istinction 1et:een Cost Accounting and Management Accounting/ Financial tatement and 7atio Anal!sis% $ntroduction Methods of Anal!sis3 Comparati-e tatements( Common i8e tatement ( +rend 7atios C;ori8ontal Anal!sis)( Fund Flo: tatement3 'efinition 7atio Anal!sis3 Meaning of 7atio( *ecessit! and Ad-antages of 7atio Anal!sis( $nterpretation of 7atios +!pes of 7atio3 i) According to the nature of items a) "alance heet 7atios 1) 7e-enue tatements or Profit and .oss Account 7atios3 c) $nter tatement or Composite 7atios ii) Functional Classification3 a) .i,uidit! 7atios( 1) .e-erage 7atios c) Acti-it! 7atios( d) Profita1ilit! 7atios Fund Flo: tatement and Cash Flo: tatement Fund Flo: tatements 3 Meaning and concept of fund ) Current and *on% Current Accounts ) Flo: of Fund )Preparation of Fund flo: Cash Flo: tatement 3 'ifference 1et:een fund flo: statement and cash flo: statements ) Preparation of cash flo: statements as per A %3 *orms ) 'irect and $ndirect methods/C tress on pro1lems) =or4ing Capital( Meaning( 012ecti-es and $mportance( Factors affecting re,uirements( ources of =or4ing Capital( Computation of =or4ing Capital/ Costs and their t!pes( 'efinition and eEamples of 'irectA$ndirect ( 0-erheads( FiEedA9aria1leA emi 9aria1le( Marginal Cost( tandard Cost( 0pportunit! cost et al/ Managerial decision ma4ing :ith the help of C/9/P/ Anal!sis 3 Marginal Costing% Contri1ution( PA9 ratio( "rea4 E-en Anal!sis ) Alge1raic and 5raphic presentation ) 'ecision ma4ing3 FiEation of elling Price ) $ntroduction onl! "udget and "udgetar! Control Meaning of "udget and "udgetar! Control( 'efinition( *ature of "udget and "udgetar! Control( 012ecti-e of "udget and "udgetar! Control( .imitations of "udget and "udgetar! Control( teps in "udgetar! Control +!pesAclassification of "udgets According to +ime i) hort +ermA ii) .ong +erm According to FleEi1ilit! i) FleEi1leA ii) FiEed 7esponsi1ilit! Accounting )Concept ) ignificance ) 7esponsi1ilit! centers% Acti-it! "ased Costing ) C5eneral outline onl!)

statements ) uses and ignificance

/e4t and Reference Books

M H <han and P < @ain( C2&&G) Management Accounting( +eEt( Pro1lems and Cases 5Ae Mc5ra: ;ill *e: 'elhi hashi </ 5upta and 7/ </ harma C2&&G) Management Accounting( Principles and Practice( 11th 7e-ised edition( <al!ani Pu1lishers *e: 'elhi Charles +/ ;orngren( 5ar! . undem( =illiam 0/ tratton( @eff chat81erg C2&&G) $ntroduction to Management Accounting( 14Ae C$ndian edition)( pu1lished in *e: 'elh i CPearson Education $nc and 'orling <indersle! $ndia P-t .imited/) " "anner2ee Financial Polic! and Management Accounting Fth Edition C2&1&) P;$ *e: 'elhi 'r/ /*/ Mahesh:ari (Cost and Management Accounting ( Chand and ons/ *e: 'elhi

emester $$$

Credits % &3

Management 'nformation Systems

Course Content
$ntroduction to $nformation !stems Meaning and 7ole of Management $nformation !stems( !stem Approach( +he !stems 9ie: of "usiness( Characteristics of an 0pen !stem( $nformation and the !stems Approach( Attri1utes of $nformation( Manual $nformation !stem( +!pes of $nformation !stems( Components of Management $nformation s!stems( 7ole of $nformation in Management pro1lem sol-ing( E-olution of an $nformation !stem Management $nformation !stems 0ffice Automation !stems( +ransaction Processing !stems( Management $nformation !stems( 0rgani8ational $nformation !stems( 'ecision upport !stems( EEecuti-e upport !stems( Enterprise 7esource Planning !stems Computer ;ard:are3 E-olution of Computers( MooreKs .a:( $ntroduction to Computer Architecture( $ntroduction to Communications Architecture( $nput( 0utput and torage 'e-ices( Processors( Multimedia( Personal Computing 'e-ices( *et:or4s oft:are3 !stem soft:are( Application soft:are Communication $nfrastructure3 Protocols for Communication( Pac4ets( *et:or4 +!pes ) .A*( =A*( $nternet( 9P*( Con-ergence of Computing and Communication People3 $nformation pecialists( End%Dser Managing $nformation and 'ata Concept of 'ata and $nformation( <no:ledge( =isdom6 'ata1ase Management( 012ecti-es of a '"M ( 'ata 0rgani8ation( 'ata1ase tructures( Creating a data1ase( Dsing a data1ase( People managing data1ase ) 'ata1ase administration( data1ase programmer( end user( Ad-antages and 'isad-antages of '"M ( 'ata :arehousing( 'ata Mining Planning( 'esign and $mplementation of M$ !stem 'e-elopment3 +he s!stems approach( !stem 'e-elopment .ife C!cle( +raditional '.C( Protot!ping( 7apid Application 'e-elopment( "usiness Process 7edesign( !stem 'e-elopment +ools( Process Modeling $nformation ecurit!3 0rgani8ation needs for securit! and control( information securit! management( t!pes of threats( ris4 management( information securit! polic!( technical controls( formal and informal controls( industr! certification( "usiness Continuit! Management 'ecision upport !stems 'ecision Ma4ing( pro1lem sol-ing and decision ma4ing( pro1lem sol-ing phases( pro1lem sol-ing frame:or4s( the s!stems approach( !stems -ie:( t!pes of decisions( ' models( Mathematical modeling( +!pes( Dses( Classes( imulation( Artificial $ntelligence( EEpert !stems( 'ecision Ma4ing and M$ ( M$ as a +echni,ue for Ma4ing Programmed 'ecisions( 'ecision%Assisting $nformation !stems6

Computing( Dsers as an $nformation 7esource( Careers in $nformation s!stems( 0ffice Automation( 9irtual 0ffice

;er1ert imon Model of 'ecision Ma4ing

/e4t and Reference Books

7a!mond Mc.eod( chell( 5eorge P6 Management $nformation !stems( 1&e( P;$ 7o1ert 5/ Murdoc4( 7oss( @ames 7/ Claggett( $nformation !stems for Modern Management( P;$ @ames 0K "rien( $ntroduction to $nformation s!stems( Fe( 5algotia 5ordon " 'a-is B Margrethe ; 0lson( Management $nformation !stems( +M;

emester $$$

Credits % &3

Organi(ational "ehaviour
Course Content
Dnderstanding 0" 5oals of 0"( Fundamental Concepts of 0"( Features of 0" Understanding Individuals Perception and Attri1ution( 'efining Perception( Elements of Perception( Attri1ution theor! in ocial Perception( Factors .imiting the Accurac! of Perception and Attri1ution Dnderstanding Moti-ation Meaning and definition( $nferring Moti-ation from "eha-iour( Ma2or *eed +heories( Process +heories of Moti-ation( =or4 Moti-ation( *eed Pattern in $ndia( Factors affecting =or4 Moti-ation :ithin =or4 0rganisations in $ndia Understanding Groups ) +hresholds of $nterpersonal "eha-iour( +he 1eha-ior and s4ills approach to $nterpersonal 7elationships( $nterpersonal 7elationships and Management of "oundaries( 7ole of +hreat and +rust Formation in $nterpersonal 7elationships( $nterpersonal t!les ) Firo12( +ransactional st!les in $nterpersonal 7elationships Dnderstanding 5roups and +eams =hat are 5roups and ho: are the! formed( % !nergies of 5roup =or4ing ) 5roup Process gains and .osses and their contri1utors 7oles in 5roups ) mem1er dispositional and functional roles( Factors affecting 5roup effecti-eness( +eams (t!pes and ho: to ma4e teams effecti-e Managing Conflicts and *egotiations Dnderstanding Conflict( Meaning and Causes( ources of Conflict at -arious le-els( t!les of handling $nterpersonal Conflict *egotiation ) meaning( elements and factors affecting it( $ntegrating Conflict and negotiations from the 5andhian perspecti-e Dnderstanding Po:er and 0rgani8ational Politics Po:er ) Meaning and 'efinition( *ature of Po:er "ases of Po:er( Politics ) Dsing Po:er and Politics

/e4t and Reference Books

7o11ins( P anghi( / 0rgani8ational "eha-iourClatest edition)/ 'elhi3 Pearson Education/

.uthans(F/C2&&1)/ 0rgani8ational "eha-iour(C latest edition)( *e: 'elhi3 Mc5ra: ;ill $r:in </ Ash:athapa( 0rgani8ational "eha-iour( ;imala!a Pu1lishing Management of 0rganisation "eha-iour% ;ershe! B "lanchard <eith 'a-is( ;uman "eha-iour at =or4% Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lication *e:strom (0rgani8ational "eha-iour% Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lication

emester $$$

Credits % &3

)uantitative Techni*ues
Course Content
$ntroduction to Iuantitati-e Anal!sis and its application in 'ecision Ma4ing( Preliminar! Mathematics and tatistics/ Pro1a1ilit! +heor!( +ransportation Pro1lems( Association of Attri1utes( "inomial and Poisson 'istri1ution/

Correlation( 7egression( +ime eries Anal!sis( +esting%Chi ,uare( .arge and small sample test/

/e4t and Reference Books * ' 9ohra( Iuantitati-e +echni,ues in Mathematics( +ata Mcgra:% ;ill 5upta( /P/( and 5upta( M/P/( C1GG#)( "usiness tatistics( ultan Chand( *e: 'elhi P/*/ Arora( / Arora( tatistics for Management( / Chand harma( @/</ C2&&1)( Fundamentals of 0perations 7esearch( Macmillan( *e: 'elhi

emester $$$

Credits % &3

#rinci les of Mar$eting ii

Course Content
*e: Product 'e-elopment trategies $ntegrated Mar4eting Communication6 7ole of Mar4eting Communications( Mar4eting Communication MiE( Ad-ertising decisions( Creating "rand E,uit!( Crafting the "rand Positioning( Promotional MiE( 'eciding the Mar4eting Communication MiE Product decisions3 Concept of Product( Product ;ierarch!( Product%MiE 'ecisions ) =idth( 'epth and Consistenc! of the Product MiE( Product .ine 'ecision( Product .ine Anal!sis( Product%.ine .ength( .ine% tretching 'ecision( "randing 'ecision( "rand 7epositioning 'ecisions( Customer er-ice 'ecisions/ Mar4eting Channel 'ecisions3 *ature of Mar4eting Channels% *um1er( +!pes( Dse of Middlemen( Channel Functions)Channel '!namics( ;ori8ontal -s/ 9ertical Mar4eting Channels( Channel Cooperation( Conflict and Competition( Channel 'esign decisions( Channel Management and Modification 'ecisions/ Ph!sical 'istri1ution 'ecisions3 cope of Ph!sical 'istri1ution( Ph!sical 'istri1ution 012ecti-e( Ph!sical 'istri1ution trategies( $n-entor! 'ecisions( .ocation 'ecisions( 0rgani8ational 7esponsi1ilit! for Ph!sical 'istri1ution

ales Force 'ecisions3 ales Force +as4s and 012ecti-es( ales Force i8e( ales Force 'esign( 7ecruiting and electing ales Force( ales Force +raining( Compensating alesmen( Pricing 'ecisions3 etting Prices( Pricing 012ecti-es( Pricing policies and Constraints( uper-ising( Moti-ating and E-aluating ales Force/ Pricing Procedures( $nitiating Price Changes( 7esponding to Price Changes( Pricing the Product .ine Mar4eting 7esearch3 Mar4eting 7esearch !stem( Procedure( Characteristics of 5ood Mar4eting 7esearch( 'esign and Applications 'e-eloping Mar4eting trategies3 AnsoffKs of an Effecti-e Mar4eting 7esearch Product Mar4et 5rid( PorterKs 5eneric Frame:or4/ trategies( trategies from Al 7ies B @ac4 +rout/

/e4t and Reference Books <otler( P/ C2&&6)/ Mar4eting Management/ Prentice ;all of $ndia( *e: 'elhi/ 7amas:am!( 9/ / and *ama4umari( / % Mar4eting Management( Planning and Control/ Macmillan $ndia .td/( *e: 'elhi/

emester $9
#u%&ect1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) #) Production and 0perations Management "usiness En-ironment 7esearch Methodolog! Pro2ect Management 7'"M $nterpersonal 4ills and :or4ing in teams ;uman resource management

emester $9

Credits % &3

#roduction and O erations Management

Course Content
*ature and scope of production management( production anal!sis( o12ecti-e and functions of production management( t!pes of manufacturing processes and plant la!out( plant location( plant si8e( assem1l! line 1alancing/ Production Planning and Control CPPC)( pro2ect management( scheduling and assem1l! line 1alancing/ $n-entor! control( rele-ant costs( economic lot si8e( reordering point( A"C anal!sis and other classifications of materials( stores management

Materials managements ) its scope and importance/ Purchasing function and procedure( material re,uirement planning

Producti-it! ) definition and concept( factors affecting producti-it!( producti-it! measurement( producti-it! impro-ements( 1usiness process reengineering( 1enchmar4ing( Product de-elopment and design( maintenance of production facilities( ,ualit! management( ad-anced techni,ues for production management/

/e4t and Reference Books Production and 0perations Management( 1! /*/ Char!( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill/ 0perations Management for competiti-e ad-antages 1! 7ichard "/Chase( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill Production and operations management 1! E-erett E/ Adam( 7onald @/ E1ert( Prentice ;all of $ndia/ 0perations Management( 1! 5aither B Frai8er( +homson outh =estern/ Production and operations management( 1! P/ 7amamurth!/ *e: Age Pu1lication

emester $9

Credits % &3

"usiness Environment
Course Content
"usiness En-ironment ) t!pes of en-ironment) en-ironmental anal!sis and strategic management ) classification of industries ) goals of 1usiness ) en-ironmental anal!sis and forecasting ) techni,ues for en-ironmental anal!sis6 Economic En-ironment ) *ature of econom! ) structure ) economic policies ) economic conditions % Capitalistic( ocialistic B MiEed Econom!6 $ndustrial Polic!6 Political( .egal and 7egulator! En-ironment6 +echnological En-ironment6 *atural En-ironment ocial and Cultural En-ironment3 ocietal En-ironment6 ocial 7esponsi1ilit! of "usiness6 Consumer 7ights 'emographic En-ironment6 .a1or En-ironment6 .a1or .a:s ) +rade Dnions6 Iualit! Circles6 $ntroduction to $nternational "usiness En-ironment ) 5A++ and =+06 $P7( +7$P ( +7$M ( 5lo1ali8ation ) .i1erali8ation ) Pri-ati8ation) 7ole of M*Cs in $ndia ) Flo: of foreign Capital

/e4t and Reference Books 'rancis Cherunilam7 Business 1nvironment 6 /e4t and Cases7 0imalayan (u%lishers 0ouse

emester $9

Credits % &3

Research Methodology
Course Content
0-er-ie: of 7esearch Methodolog! etting up a 7esearch Pro2ect Case tudies As A Methodological trateg! ur-e!s As A Methodological trateg! EEperiments As A Methodological trateg! Action 7esearch As A Methodological trateg! $nter-ie: Method Iuestionnaire Method 01ser-ational Method 'ocumentar! ources Concept of .e-el of Measurement Anal!8ing Iuantitati-e 'ata Anal!sing Iualitati-e 'ata =riting a1out 7esearch

/e4t and Reference Books 7esearch Methodolog!3 Methods and +echni,ues "!% 7 C <othari *e: Age $nternational P-t .td Pu1lishers *e: 'elhi 7esearch Methodolog!3 A 5uide for 7esearchers in Management B ocial ciences "! ) +a!lor( inha and 5hoshal Prentice ;all of $ndia P-t/ .td/ *e: 'elhi

emester $9

Credits ) &3

#ro+ect Management
Course Content
$ntroduction Pro2ect ) 'efinition( Characteristics( +!pes Pro2ect Management( Ma2or Forces( Affecting Pro2ect Management( +rends in Pro2ect Management( +he Pro2ect .ife C!cle PPro2ect $nitiationQ trategic Pro2ect election and $dea 5eneration( $dea 5eneration +ools C0utline onl!)( election and Criteria of Choice Pro2ect election Models( Monitoring the en-ironment( +ools( Pro2ect 7ating $ndeE Pro2ect Management oft 4ills( *egotiation( cope Changes( Conflict Management +he 0rgani8ation and Pro2ect Management Pure Pro2ect 0rgani8ation( +he MatriE 0rgani8ation( Choosing an organi8ational form Pro2ect PlanningQ Mar4et and 'emand Anal!sis( ituational Anal!sis ( Mar4et ur-e!( 'emand Forecasting( Mar4eting Plan +echnical Anal!sis Manufacturing ProcessA+echnolog!( Product MiE( Plant( .ocation( Machineries /e4t and Reference Books Prasanna Chandra C2&11) Pro2ects pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! +ata Mc5ra: ;ill/ $ "*3 </ *agara2an C2&1&) Pro2ect Management( pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! *e: Age Pu1lishing ;ouse/ $ "* G#FF122433241 am Mantel and Frederic4s( Pro2ect Management3 A Managerial Approach( =ile! Pu1lishing Financial Anal!sis Cost of Pro2ect( Means of Finance =or4ing Capital 7e,uirements Pro2ect Cash Flo:s Capital "udgeting +ools Cost of Capital Anal!sis of pro2ect ris4 Economic .ife Pro2ect Financing ocial Cost "enefit Anal!sis $ntroduction D*$'0 Approach .ittle Mirrlees Approach cheduling and 7esource Allocation *et:or4 +echni,ues 3 PE7+ and CPM Critical Path Method 3 Crashing 7esource .oading( 7esource .e-eling PPro2ect EEecution and ControlQ $mplementation and Control +he Planning Monitoring Controlling C!cle Earned 9alue Anal!sis( +!pes of control processes( Control !stem 'esign Pro2ect 7e-ie: Auditing( Audit .ife C!cle +ermination Process A1andonment Anal!sis

emester $9

Credits % &3

Relational ,atabase Management System and &ab

Course Content
'ata and 'ata1ase Management !stem( the 'ata1ase .ife C!cle( the 7elational Model( CoddRs 7ules/ E7 Model3 Entities( 7elationship( Attri1utes( 'egree of 7elationship connecti-it!( attri1utes of a relationship/ Concepts of 5enerali8ation( peciali8ation B Aggregation/ Concepts of F'( M9' and @'( uper <e!( Candidate <e!( Primar! <e! *ormalisation3 1*F( 2*F( 3*F B "CA*F 'enormali8ation/ 7elational Alge1ra B Calculus/ +ransforming the Conceptual 'ata Model to I. torage using 7A$' architecture/ "%tree and "S%tree $ndeE Files/ Measures of Iuer! Cost B o-er-ie: of ,uer! e-aluation/ +ransaction concept( AC$' propert!( eriali8a1ilit!/ +!pes of I. commands3 ''.( 'M.( 'I. B 'C./ +a1les3 create( alter( drop/ 9ie:3 creating -ie:( 'ata ,uer! and manipulation :ith -ie: / +esting for *D.. and :hen not to use *D../ Aggregate Functions3 CountC)( DMC)( A95C)( MATC)( M$*C)/ elect tatement( u1,uaries( $* E7+( DP'A+E and 'E.E+E operation/ @oins3 *atural 2oin( elf 2oin( outer 2oin and Cartesian product/ 'ata securit!3 57A*+ and 7E90<E/

/e4t and Reference Books +o1! +eor! et al/( 'ata1ase Modelling and 'esign( Morgan <aufman Pu1lishers il1erschat8( <orth( udarshan % 'ata1ase !stem Concepts( Mc5ra:;ill AleEis .eon( Mathe:s .eon % I. A Complete 7eference( +M;/

emester $9

Credits % &3

'nter ersonal S$ills and -or$ing in Teams

Course Content
Dnderstanding the process of communication( ho: it happens( 1arriers to communication( elements of communication/ ho: to 1ecome a good listener( and good orator / case stud!( and presentations =hat is conflict( its sources( positi-e and negati-es of conflict( the de-elopment and e-olution of conflict/ conflict resolution ( its tools and techni,ues( its 1enefit and its application in team :or4 +!pes of leadership( ho: to 1ecome a good leader( from follo:er to leader/ ;o: does acti-e and passi-e leadership d!namics help a team :or4/ case studies on leadership/ practical :or4 for its de-elopment

/e4t and Reference Books Research 2u%lications Books on communication 0BR

emester $9

Credits % &3

.uman Resource Management

Course Content
;uman 7esource Management %$ntroduction B $mportance % E-olution of ;uman 7esource Management % 'ifference 1et:een Personnel Management B ;uman 7esource Management % ;7M functions and o12ecti-es % 0rgani8ation of the ;7 'epartment ;uman 7esource Planning % Concept B 'efinition ( *ature( $mportance % Factors affecting ;7P % +he Process of ;uman 7esource Planning % 7e,uisites of uccessful ;7P( "arriers to ;7P @o1 Anal!sis U @o1 'escription U @o1 E-aluation "rief idea a1out @o1 enlargement @o1 enrichment @o1 7otation 7ecruitment and selection process Purpose and importance of recruitment 7ecruitment process election process "arriers to effecti-e selection Performance appraisal 'efinition B $mportance Methods of Performance Appraisal *e: concepts in ;uman 7esource Management <ai8en 5 Iualit! circles "enchmar4ing iE igma

% % %

/e4t and Reference Books ;uman 7esource Management ) 5ar! 'essler ;uman resource Management ) Mir8aB ai!adin Managing ;uman 7esource ) ArunMonapa ;uman 7esource Management ) An2ali 5hne4ar ;uman resource Management% < As:athapa

#emester 8
Sub+ects % 1) Pro2ect 7eport B Presentation 2) Electi-e $ 3) Electi-e $$ 4) Electi-e $$$ 5) Electi-e $9 6) Electi-e 9 #) Electi-e 9$ F) Electi-e 9$$

emester 9

Credits % &3

Advertising and #romotion Management

Course Content
$ntroduction to Ad-ertising3 Concept of Ad-ertising and $ntegrated Mar4eting Communication( Classification of ad-ertising( Ad-ertising ) 'efinition6 participants in ad-ertising process3 ad-ertiser( ad-ertising agenc!( media( research suppliers( 7ole of Ad agencies and other mar4eting communication agencies in organi8ing for ad-ertising and promotion( Consumer "eha-ior( Consumer .earning Process( Approaches to consumer 1eha-ior( Communication Process( Model of Communication( ource( message and channel factors( Esta1lishing o12ecti-es and 1udgeting( sales -s communication o12ecti-es( 'A5MA7( esta1lishing and allocating ad-ertising 1udget( Planning and eEecuting an ad-ertising campaign3 Creati-e strateg! ) planning( de-elopment( implementation and e-aluation6 Creati-e trateg!3 Positioning strateg!( Creati-e approaches( Creati-e st!le( Mood and appeal of the message( +he "ig $dea( Elements of the message Cop!/ Appeal of the message( Comparati-e Ad-ertising/ +he Ad-ertising/ Agenc!( Agenc! structure( Flo: of :or4 in an Agenc!( Agenc! Compensation( Client Agenc! relationship Media trateg!3 +!pes of media( Media characteristics( Media 012ecti-e( E-aluation of Media( Media Measurement in $ndia( Media selection and scheduling( Media "u!ing6 media planning and strateg!( e-aluation of 1roadcast media( print media +esting Ad-ertising Effecti-eness3 Communication and sales Effecti-eness( 9arious methods of Pre B Post testing/ 0ther +ools of Promotion3 Pu1lic 7elations( 'irect mar4eting( ales Promotion( Merchandising( E-ent Mar4eting( Promotion Management and $ntegrated Mar4eting Communications3 $ntegrating Ad-ertising and sales promotion6 $ntegrating ad-ertising and pu1licit!6 $ntegrating ad-ertising and pu1lic relations6 $ntegrating ad-ertising and direct mar4eting( Economic ocial and Ethical issues in Ad-ertising( Ad-ertising 7egulation( 7ole of A C$ and other regulator! 1odies6 "usiness trateg! and Promotion Management( e-aluating the social( ethical and economic aspects of ad-ertising and promotion

/e4t and Reference Books Ad-ertising Management3 Aa4er 'a-id( M!ers and "atra( Prentice ;all Ad-ertising and Promotion( #e3 5eorge E "elch( Michael E "elch and <e!oor Purani6 Mc5ra: ;ill ;igher Education Mar4eting Communication3 *e: Approaches( +echnologies and t!les( Allan @/ <immel 0Eford Dni-ersit! Press Ad-ertising3 Principles B Practices Moriart!/ B Mitchell( Prentice ;all

emester 9

Credits % &3

"an$ing #ractices
Course Content
1/ E-olution of "an4ing and $ndian "an4ing !stem/ 2/ Functions and role of 7"$( *A"A7'( $'"$ 3/ Functions of 1an4s( 7egulator! pro-isionsAenactments go-erning 1an4s/% */$ Act/ 4/ "an4ing 7eforms3 a/ *arsimham Committee 7eports 1/ "asel % $ B $$ c/ 7is4 Assessment and 7is4 Management/ d/ "an4ing Codes and tandard "oards/ e/ "an4ing 0m1udsman scheme/ 'eposit accounts/ a 9arious t!pe of Customers CMinor( "lind( illiterate( pardanashin( etc/) 1/ 9arious t!pes of +ime and 'emand .ia1ilities/ c/ +!pe of Customer relations d/ <no: !our Customer C<HC) guidelines e/ 'oor tep "an4ing f/ Financial inclusions ) "usiness correspondents and "usiness facilitators/ 5/ a/ 1/ c/ d/ i/ ii/ iii/ i-/ -/ -i/ "an4Ks .ending Credit $nformation "ureau .td Principles of lending Credit Appraisal +echni,ues/ -arious credit Products A Facilities 7etail lending products Agricultural lending M ME Corporate Finance $nfrastructure .ending/ "ridge loan

1/ Credit monitoring( *PA Management a/ 7eha1ilitation of sic4 unites 1/ Jcurisation Act/ c/ "$F7( A7C ( '7+( '7A+( etc 2/ Electronic "an4ing and Fund transfer a/ Core "an4ing solutions 1/ .ocal clearing operations( 'raft( M+( ++( etc/ c/ EF+( 7+5 ( =$F+( etc 3/ 0ther er-ices and *on Fund "usiness of Commercial "an4s 4/ $ntroduction to foreign EEchange/ ) An introduction onl! 5/ $nspection !stem of Commercial "an4s

/e4t and Reference Books "an4ing .a: and Practice in $ndia ) "! M/./+annan ) +hac4er B Co/ .td( Mum1ai $ "* G#FF1F&3F6343 "an4ing 'e-elopment in $ndia ) 1G4# to 2&&# "! *iti "hasin ) $ "*% F1##&F1136 "an4ing 7is4 Management and Audit "! / */ "idani ) $ "* $ndian Financial !stem and 'e-elopment / Pu1lisher ;imali!an "oo4s EA* G#FF1F31FG&5# "an4ing +heor! .a: and Practice ) 'r/ 5urusam!

emester 9

Credits % &3

.uman Resource #lanning

Course Content
;uman 7esource Planning ) $ntroduction( 'efinition( 012ecti-es( ;7P Model( Process of ;uman 7esource Planning( $mportance of ;7P6 Perspecti-es of ;7P( Changes in attitudes of people( ignificance of ;7P( ignificance of ;7P( 0rgani8ation trateg! ) trategic Planning ) ;uman 7esource Planning )manpo:er in-entor!( Macro Manpo:er Planning6 Econometric model for *ational Manpo:er Planning/ Micro Manpo:er Planning6 +alent management( Career planning Career !stems( lin4ing ;7 plans :ith strategic plans Forecasting methods for demand and suppl! of human resources @o1 Anal!sis3 concept( process( Methods of 2o1 anal!sis @o1 'escription( @o1 pecification6 Dses and $ssues in @o1 anal!sis( Competenc! frame:or4( @o1 design( approaches to 2o1 design( 2o1 rotation( 2o1 enlargement( 2o1 enrichment( Emplo!ee Competenc! Frame:or4 EEecuti-e 7esources Planning( uccession Planning( +raining and 'e-elopment of ;uman resources for 1etter utili8ation6 role of appraisal s!stem in ;7P6 ;uman 7esource $nformation s!stems

/e4t and Reference Books Arthur( M/ C1GG1)( Career +heor! ;and1oo4( Engle:ood Cliffs( Prentice ;all $nc/ Manpo:er Management % 7/ / ':i-edi Manpo:er Planning and Control % 5orden and Mc1eath Manpo:er Planning trateg! and +echni,ues % Ed:ard .ee4( .o-eridge.um1e! and Morgan il-er 5eometr! of ;7 ) adri( @a!ashree( M A2aon4ar ) ;imala!a Pu1lishing ;ouse Ma1e!( C/ and alama( 5( C1GG5)( strategic ;uman 7esource Management( "lac4:ell( 0Eford 5reenhaus( @/;/ C1GF#)( Career Management( 'r!den( *e: Hor4 +homson( 7 and Ma1e!( C( C1GG4)( 'e-eloping ;uman 7esource( "utter:orth% ;einemann( 0Eford/

emester 9

Credits % &3

'ndustrial Relations / &abour &aws

Course Content
$ndustrial relations Meaning( 012ecti-es ( Concept and scope( Conditions for congenial $7 +rade Dnions Meaning of +rade Dnion( +he +rade $nions Act of 1G263 012ecti-e scope B co-erage( 'efinition of +rade Dnions( 7egistration ( 7egistered -s recogni8ed +rade Dnion( 01ligations B7ights of 7egistered +rade Dnion( =h! do :or4ers 2oin +rade Dnion( Functions B 7ole of +rade Dnions( 012ecti-es of +rade Dnions( Dnions tructure and pattern in $ndia( Pro1lems of +rade Dnion in $ndia $ndustrial Conflict 'efinition of 'isputes( conflict( causes( +!pes% stri4es( loc4outs( Conse,uences of industrial conflict( Pre-ention( Pre-ention and settlement of $ndustrial 'isputes B conflicts @oint Consultations ) =or4s committee a and @oint Management Councils a) 5rie-ance Procedure) *eed for grie-ance procedure ( Model grie-ance procedure 1) 'iscipline B 'isciplinar! action *eed ( meaning( Code of discipline( 'isciplinar! Procedure c) $ndustrial Emplo!ment tanding 0rders Act 1G46% A -er! 1rief o-er-ie: of the Act and ho: it helps to pre-ent $ndustrial disputes d) =elfare 0fficers ettlement of 'isputes a) Collecti-e "argaining 'efinition( Characteristics Forms B scope of Collecti-e "argaining( Pre re,uisites for Collecti-e "argaining +he Process 1) 0ther ettlement machineries ) Ar1itration( Conciliation( Ad2udication C"rief 0-er-ie:) c) $ndustrial 'isputes Act% Main pro-isions

/e4t and Reference Books Collecti-e "argaining B the $ndian cience ) < +andon EEploring Participation ) @ohn =ile! B ons Personnel Management B $ndustrial 7elation ) <umar urinderBPadh!Prasantha/ "are Acts% Dni-ersal "oo4 'epot ) :ith latest amendments% $ndustrial 'isputes Act 1G4F( +rade Dnions Act 1G26( FactoriesK Act 1G4F( $ndustrial mplo!ment C tanding 0rders) Act( 1G46 Mamoria( 'r/ C/ " and Mamoria('r/ ( '!namics of $ndustrial 7elations( ;imala!a Pu1lishing ;ouse @ha( / C( $ndian +rade Dnions Mo-ement( < . Mu4hopadh!a! "asu( 'r/ @ *( $ndustrial 7elations( +hac4es pin4 *air( * 5 and *air( .ata( Personnel Management and $ndustrial 7elations( Chand and Co/ P/ 7/ * sinha( $/ "/ inha and P / he4har( $ndustrial 7elations( +rade Dnions and .a1our .egislations 7atnam( C 9en4ata( $ndustrial 7elations( 0Eford Dni-ersit! Press inha( 5 P and inha P 7 .( $ndustrial 7elations and .a1our .egislations( 0Eford and $"; Compan! harma( A M( $ndustrial 7elations3 Conceptual and .egal Frame:or4( ;imala!a

Pu1lishing ;ouse/ emester 9 Credits % &3

'nternational !inance
Course Content
$nternational Finance Meaning( Foreign EEchange Mar4ets( EEchange 7ate 'etermination in spot Mar4et( Factors influencing eEchange rates determination( EEchange 7ate +heories Mint Parit! +heor!( Purchasing Po:er Parit! +heor!( "alance of Pa!ment Modern +heor!( fiEed -ersus fleEi1le eEchange rate( Ar1itage and ;edging $nternational monetar! !stem past present and future6 5old tandard( 7ise of "retton =ood s!stem( Collapse of "retton =ood s!stem present $nternational monetar! !stem( $nternational Currenc! Mar4et 0ptimum currenc! area and European EEperience( Euro currenc! mar4et( Euro 1ond mar4et( Financial Crisis in emerging mar4et economics( Asian crisis( ( $nternational Financial !stem "alance of Pa!ment C"0P)( definition( Accounting concepts( 'ifference and ad-erseness 1et:een "alance of +rade and "alance of Pa!ment( Measures to correct this( tructure of "0P( 'oes "oP al:a!s 1alance( Cause of 'ise,uili1rium in "0P( Method of correcting dise,uili1rium( open econom! identities and foreign trade or eEport multiplier( de-aluation( Elasticit! and a1sorption approach to "0P( Marhall learner condition( @ cur-e effect( effect of de-aluation( Mundel% Fleming Model/

/e4t and Reference Books 9ru)man7 R: (aul and -%stfeld +aurice7 ; $nternational 1conomics7 /heory and (olicy< =orld #tudent #eries (u%lishers (il%eam 9eith 7 ;$nternational 'inance< +acmillan (u%lishers7 2010 #alvatore ,ominick7 ; $nternational 1conomics< 7 =iley #tudent 1dition7 2010

emester 9

Credits % &3

Advanced Cost Management

Course Content
Cost Management -s/ Cost Accounting 012ecti-es of the firm% 7esidual 0:ner Concept =hat is strateg!M( trategic 'ecision Ma4ing ( Management AccountantKs 7ole in $mplementing trateg!( Cost "eha-iour and 'etermination CFocus on .inear Cost Functions) Cost Functions ) 'efinition( Assumptions( EEamples( Cost 012ect( Cost 'ri-ers Cost Classification Criteria( Cause and Effect 7elationship in choosing cost dri-ers Cost Estimation Methods3 $ndustrial Engineering Method( Conference Method Account Anal!sis Method Iuantitati-e Anal!sis Method C;igh% .o: and 7egression Anal!sis Methods)( E-aluating Cost 'ri-ers of the Estimated Cost Function *on .inearit! and Cost Functions C0utline onl!)( .earning Cur-es C0utline onl!) 'ecision Ma4ing and 7ele-ant $nformation( +he 'ecision Process 7ele-ance ) 7ele-ant Costs and 7e-enues .imitations of 7ele-ant Cost Anal!sis $n%sourcing -ersus 0utsourcing( Ma4e -s "u! 'ecisions 0pportunit! Costs/ 0utsourcing and Capacit! Constraints( $rrele-ance of Past Costs and E,uipment 7eplacement 'ecisions +ransfer Pricing C0-er-ie: onl!) =hat is +ransfer PricingM election of +ransfer Pricing Method( $mportance of +ransfer Pricing( Acti-it! "ased CostingCA"C) Pricing 'ecisions and Cost management Ma2or $nfluences on Pricing 'ecisions Costing and Pricing for the hort 7unA .ong 7un( +arget Costing for +arget Pricing Cost Plus Pricing( Cost Plus Pricing -s +arget Pricing ( Considerations other than Cost in Pricing =hat is A"CM +he issue of cost smoothing( 7efining a costing s!stem ( Acti-it! "ased Costing !stems( Dsing A"C !stems for $mpro-ing Cost Management and Profita1ilit!( $mplementing A"C !stems Acti-it! "ased Costing and Cost Functions $n-entor! Management( 'efinition( Costs Associated :ith $n-entor! ( Economic 0rder Iuantit! 'ecision Model( afet! toc4 ( @ust $n +ime Purchasing C@$+)( 7ele-ant "enefits and 7ele-ant Costs of @$+ Purchasing Enterprise 7esource Planning !stems Financial "enefits of @$+ Purchasing "ac4flush Costing C0utline onl!) Process Costing $ntroduction and Meaning( Features of Process Costing( @o1 Costing and Process Costing Ad-antages and .imitations of Process Costing Procedure of Maintaining Process Cost Accounts E,ui-alent Production( @oint Products and "! Products Method of Assigning @oint Costs Iualit!( +ime and the +heor! of Constraints C0-er-ie: onl!)( =hat is ,ualit!M( Iualit! as a competiti-e tool( Costs of Iualit! CC0I)( +echni,ues used to anal!8e Iualit!( +ime as a Competiti-e +ool( +ime 'ri-ers and Costs of +ime( +heor! of Constraints

/e4t and Reference Books

;orngren( 'atar( Foster( 7a2an( $ttner C2&&G) Cost Accounting( A Managerial Emphasis 13Ae pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! Pearson Education $ndia/ @/</Mitra C2&&G) Ad-anced Cost Accounting for M/Com/( $/C/=/A( C/A/( C/F/A/( "/"/A/( M/"/A/( CA$$" and other professional eEaminations pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! *e: Age $nternationa Elden1erg( =olcott C2&&G) Cost Management3 Measuring( Monitoring and Moti-ating Performance (

pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! =ile! $ndia CP) .td M H <han and P < @ain( C2&&G) Management Accounting( +eEt( Pro1lems and Cases 5Ae pu1lished in *e: 'elhi 1! Mc5ra: ;ill Pu1lications

emester 9

Credits % &3

Service Mar$eting
Course Content
'efining ser-ices6 7easons for gro:th in ser-ice sector% role( importance and emergence of ser-ices sectors in an econom!6 er-ices3 +he $ndian scenario6 Characteristics of er-ices ) 'ifference 1et:een product and er-ice6 Classification of ser-ices/ er-ice +riangle6 $ntroduction to er-ice Mar4eting3 er-ice Mar4eting MiE/ Ph!sical e-idence of ser-ice6 egmentation( +argeting and positioning/ Mar4eting Challenges of er-ice/ er-ices Encounters( er-ice "lueprinting( Flo:er of ser-ice/ er-ice life c!cle/ tages of ne: ser-ice de-elopment/ 'eli-ering Iualit! of ser-ice3 er-ice 5ap model/ E79IDA.( 'emingKs P'CA c!cle( er-ice "enchmar4ing/ er-ice trateg!/ Mar4eting of -arious er-ices A ectors3 Mar4eting of Financial er-ices( Mar4eting of +ourism B ;ospitalit! er-ices( Mar4eting of ;ealth er-ices( Mar4eting of Educational B Professional er-ices/

/e4t and Reference Books .o-eloc4( C/ C2&&3)/ er-ices Mar4eting3 People +echnolog!( trateg! 5Ae( Pearson Education( *e: 'elhi/ Veithaml( 9/ and "itner( M/ C2&11) er-ices Mar4eting( 5th edition( Mc5ra: ;ill( *e: Hor4/ 9/ 9enugopal and 7aghu 9/ */ er-ices Mar4eting ( ;P; ( $ "*3 G#FF1F31FG361

emester 9

Credits % &3

Consumer "ehavior
Course Content
Defining !onsumer )eha#iour, its Significance, *pplication of 8no(le ge of !onsumer )eha#iour !onsumers 3 Mar$et Segmentation, )enefits; Limitations of Segmentation Pro uct Positioning &n#ironmental 0nfluences on !onsumer )eha#iour !ulture, Su'culture 3 Social !lass Social .roups 3 Famil% Personal 0nno#ation 3 Diffusion of 0nno#ation Personalit% Theories 3 *pplications Ps%chographics 3 Self !oncept 4ature 3 Role of Moti#es 3 its !lassification Moti#e *rousal 3 Structuring Moti#ation Research 0nformation Processing Learning 3 its classification, * itional !onsumer Learning Topics, Memor% *ttitu e, its characteristics, Functions, Strategies for changing attitu es !onsumer ecision 3 its $in s !onsumer ecision Process Mo el Mar$eting 0mplication of Pro'lem Recognition Search 3 &#aluation Purchasing Processes Post purchase 'eha#ior Mo eling 3 Researching !onsumer )eha#iour, Organizational 'u%ing 'eha#ior

/e4t and Reference Books .oudon( 'a-id ./ and "itta( A@' C2&&G)( Consumer 1eha-ior 3 Concepts and Applications( *e: 'elhi( +ata Mc5ra: ;ill "oo4 Compan! chiffman . B <anu4 C2&&3)( Consumer "eha-iour( *e: Hor4( Prentice ;all <umar( / 7amesh CProf/) C2&&3)( Conceptual $ssues in Consumer "eha-iour3 +he $ndian ConteEt( 'elhi( Pearson Education Pte/ .td/ ternthal( "/ and Craig( C 1GF2)( Consumer 1eha-ior 3 an information processing perspecti-e( *e: @erse!( Prentice ;all =allendorf( M/ and Valtman C1G#G)( 7eadings in consumer 1eha-ior 3 $ndi-iduals( groups( and organi8ations( *e: Hor4( @ohn =ile! B ons Valtman( 5/ and =allendorf M C1GF3)( Consumer 1eha-ior 3 "asic findings and

management implications%2nd ed/( *e: Hor43 @ohn =ile! B ons

#emester 8$
#u%&ect 6
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) #) F) uppl! chain management 0perations 7esearch En-ironment B management "usiness Ethics Entrepreneurship 'e-elopment Creati-it! and inno-ation Corporate Finance $ndustr! Pro2ect

emester 9$

Credits % &3

Entre reneurshi
Course Content
Entrepreneurs ) 'efinition and Concepts ) Entrepreneurial s4ills B competencies( Characteristics of entrepreneurs( :oman entrepreneurs( Entrepreneur -is%W%-is Professional Manager( $ntrapreneurs % Functions of entrepreneurs( role of entrepreneurs ) +he Entrepreneurial Culture Entrepreneurship% concepts% Phases of entrepreneurship% entrepreneurship and economic gro:th ) 1arriers to entrepreneurship( the theories of entrepreneurship

,evelo ment

Entrepreneurship 'e-elopment ) entrepreneurship en-ironment ) approaches to entrepreneurship de-elopment ) E' Process ) E'P% +he process of setting up small scale enterprise % upport $nstitutionsA organisations promoting A funding for entrepreneurship de-elopment ) *$E "D'( E'$$(M'$( +EP ( $'"$( *A"A7' ) pecialised +raining $nstitutes ) entrepreneurial Mar4eting ) Entrepreneurial trategies

/e4t and Reference Books 7o! 7a2ee-( Entrepreneurship/ 0Eford Dni-ersit! Press( 'esai 9asant( '!namics of Entrepreneurship 'e-elopment and Management/ ;imala!a Pu1lishing ;ouse ;P; "apori4ar *eeta( Entrepreneurship 'e-elopment B Pro2ect Management% +eEt and Cases/ ;imala!a Pu1lishing ;ouse Mohant!( Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship de-elopment/ Prentice ;all of $ndia <han4a / / ( Entrepreneurship 'e-elopment

emester 9$

Credits % &3

"usiness Ethics
Course Content
Ethics in "usiness3 An $ntroduction $ssues and Challenges in "usiness Ethics Ethics in the Mar4etplace3 An $ntroduction Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Ethical Principles in "usiness ) 0ligopolistic Competition Dtilitarianism( @ustice and Fairness( +he 0ligopolies and Pu1lic Polic! Ethics of Care "usiness Ethics and the En-ironment "usiness !stem3 5o-ernment( Mar4ets and 'imensions of Pollution and 7esource $nternational +rade 'epletion Consumer Production B Mar4eting Free Mar4ets and 7ights ) @ohn .oc4e( Ethics of @o1 'iscrimination Adam mith( 'a-id 7icardo and <arl MarE $ndi-idual and the 0rgani8ation

/e4t and Reference Books "usiness Ethics3 Concepts and Cases "!% Manuel 9ales,ue8 Prentice ;all of $ndia P-t/ .td/ *e: 'elhi%11&&15

emester 9$

Credits % &3

Creativity and 'nnovation 0Syllabus1

Course Content
Concept of Creati-it!( 'efinition( Creati-it! 9s/ $ntelligence( Creati-e a1ilities( 'eterminants of Creati-it!( +he Creati-e Process ( Ma2or "loc4s to Creati-it! +he Creati-e Process3% +he creati-e outcomes( creati-e pro1lem sol-ing( pro1lem structuring( con-ergent and di-ergent thin4ing/ Personalit!( Moti-ation and Creati-it!% Model of Creati-e Personalit!( +raits congenial to Creati-it!( Moti-ation and Creati-it!( "loc4s to Creati-it!/ +echni,ues of creati-e pro1lem sol-ing 3 "rainstorming( Attri1ute .isting( Chec4list of Iuestions( !nectics/ +he Creati-e En-ironment3 En-ironment conduci-e to creati-it!( Formati-e En-ironment and Creati-it!( Facets of En-ironment that timulate Creati-it! +he Creati-e 0rgani8ation3 Forces that stimulate organi8ational inno-ati-eness( 'esigns of an inno-ati-e organi8ation/ Management of $nno-ation3 *ature of $nno-ation( +echnological inno-ations( Management inno-ations( $nno-ati-e social programmes( $nno-ati-e entrepreneurship( Agents of $nno-ation/

/e4t and Reference Books <o1a!ashi ( 1G#1/ Creati-e Management/ *e: Hor43 American Management Association( Perters/ + @ =aterman( 7 ;/ 1GF2 / $n earch 0f EEcellence/ .ondon3 ;arper B7o: 1GF2 hapero A/ 1GF5/ Managing Professional People/ *e: Hor4 3 Free Press/ Fourth E!e 3 EEcellence through Creati-it! 1! Pradip */ <hand:alla( =heeler Pu1lishing( *e: 'elhi/ $nno-ation and Creati-it!3 Ps!chological and 0rgani8ational trategies 1! =est Michael A and Chichester( @ames . Ceds) *e: Hor43 =ile! ;and1oo4 of Creati-it! 1! tein1erg( 7o1ert Ced) Cam1ridge Dni-ersit! Press/

emester 9$

Credits % &3

Environment and Management

Course Content
*atural En-ironment and its impact on "usiness 0perations ) En-ironmental Management3 and ustaina1ilit! of "usiness 0perations6 Managing *atural 7esources ) $mportance ) =ater( .and6 Forest B "iodi-ersit! Management3 Ecos!stem Concepts6 Pollution % Air( =ater( .and Pollution( =ater 7esources6 'ams and their role6 Forest products and +rade( Energ! Management3 Fundamentals %Fossil Fuels use/ Energ! production and trade( Energ! "alance6 Alternati-e Energ! sources and technolog!6 =aste Management6 +rade in =astes6 $ndustrial Ecolog! and 7ec!cling $ndustr!6 7egulator! Mechanisms6 En-ironmental Management !stem3 EM tandards( $ 0 14&&&6 =+0 Pro-isions Cases3 5anga action plan( +a2 Mahal6 *e: 'elhi Cit! "us er-ices6 'eforestation of .o:er ;imala!as( Pollution on Mt/ E-erest( .a:s and regulations related to en-ironment6 En-ironmental Polic! of 5o-ernment of $ndia 5lo1al =arming ) Pro1lem( $mplications( Concept of Car1on Credit( 7ole of 5o-ernment and *on%5o-ernment Agencies B "usinesses6 Climate Change and "usiness 7esponses6 'isaster management ) Concept( causes and conse,uences( disaster mitigation Current En-ironmental $ssues and 1usiness practices Cases3 7ecent Earth,ua4e and +sunami in @apan and impact on @apanese "usinesses6 A case stud! of *armada "acha- Andolan6 Anti% *uclear Po:er Agitations( "hopal 5as 'isaster6 Cherno1!l *uclear 'isaster( .a-asa Pro2ect( ;andling ;a8ardous u1stances ) A case stud! of @haduguda6 etc ustaina1ilit! Management ) +riple "ottom .ine ) ustaina1ilit! 7eporting ) ustaina1ilit! thin4ing in $ndian "usinesses ) ustaina1le 'e-elopment and 5andhian +hought ) ustaina1ilit! as a "usiness trateg!% Cases3 $+C "hadrachalam Paper Mills6 $+C =ealth from =aste C=0=) Pro2ect6 Pepsi PE+ "ottles66 Po4hran( +hermal Po:er Pro2ects( Mining open coal mining at "iharA"engal/ Mar1le mining at @aipur 5round :ater3 Arsenic poisoning in =/ "engal/ 0il spills in "om1a! ;igh6 Contro-ers! in <5 "asin 5as Dsage

/e4t and Reference Books

D1eroi(* < En-ironmental Management/ EEcel "oo4s( A%45/ *araina Phase%1( *e: 'elhi( 2&&& Pande!/5/*/6 En-ironmental Management/ 9i4as Pu1lishing ;ouse *e: 'elhi/1GG# 5upta/ */ 'ass3 En-ironmental Accounting/ =heeler Pu1lishing( 1G( < 5 Marg/ *e: 'elhi 1GG# Mohant!/ /</3 En-ironment F Pollution .a: Manual/ Dni-ersal .a: Pu1lishing/ 5/+/ <arnal 7oad/ *e: 'elhi( 1GG6

;arle!/*ic4 En-ironmental Economics/ MacMillan $ndia .id/( Ansari 7oad( *e: 'elhi 1GG# <olstad Chartes '3 En-ironmental Economics( 0Eford Dni-ersit! Press( 2&&&

emester 9$

Credits % &3

O eration Research
Course Content
.inear Programming $3 Formulations and 5raphic olutions3 .inear Programming $$3 impleE Method( olution to MaEimi8ation Pro1lem( olution to Minimi8ation Pro1lem( "ig%M method Dni,ue solutions( Multiple 0ptimal olutions( $nfeasi1ilit!( Dn1oundedness( 'egenerac! .inear Programming $$$ C'ualit! and ensiti-it! Anal!sis)( 'ualit! in .PP( Economic interpretations of dual( ensiti-it! Anal!sis( Coefficients of 012ecti-e functions CC2)( Changes in the constraints limits C1i -alues)( +ransport and +ranshipment Pro1lems( Pro1lem statement( olution to the +ransport Pro1lem( $nitial olutions :ith *=C rule( $nitial olutions :ith .east Cost method( $nitial olutions using 9AM method( Finding 0ptimal olution using M0'$( Dn1alanced +ransportation Pro1lem( Prohi1ited 7outes( Dni,ue -s Multiple 0ptimal solutions( 'egenerac!( MaEimi8ation Pro1lem( 'ual of the +ransportation Pro1lem( Production cheduling and $n-entor! Control as a +ransportation Pro1lem( +ranshipment Pro1lem( Assignment Pro1lem( Pro1lem statement( 'ifferent possi1le methods of solutions to the Assignment Pro1lem( ;ungarian Assignment Method C;AM)( pecial Cases( Dn1alanced Assignment Pro1lems( Constrained Assignment Pro1lems( Dni,ue -s Multiple 0ptimal solutions( ol-ing MaEimi8ation pro1lem using ;AM $ntroduction to $nteger Programming( Pure and MiEed integer programming Pro1lem C'efinition onl!)( Vero%one model and the assignment pro1lem( $nteger Programming solution space( "ranch and "ound Method( 'efining a +ra-elling alesman Pro1lem/ e,uencing3 +he se,uencing pro1lem and the assumptions( olutions to se,uencing Pro1lems( 5antt Charts( Algorithms for sol-ing e,uencing Pro1lems C@ohnsonKs rule)( Processing n 2o1s through 3 machines( Processing n 2o1s through 4 machines( Processing 2 2o1s :ith 4 machines :ith different order of processing for the 2 2o1s( Maintenance Cre: cheduling% An applications $n-entor! Management3 $ntroduction( t!pes of in-entor! and in-entor! decisions and in-entor! costs( $n-entor! management s!stems( FiEed 0rder Iuantit! !stem( +he Classical E0I model( E0I :ith price 1rea4s( EoI models for production runs( $n-entor! Models :ith Planned shortages( afet! toc4( 'emand during lead time C''.+) distri1ution( Periodic re-ie: s!stem( s s!stem( 0ne time model of $n-entor! Management( electi-e approaches to $n-entor! Control CA"C( 9E'( ;M.( 'E( %0 ( F *( THV) Iueuing +heor!3 $ntroduction( 5eneral structure of ,ueuing s!stems( 0perating Characteristics of ,ueuing s!stems( Iueuing Models ( 'eterministic Iueuing Models( Pro1a1ilistic Iueuing Models CPoisson ) EEponential single ser-er model ) $nfinite Population)( Cost Anal!sis Co-ered on 'iscussion Mode Conl! one session each) % PE7+ and CPM( 'ecision +heor!( 5ame +heor!

/e4t and Reference Books

Iuantitati-e +echni,ues in Management 1! */ '/ 9ohra( 4th edition ( Mc 5ra: ;ill( 2&1& 0perations +heor! and Applications 1! @ < harma( 4th edition( Macmillan( 2&1&

emester 9$

Credits % &3

Course Content

ly Chain Management

Dnderstanding the suppl! chain3 uppl! Chain ) introduction( Flo:s in suppl! chain Ccash( -alue and information) decision phases in suppl! chain( process -ie: of suppl! chain6 suppl! chain dri-ers and o1stacles/ 7ole of information technolog! in suppl! chain6 suppl! chain information technolog! net:or46 'ecisions in designing uppl! Chain *et:or4( 7ole of distri1ution in suppl! chain6 factors influencing distri1ution in net:or4 design6 Purchasing B 9endor management3 Centrali8ed and 'ecentrali8ed purchasing( functions of purchase department and purchase policies/

Dse of mathematical model for -endor rating A e-aluation( single -endor concept( management of stores( accounting for materials/ Planning suppl! chain and +ransporting ( 7ole of suppl! in-entor! in suppl! chain( Measuring product a-aila1ilit! in suppl! chain6 Measuring c!cle a-aila1ilit!( E-aluating c!cle ser-ice le-el and fill rate and safet! in-entor!( 7ole of transportation in suppl! chain6 Factors affecting transporting decisions( Mode of transportation

/e4t and Reference Books unil Chopra and Peter Meindl( uppl! Chain Management ) trateg!( Planning and 0peration( PearsonAP;$/ Co!le( "ardi( .ongle!( +he management of "usiness .ogistics ) A uppl! Chain Perspecti-e( +homson Press 7aghuram 5/ % .ogistics and uppl! Chain Management CMacmillan) Agar:al '/</ % A +eEt "oo4 of .ogistics and uppl! chain management CMacmillan)

Semester :00 C>*nal%sis an ecision ma$ing ?>Organisational De#elopment an !hange @>Management !ontrol S%stem D>)usiness Process re-engineering E>Organisational e#elopment F>Strategic Management G>Financial statement anal%sis H>!orporate finance Computing +ools for 'ecision Ma4ing I>

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Organi(ational ,evelo ment and Change

Course Content
+he Field of 0'% 0rgani8ational turnaround and transformation( EEtent of application 0' 9alues and assumptions3 models and theories of Planned Change +eam inter-entions% 'iagnostic meeting( +eam 1uilding meeting( process( consultation( inter-entions( techni,ues and eEercises of team 1uilding

$nter group team 1uilding inter-ention( third Managing the 0' process% diagnosis( action part! peace%ma4ing inter-ention( organi8ation research( action component mirror inter-ention( partnering Classification of inter-entions % Person Comprehensi-e 0' inter-entions% trategic focused( 7ole focused and +eam focused Management acti-ities and real time strategic inter-entions change( stream anal!sis and sur-e! feed1ac4/

/e4t and Reference Books

French AL, an !, )ell,OD- )eha#ioral Science inter#ention for Organizational 0mpro#ement,4e( Delhi, 4e( Prentice ,all of 0n ia, )ennis, A*,OD 0ts 4ature O'1ects an Prospects, rea ing, M*- * ison, Aesle% )la$e RR an BS Mouton, The Managerial .ri , ,ouston, .ulf pu'lishing )ur$eAA, OD, Principles an Practices Ramnara%an S an T: Rao an 8ul eep Singh, OD 0nter#entions an Strategies, Response )oo$s a Di#ision of Sage Pu'lishing

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

"usiness #rocess Re-engineering

Course Content
Conceptual Foundation of "usiness Process 7e%engineering( 7ole of $nformation +echnolog! in "usiness Process 7e%engineering( Process $mpro-ement And Process 7edesign( "usiness Process 7e%engineering EEperiences in $ndian $ndustr!/ Process $dentification and Mapping ( 7oleA Acti-it! 'iagrams for 1usiness process re%engineering( Process 9isioning and "enchmar4ing/ "usiness Process $mpro-ement( "usiness Process 7edesign/ Man Management for "P7 $mplementation( 7e% organi8ing People and Managing Change

/e4t and Reference Books

Ba%aram, M"S", etc" )usiness Process Re-engineering, Tata Mc.ra( ,ill !oulson-Thomas, )usiness Process Re-engineering- M%th 3 Realit%, 8ogan Page !arr an Bohansson, )est Practices in Re-engineering, 4e( 7or$, Mc.ra( ,ill !hamp%, Bames", Re-engineering Management- The Man ate for 4e( Lea ership, ,arper !ollins

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Strategic Management
Course Content
$ntroduction to trategic Management% E-olution of the Concept of trategic Management X Components of trategic Management X .e-els of trategic Planning X Ma4ing trategic 'ecisions6 trategic Management Process6 trategic decision%ma4ing6 .imitations of the trategic Management Model6 Compan! Mission and 9ision tatements3 Formulating Mission tatements ) ocial 7esponsi1ilit! ) ta4eholder Approach to ocial 7esponsi1ilit! ) 5uidelines for a ociall! 7esponsi1le firm Anal!8ing the "usiness En-ironment3 EEternal En-ironment % $ndustr! .e-el anal!sis % $nternal Anal!sis of the Firm ) .earning Cur-e and EEperience Cur-e ) 9ulnera1ilit! Anal!sis % trategic Anal!sis3 +he 5E nine cells planning 5rid ) Arthur '/ .ittle .ife C!cle Approach ) =0+ Anal!sis ) Profit $mpact of Mar4et trategies )Formulating long%term trategies6 5eneric Competiti-e trateg!3 Cost .eadership ) 'ifferentiation ) Focus6 Pitfalls of 5eneric trategies6 5aining and ustaining Competiti-e Ad-antage3 'efining the 9alue Chain ) +he 9alue Chain and the 1u!er 9alue )Competiti-e cope and the 9alue Chain )9alue Chain and the 0rgani8ational tructure ) 'ifferent sources of Competiti-e Ad-antage for different industries Principles of trateg! $mplementation3 trateg! and tructure6 Managing trategic Change3 7eengineering( 7estructuring( $nno-ation6 uccessful Change of trateg!6 Esta1lishing trategic Controls3 Premise Control $mplementation Control( trategic ur-eillances( pecial Alert Control6 0perational Control !stem3 "udgets( chedules( <e! uccess Factors ) 7e:ard 7easons for the Failure of @oint 9entures( $nternational @oint 9entures6 trategic Alliances6 Moti-es for a trategic Alliance( +!pes of trategic Alliances6 Ma4ing Alliances =or43 Partner election6 Alliance tructure6 Managing the Alliance6 Ad-antages and 'isad-antages of trategic Alliance Mergers B Ac,uisitions6 ;istorical Perspecti-es6 7ationale6 $ndustr! .ifec!cle and Merger +!pes6 Cross "order Mergers and Ac,uisitions6 7easons6 'i-ersification and Mergers in a trategic .ong 7ange Planning Frame:or46 'i-ersification Planning( Mergers and the Carr!%o-er of Managerial Capa1ilities6 trategic 7easons for Mergers and Ac,uisitions6 9alue Creation6 'i-estitures and pin 0ffs6 9oluntar! .i,uidation and ell%0ffs6 Moti-es for 'i-estiture6 'isad-antages of pin 0ffs6 E,uit! Car-e% 0uts6 PorterKs Anal!sis of 'i-estitureAAc,uisitions percentages6 Measurement of Effects on hareholder 9alues6 $nternational "usiness En-ironment3 +he challenges of $nternational "usiness ) M*Cs( Characteristics of M*Cs( Management of M*Cs6 +he *eed for Foreign 'irect $n-estment6 "enefits of F'$6 Culture and $nternational "usiness3 ;ofstedeKs Model( Cross Cultural .iterac!6 Culture and Competiti-e Ad-antage % Political and Countr! 7is46 $nternational "usiness trategies6 trategies for Production( Mar4eting( ;uman 7esource Management and Financial Management Challenges for the 21st Centur!3 5lo1al Competiti-eness in the *e: Millennium3 Competiti-e trengths of Ma2or $ndustriali8ed Countries( =hat hould 1e done to Meet the 5lo1al Competiti-e Challenges( =hat hould Corporations 'o( =hat hould 5o-ernment 'o ) Considerations for trategies in the 21st Centur!3 Corporate trateg!( Ethics( Pu1lic

!stems % Crisis Management6 0perationali8ing the trateg!3 Annual 012ecti-es( .in4age to .ong%term 012ecti-es( "enefits of Annual 012ecti-es6 'e-eloping Functional trategies6 'ifferences 1et:een 5rand and Functional trategies( Functional trategies6 "usiness Policies6 Management +ools in trateg!3 "enchmar4ing6 Approaches to "enchmar4ing( "enchmar4ing Practices =orld:ide6 7eengineering6 7e-erse Engineering6 "alanced corecard Corporate 7estructuring3 Forms of Corporate 7estructuring3 EEpansion( ell% offs( Corporate Control( Changes in 0:nership tructure6 0rgani8ational Forms3 9ertical tructure( ;ori8ontal tructure % *umerator and 'enominator Management % +urnaround Management6 @oint 9entures and trategic Alliances6 7ationale for @oint 9entures(

9alues and ocial 7esponsi1ilit!( 5lo1al Challenges( 7ole of the 5o-ernment( Ecological Challenges( Iualit! and Producti-it!( =or4force 'i-ersit!( Change( Empo:erment ) Emergence of a <no:ledge =or4er ) 7ole of a <no:ledge =or4er ) E% commerce the Central Challenge ) +he CE0 in the *e: Millennium3 Corporate 5o-ernance( Approach to $nformation6 Competing for the Future3 An Alternati-e 9ie: of Corporate trateg! % Concept of Core Competenc! )$dentif!ing Core competencies6 9ie:s of <rishna Palepu and +arun<hanna/

/e4t and Reference Books

Strategic Management Strateg% Formulation an 0mplementation '% Bohn Pearce 3 Richar Ro'inson ; *0T)S Pu'lication )usiness Polic% an Strategic Management, Fe '% Bauch, .upta an .luec$; Fran$ )ros an !o" Strategic Management *n 0ntegrate *pproach '% !harles ,ill 3 .areth Bones; )iztantra !ompeting for the Future '% Prahala an ,amel; TM, Ma$ing Strateg% '% !olin & en 3 *c$ermann ; Sage Pu'lications !ompetiti#e * #antage of 4ations '% Michael Porter Strateg% Safari '% Mintz'erg, *hlstran an Lampel, Pearson Strategic Management '% Dr" P Su''aRao, ,imala%a Strategic Management- The 0n ian !onte2t '% R Srini#asan, Prentice ,all of 0n ia

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Management Control Systems

Course Content
Fundamentals of Management Control3 Management Control%An 0-er-ie:6 012ecti-es of Management Control6 chemes for Classif!ing Management Controls6 ConteEtual Factors $nfluencing Management Control6 0rgani8ation tructure6 7esponsi1ilit! tructure6 'esigning Control !stems6 Control !stems for Empo:erment( $nno-ation( and Creati-it!6 trategic Performance Control6 trateg! and Control6 $nformation +echnolog! and !stems for trategic Control6 +he "alanced corecard6 "udget as an $nstrument of Control6 Formulation and Administration of "udgets6 +!pes of "udgets6 Vero%1ased "udgeting6 "usiness Performance3 +argets( 7eporting( and Anal!sis3 Factors affecting "usiness performance6 Performance 7eports6 Performance Anal!sis6 Auditing3 Categories of Audits6 +he Auditing Process6 "enefits and limitations of Auditing +ransfer Pricing3 +he Concept of +ransfer Pricing6 Factors $nfluencing +ransfer Pricing6 Methods of Calculating +ransfer Prices6 Administration of +ransfer Prices6 +he $ndian Perspecti-e6 Financial Control of the Enterprise3 Financial Controls6 +ools of Financial Control6 Controlling Assets Emplo!ed in the "usiness6 Financial $nformation !stems and Control6 7oles in Financial Control and Accounta1ilit!6 Mar4eting Control3 +!pes of Mar4eting Controls6 Mar4eting Audit6 ales Control6 'istri1ution Control6 Mar4eting Communications Control6 Mar4eting Control in "randing6 $nformation !stems for Mar4eting Control6 Management Control of Production and 0perations3 Control of Production and 0perations6/ Management Control of er-ice 0perations3 5eneric +echni,ues for Control of er-ices6 Classification of er-ice 0rgani8ations6 Control of 'ifferent Categories of er-ice 0rgani8ations6 Management Control of Pro2ects3 Pro2ect Control6 Pro2ect 0-er-ie: statement6 Pro2ect Plan6 0rgani8ing for Pro2ect Control6 Control of Pro2ect EEecution6 0-erall Change Control6 Pro2ect auditing6 Conser-ation and utili8ation of resources6 Control of ;uman 7esources Management3 ;uman 7esource Planning6 Control of the ;7 Functions6 +echni,ues for assessing effecti-eness of ;7M6 +he :or4force corecard6 ;uman 7esource $nformation !stems for Control6 $mplementation of Management Control !stems3 0perationali8ing a Management Control !stem6 0rgani8ational roles in-ol-ed in implementation6 Challenges in implementation6 $mpact of 0rgani8ational .ife C!cle on Control !stems/

"usiness Ethics and Management Control3 Ethical "eha-ior in 0rgani8ation6 Management Control and Ethical issues in 'ifferent Functions6 7egulating Ethical Conduct Production Controls6 0perations Controls6 uppl! Chain Management6 $nformation !stems in Production and 0perations Management6 Controlling Cost of 0perations6 Enhancing 0rgani8ational Performance6 0perational Audit6 afet! Audit

Management Control Systems

/e4t and Reference Books
Management !ontrol S%stems )%*nthon%, Ro'ert 4 an :i1a% .o#in ara1an, C?e; Tata Mc.ra( ,ill, Management !ontrol S%stems - +sing * apti#e S%stems to *ttain !ontrol Maciariello, Boseph *" an !al#in B" 8ir'%" Secon e " 4e( Delhi; Prentice ,all 0n ia, Mo ern Management !ontrol S%stems Te2t an !ases Merchant, 8enneth *" Delhi- Pearson & ucation =Singapore> Pte" Lt ; 0n ian )ranch Management !ontrol S%stems-?n & ition *n 0ntegrate *pproach to Performance an !ompliance The 0!F*0 +ni#ersit% Press Management 0nformation S%stems Post, .eral : an Da#i L" *n erson; Tata Mc.ra( ,ill, Management !ontrol S%stems-Te2t an !ases Ro'ert 4 *nthon% 3 Bohn Dear on;0r(in 0nc" Management !ontrol S%stems- Te2t an !ases Su'ash Sharma ; TM,

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

!inancial Statement Analysis

Course Content
Dsers of Financial 7eporting "asic Financial tatements "alance heet PB. Account tatement of Cash Flo:s 7elationship 1et:een the same PB. Account -s $ncome tatement Accounting +reatments3 $ndia -s the :orld Approaches to Financial tatement Anal!sis +raditional Approach Modern Approach +raditional -s Modern Approach +echni,ues of Financial tatement Anal!sis Comparati-e Financial tatements Common i8e Financial tatements +rend Anal!sis 7atio Anal!sis ;ori8ontal and 9ertical Anal!sis Focus Area Anal!sis .imitations of Financial tatements .imitations ) ;istorical Cost etc Financial =indo: dressing ) 'efinition and EEample Audit Process 7elia1ilit! of Auditing $ntroduction +he *ature of Financial 7eporting +!pes of reports 3 Iuarterl! 7eports( Annual 7eports Ma2or sections of reporting .i,uidit! Anal!sis 0perating C!cle of a "usiness Profita1ilit! Anal!sis Capital tructure Anal!sis $ncome Anal!sis 7e-enue and EEpense 7ecognition Cash Flo: tatement 7atio Anal!sis pecial ituations 'istress Anal!sis Foreign +ransactions and Anal!sis Personal Financial tatements Forecasting Financial tatements 0ne Hear Pro2ection ensiti-it! Anal!sis :ith Pro2ected Financial tatements Pro%Forma Financial tatements Multi!ear Pro2ections

/e4t and Reference Books

Fri son Martin, *l#arez Fernan o =?JCJ> Financial Statement *nal%sis * Practitioner5s .ui e Thir & ition pu'lishe in 4e( 7or$i '% Bohn Aile% an Sons 0S)4 IGH@FD?CJH@DC Sinha .o$ul =?JJI> Financial Statement *nal%sis Learning P#t Lt " 0S)4 IGHHC?J@@GCG-F pu'lishe in 4e( Delhi '% P,0

Aoelfel !harles =?JCC Reprint>, Financial Statement *nal%sis- The 0n#estorKs SelfStu % to 0nterpreting 3 *nal%zing Financial Statements, Re#ise & ition, Pu'lishe in

4e( Delhi '% Mc.ra( ,ill Pu'lications, 0S)4- IGHCEEG@HE@?C" )hattachar%a De'arshi=?JCC> Financial Statement *nal%sis, pu'lishe '% Pearson & ucation South *sia , 0S)4- IGHHC@CGEEJD-D in 4e( Delhi

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Cor orate !inance

Course Content
$ntroduction Financial 5oals and Firms Mission and 012ecti-es $ntroduction to Corporate Finance Current 'e-elopments .in4s 1et:een Financial Management and Corporate Finance ources of .ong +erm Finance E,uit! Capital and Preference Capital 'e1enture Capital +erm .oans and 'eferred Credits 5o-ernment u1sidies =or4ing Capital Finance3 $n-entor! Management *ature of $n-entories $n-entor! Control !stems $n-entor! Management Process =or4ing Capital Finance3 Cash Management $ntroduction *eed for Cash Management Cash Planning 7is4 and 7eturn3 Portfolio +heor! and Asset Pricing Models Calculation of Portfolio 7eturn Minimum 9ariance Portfolio $ntroduction to CAPM $ntroduction to AP+ Cost of Capital $ntroduction( ignificance Cost of 'e1t Cost of E,uit! =ACC Cost of E,uit! and CAPM C$ntroduction) Capital tructure +heor! and Polic! $ntroduction 7ele-ance Pec4ing 0rder +heor! Capital tructure Planning and Polic! MM ;!pothesis C"rief $ntroduction) 'i-idend +heor! and Polic! 012ecti-es of 'i-idend Polic! Forms of 'i-idends "u!1ac4 of hares 'i-idend 7ele-ance and $rrele-ance Practical Considerations

$ntroduction to 'eri-ati-es 0ptions ) Puts( Calls etc 0ptions Mar4et in $ndia Futures

/e4t and Reference Books

0"M" Pan e% =?JCJ> Financial Management, pu'lishe ,ouse" 0S)4 IGHHC?EI@GCD? in 4oi a '% :i$as Pu'lishing

Beffre% Baffe, Ran olph Aesterfiel , Ross =?JJI>, Gth e , !orporate Finance, pu'lishe in 4e( Delhi '% Tata Mc.ra( ,ill Pu'lishing !ompan% P#t Lt , 0S)4- IGHJJGJEIGHH-D 8han 3 Bain =?JCJ> Financial Management, pu'lishe in 4e( Delhi '% Mc.ra( ,ill Pu'lications 0S)4Prasanna !han ra =?JCJ> Financial Management pu'lishe in 4e( Delhi '% Tata Mc.ra( ,ill" 0S)4:an ,orne, Fun amentals of Financial Management, Prentice ,all" :ish(anath S"R" =?JCJ Reprint> ?n & , !orporate Finance- Theor% an Practice, Pu'lishe in 4e( Delhi '% Response )oo$s = i#ision of Sage Pu'lications 0n ia P#t Lt >, 0S)4- IGHJGFCI@DIG-D

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Com uting Tools for ,ecision Ma$ing

Course Content
$ntroduction Financial 5oals and Firms Mission and 012ecti-es $ntroduction to Corporate Finance Current 'e-elopments .in4s 1et:een Financial Management and Corporate Finance ources of .ong +erm Finance E,uit! Capital and Preference Capital 'e1enture Capital +erm .oans and 'eferred Credits 5o-ernment u1sidies =or4ing Capital Finance3 $n-entor! Management *ature of $n-entories $n-entor! Control !stems $n-entor! Management Process =or4ing Capital Finance3 Cash Management $ntroduction *eed for Cash Management Cash Planning 7is4 and 7eturn3 Portfolio +heor! and Asset Pricing Models Calculation of Portfolio 7eturn Minimum 9ariance Portfolio $ntroduction to CAPM $ntroduction to AP+ Cost of Capital $ntroduction( ignificance Cost of 'e1t Cost of E,uit! =ACC Cost of E,uit! and CAPM C$ntroduction) Capital tructure +heor! and Polic! $ntroduction 7ele-ance Pec4ing 0rder +heor! Capital tructure Planning and Polic! MM ;!pothesis C"rief $ntroduction) 'i-idend +heor! and Polic! 012ecti-es of 'i-idend Polic! Forms of 'i-idends "u!1ac4 of hares 'i-idend 7ele-ance and $rrele-ance Practical Considerations $ntroduction to 'eri-ati-es 0ptions ) Puts( Calls etc 0ptions Mar4et in $ndia Futures

/e4t and Reference Books

.uerrero ,ector =?JCJ> &2cel Data *nal%sis- Mo eling an Simulation pu'lishe in

4e( 7or$i '% Springer" 0S)4 IGH@FD?CJH@DC *l'right, Ainston, Lappe =?JCC> Data *nal%sis an Decision Ma$ing D;e pu'lishe Mason, O, '% !engage Learing " 0S)4 IGHJE@HDGFCJ-? Richar Shepher =?JJI> ?n e &2cel ?JJG :)* Macro Programming , pu'lishe 4e( Delhi '% Mc.ra( ,ill =P> Lt , 0S)4- IGHJJGCF?GJJI in in

emester 9$$

Credits % &3

Analysis and ,ecision Ma$ing

Course Content
Decision-Ma$ing- 0mportance Decision Ma$ing Process Single criterion #s" multiple criteria, finite num'er of alternati#es #s" infinite num'er of alternati#es" Tra itional approaches to ecisionma$ing; Decision ma$ing un er certaint%; 0ntro uction to ecisionma$ing un er uncertaint%; ecision tree; &lementar% metho s Managerial Decision Ma$ing +n er Ris$ an +ncertaint% !on1oint anal%sis Paire comparison anal%sis The :room-7etton-Bago Decision Mo el .ri *nal%sis Force Fiel *nal%sis .roup-ai e ecisions; )rain storming; re#erse 'rain storming" Other t%pes of 'rain storming" !reati#it% - creati#e pro'lem sol#ing" Si2 hat anal%sis The la er of inference !ost-'enefit anal%sis Pareto *nal%sis )lin spot *nal%sis-*#oi ing common Mfatal fla(sN in ecision ma$ing Linear programming Monte !arlo *nal%sis- )ringing uncertaint% an ris$ into forecasting Reacti#e Decision Ma$ing Ma$ing goo ecisions un er pressure The 0mpact of &thics an :alues The Fours9uare Protocol Learning to manage ethical ecisions Ahat *re 7our :aluesO-Deci ing (hatKs most important in life Spiral D%namics -+n erstan ing ho( peopleKs #alues ma% affect their ecision ma$ing .roup Decision Ma$ing- !reati#e metho s of ecision ma$ing"

/e4t and Reference Books =hate-er it +a4es3 +he 7ealities of Managerial 'ecision Ma4ing C2nd Edition) 1! Morgan =/ McCal Ma4ing ;ard 'ecisions :ith 'ecision +ools C"oo4 and C') 1! 7o1ert +/ Clemen 9alue%Focused +hin4ing3 A Path to Creati-e 'ecision ma4ing 1! 7alph ./ <eene! =harton on Ma4ing 'ecisions %1! 7o1ert 5unther Ma4ing Choices3 A 7ecasting of 'ecision +heor! 1! Frederic chic4

=hate-er it +a4es3 +he 7ealities of Managerial 'ecision Ma4ing C2nd Edition) 1! Morgan =/ McCal Ma4ing ;ard 'ecisions :ith 'ecision +ools C"oo4 and C') 1! 7o1ert +/ Clemen 9alue%Focused +hin4ing3 A Path to Creati-e 'ecision ma4ing 1! 7alph ./ <eene! =harton on Ma4ing 'ecisions %1! 7o1ert 5unther Ma4ing Choices3 A 7ecasting of 'ecision +heor! 1! Frederic chic4

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