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!"#$% %'() "##*

This book helps beginneis of the }apanese language memoiizing anu
wiiting the fiist 1uS kanji chaiacteis iequiieu foi the }apanese
Language Pioficiency Test NS.

Each kanji is iepiesenteu on one page featuiing:

Its meaning
The onyomi anu kunyomi ieauings
vocabulaiy that incluues this kanji
The numbei of stiokes anu the stioke oiuei with a link to the
NIB0Nu0 ICBIBAN website to viueo showing the stioke oiuei
The iauicals (components) the kanji consists of
A hint to help memoiizing the kanji
A giiu to exeicise wiiting

You can piint each page on youi own piintei anu iepeat the wiiting
exeicises as often as you like.


This book is a seivice to the community of }apan fans.

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Please feel fiee to shaie it with youi fiienus anu othei stuuents of

78"9) 9:

1/,21 /!,/;71 is a social business to piomote }apanese cultuie
anu lifestyle in the woilu. With oui fiee websites we seive a
community of moie than 92,uuu fans of }apan in moie than 1Su

The 1/,21 /!,/;71 0,23 is the leauing online shop foi authentic
}apanese ciaft, uesign anu foou piouucts. Please visit oui shop fiist
when you neeu something fiom }apan.

The Japanese writing system
The Japanese written language consists of a combination of three types of characters. To
a lesser extend it nowadays also uses some Latin alphabet for abbreviations and
1) Kanji ()
Kanji originally came from China to Japan. The term kanji literally means Han
characters or Chinese characters and it is identical to the characters in China to
describe their writing.
Kanji are mainly used to describe names and nouns. When used in verbs and adjectives
they mostly are written in combination with hiragana. Most sentences include kanji as well
as hiragana.
Japanese dictionaries list around 10,000 kanji. The Japanese government limited the kanji
used in ofcial publications to the 1945 touyou kanji with about 4000 readings. The
Japanese Language Prociency Test (JLPT) is based on these 1945 touyou kanji.
A Japanese with average education knows around 3000 kanji and it is estimated that
around 4000 kanji are used in Japanese literature.
2) Hiragana ()
Hiragana is a phonetic alphabet that was developed in the ninth century to simplify writing.
It nowadays is mainly used for native Japanese words. Hiragana are derived from more
complex kanji and each hiragana represents a syllable. A total of 46 hiragana are used in
contemporary Japanese writing.
List of the 46 hiragana and their 25 diagritics (with or )
(a) (i) (u) (e) (o)
(na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no)
(ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo)
(ya) (yu) (yo)
(ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro)
(wa) (o/wo)
The combination of some of these hiragana is used to express a few additional sounds
used in Japanese. The rst character is written in normal size whereas the second
character is written a little bit smaller. These combinations are called digraphs.
List of 21 hiragana digraphs and their 15 diagritics
(nya) (nyu) (nyo)
(mya) (myu) (myo)
(rya) (ryu) (ryo)
3) Katakana ()
Katakana also is a phonetic alphabet covering the same syllable as hiragana and it
therefore also has 46 different characters. It is mainly used for foreign loanwords and
sometimes to replace kanji or hiragana for emphasis. Katakana were developed in the
ninth century and are also derived from more complex kanji.
List of the 46 basic katakana and their 25 diagritics (with or )
(a) (i) (u) (e) (o)
(na) (ni) (nu) (ne) (no)
(ma) (mi) (mu) (me) (mo)
(ya) (yu) (yo)
(ra) (ri) (ru) (re) (ro)
(wa) (o/wo)
As with hiragana there also are combinations to express the other sounds required for the
Japanese language.
List of 21 katakana digraphs and their 15 diagritics
(nya) (nyu) (nyo)
(mya) (myu) (myo)
(rya) (ryu) (ryo)
These 46 katakana and their variations are sufcient to express all sounds used for
Japanese words. In order to get closer to the pronunciation of foreign words, a list of not
so common extended katakana is used.
List of extended katakana
(yi) (ye)
(wa) (wi) (wu) (we) (wo)
(va) (vi) (vu) (ve) (vo)
(kwa) (kwi) (kwe) (kwo)
(gwa) (gwi) (gwe) (gwo)
(tsa) (tsi) (tse) (tso)
(ti) (tu)
(di) (du)
(fa) () (fe) (fo)
(la) (li) (lu) (le) (lo)
4) Writing a Japanese text
It is possible to write everything in hiragana or katakana since both scripts cover the entity
of sounds of the Japanese language, although this is not very practical due to the high
number of words having the same pronunciation but different meanings.
All characters are written one by one and in the same size. There are no spaces between
different words, which feels a little bit unusual for most foreigners. It takes time to get used
to this and easily distinguish different words.
It is important to write the strokes in the correct order and directions to give the characters
the right shape. The reason why becomes obvious when practicing with a brush pen
which is very much recommended for beginners.
Japanese writing is made in two directions. Horizontal writing (yokogaki) is from the left to
the right as in western style. Traditional writing (tategaki) is vertical starting from the right
top and ending at the left bottom. A book printed in tategaki opens from what Westerners
would call the back, while a book printed in yokogaki opens from what traditionally in
Japan would have been considered the back.
A brush pen is a pen with a brush instead of a brush instead of the nib. You can get them in some
Japanese shops or via mail order.
Wikipedia, Japanese writing system
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Cne
Cnyoml: lchl / lLsu [/]
kunyoml: PlLo []
vocabulary: - - hlLokuchl -
Cne blLe

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L00 on nlhongo lchlban

ls [usL !"# sLroke

1 sLroke
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1wo
Cnyoml: nl []
kunyoml: luLa []
vocabulary: - - fuLarl - 1wo

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L8C on nlhongo lchlban

ls made of Lwo sLrokes + =
1 + 1 = 2
2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
3 sLrokes
Meanlng: 1hree
Cnyoml: San []
kunyoml: MlLsu / Ml- [/]
vocabulary: 3 - - mlkka - 1he 3rd

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L09 on nlhongo lchlban

ls Lhe resulL of +
1 + 2 = 3
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: lour
Cnyoml: Shl []
kunyoml: ?o / ?u / ?on [//]
vocabulary: - - shlkl - 1he 4

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 36u8 on nlhongo lchlban

1here are four sldes Lo a square

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: llve
Cnyoml: Co []
kunyoml: lLsu []
vocabulary: - - lLsuLsu - llve
(ordlnal number)

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L94 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke Lhe number 3

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Slx
Cnyoml: 8oku []
kunyoml: Mu/MuL/Mul [//]
vocabulary: - - muLLsu - Slx
(ordlnal number)

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 316u on nlhongo lchlban

6 can be wrlLLen vl lf you Lurn Lhem
around you geL
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Seven
Cnyoml: Shlchl []
kunyoml: nana/nano [/]
vocabulary: shlchlgaLsu
- !uly

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L03 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls a 7 lnverLed

2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: LlghL
Cnyoml: Pachl []
kunyoml: ?aL/?a/?ou [//]
vocabulary: - - ?aLLsu LlghL
(ordlnal number)

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3168 on nlhongo lchlban

When followlng Lhe slmple shape
of Lhe 8 you geL
2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: nlne
Cnyoml: kyuu/ku [/]
kunyoml: kokono []
vocabulary: - - kokonoka -
1he 9

Code nlPCnCC lCPl8An: 4L3u
1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L3u on nlhongo lchlban

?ou can see Lhe shape of a 9
wlLh a llLLle lmaglnaLlon
2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1en
Cnyoml: !uu/!l [/]
kunyoml: 1oo []
vocabulary: - - 1ooka 1he

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3341 on nlhongo lchlban

10 can be wrlLLen x

2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Pundred
Cnyoml: Pyaku []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - -
PyakkaLen - A mall

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 767L on nlhongo lchlban

100 ->

6 sLrokes

!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1housand
Cnyoml: Sen []
kunyoml: Chl []
vocabulary: - -
nlsenen - 1wo Lhousand ?en

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3343 on nlhongo lchlban

1housand sLarLs wlLh Lhe leLLer 1
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1en Lhousand
Cnyoml: Man/8an [/]
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - manblkl

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L07 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a caplLal 1 and a h comblned llke
ln 1housand and Lhe caplLal 1 also sLands for 1en

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: WaLer
Cnyoml: Sul []
kunyoml: Mlzu []
vocabulary: - - suldou -
WaLer plpe

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6C34 on nlhongo lchlban

lL can represenL Lhe currenL of waLer

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: llre
Cnyoml: ka []
kunyoml: Pl []
vocabulary: - - kazan

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 7068 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a camp flre wlLh flames flylng

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1ree, wood
Cnyoml: 8oku/Moku [/]
kunyoml: kl/ko [/]
vocabulary: - -
mokuyoubl 1hursday

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6728 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls easy Lo remember slnce lL looks llke a Lree

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Sky
Cnyoml: 1en []
kunyoml: Ame, Ama [/]
vocabulary: - - Lenkl

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3929 on nlhongo lchlban

Peaven ls one () blg () place !

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: LarLh, Cround
Cnyoml: : uo / 1o [/]
kunyoml: 1suchl []
vocabulary: - - Lsuchl LarLh

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 371l on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a cross on a grave burled
ln Lhe ground

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: norLh
Cnyoml: Poku []
kunyoml: klLa []
vocabulary: - - hokubel -
norLh Amerlca

Check Lhe sLrokes order and learn more
vocabulary on nlhongo lchlban code: 3317

When puLLlng lL LogeLher lL looks llke
a ladder Lo go up nC81P
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: LasL
Cnyoml: 1ou []
kunyoml: Plgashl []
vocabulary: - - Loukyou -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6771 on nlhongo lchlban

1he sun () rlse behlnd a Lree () on Lhe
8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: WesL
Cnyoml: Sel /Sal [/]
kunyoml: nlshl []
vocabulary: - - selrekl -
ChrlsLlan era

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 897l on nlhongo lchlban

The upper part looks like the Greek symbol
(l). Creek ls a wesLern counLry

6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: SouLh
Cnyoml: nan []
kunyoml: Mlnaml []
vocabulary: - - nanbel -
SouLh Amerlca

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3337 on nlhongo lchlban

ln Lhe SouLh Lhere are many bellevers
who glve loLs of money() Lo Lhe churches
9 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: LefL
Cnyoml: Sa []
kunyoml: Pldarl []
vocabulary: - - saseLsu - 1o
Lurn lefL

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3uL6 on nlhongo lchlban

1he hand ( ) ls on Lhe lefL of someLhlng
worklng ()
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8lghL
Cnyoml: u / ?uu [ / ]
kunyoml: Mlgl []
vocabulary: - - ugan - 8lghL

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 33l3 on nlhongo lchlban

Cn a map Lhe resLauranL
(mouLh ) ls on Lhe rlghL of Lhe lnLersecLlon
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: uay, Sun
Cnyoml: nlchl/!lLsu [/]
kunyoml: Pl/ka [/]
vocabulary: - - nlhon - !apan

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 63L3 on nlhongo lchlban

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: MonLh, moon
Cnyoml: CeLsu/CaLsu [/]
kunyoml: 1sukl []
vocabulary: - - mangeLsu -
lull moon

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6708 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a quarLer of Lhe moon

4 sLroke
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: llower, blossom
Cnyoml: ka []
kunyoml: Pana []
vocabulary: - - kabln - vase

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8281 on nlhongo lchlban

Weed ( ) someLlme changes () lnLo
flowers ()
7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: llsh
Cnyoml: Cyo []
kunyoml: Sakana / uo [/]
vocabulary: - - klngyo

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 983A on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a flsh swlmmlng upward.

10 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Sky, Lo become free, empLy
Cnyoml: kuu []
kunyoml: Sora/A(keru)/kara [/(
vocabulary: - - kuukou -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 7A7A on nlhongo lchlban

Worklng () ln a hole () makes you feel
8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: MounLaln
Cnyoml: San []
kunyoml: ?ama []
vocabulary: - - yagl - A goaL

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3C71 on nlhongo lchlban

1hls kan[l has Lhe shape of Lhe mounLaln lL
sLands for. 3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8lver
Cnyoml: Sen []
kunyoml: kawa []
vocabulary: - - 1okugawa -
1ogugawa (leyasu) flrsL
Shogun of Lhe 1okugawa

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3uuu on nlhongo lchlban

1he Lhree sLrokes represenLs Lhe currenL of a

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8aln
Cnyoml: u []
kunyoml: Ame []
vocabulary: - - Lsuyu - 8alny

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 96L8 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke raln drops hlLLlng a wlndow

8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8ook, Source
Cnyoml: Pon []
kunyoml: MoLo []
vocabulary: - - honmono

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 672C on nlhongo lchlban

8ooks are made from Lrees cuL aL Lhelr
boLLom (hence Lhe boLLom llne)
3 sLroke
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Lye
Cnyoml: Moku []
kunyoml: Me []
vocabulary: - - mokuLekl -
purpose, goal

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 76LL on nlhongo lchlban

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: MouLh
Cnyoml: kou/ku [/]
kunyoml: kuchl []
vocabulary: - - kakou - CraLer
of a volcano

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 33L3 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a mouLh wlde open

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Lar
Cnyoml: !l []
kunyoml: Mlml []
vocabulary: - - [lkou - Larhole

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8033 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks a llLLle llke an ear wlLh a hole ln Lhe
mlddle and one parL sLlcklng ouL down
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Pand
Cnyoml: Shu []
kunyoml: 1e []
vocabulary: - - karaLe - karaLe

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6248 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls a slmpllfled Pand drawlng glvlng a Lhumb
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: looL, Lo be sufflclenL, Lo add
Cnyoml: Soku []
kunyoml: Ashl/1a(rlru)/1a(su) [/
vocabulary: - - manzoku -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8u83 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a carLoon characLer runnlng wlLh
hls huge leeL

7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: erson
Cnyoml: !ln / nln [/]
kunyoml: PlLo []
vocabulary: - - [lnkou -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L8A on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a Man sLandlng wlLh hls legs
2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: MoLher
Cnyoml: 8o []
kunyoml: Paha []
vocabulary: - - sobo

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 68Cu on nlhongo lchlban

It is suppose to represent a Mothers breast.
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: laLher
Cnyoml: lu []
kunyoml: Chlchl []
vocabulary: - - sofu -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 7236 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke Lhe shape of a man wlLh hls hands
up because he became a laLher.
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Woman, female
Cnyoml: !o []
kunyoml: Cnna / Me [/]
vocabulary: - - [osel -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3973 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a ballerlna

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Man, Male
Cnyoml: uan/nan [/]
kunyoml: CLoko []
vocabulary: - - dansel -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 7337 on nlhongo lchlban

1he upper parL means rlce fleld whlle Lhe
lower parL means sLrengLh Lhus you need Lo be a
sLrong Man Lo work ln Lhe fleld.
7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Chlld
Cnyoml: Shl/Su [/]
kunyoml: ko []
vocabulary: - - kodomo - A

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3830 on nlhongo lchlban

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Small
Cnyoml: Shou []
kunyoml: Chll(sal) / ko / C [()/
vocabulary: - - komugl llour

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3C0l on nlhongo lchlban

?ou may Lhlnk of Lwo Small flshes swlmmlng
around a hook
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: lnner, CenLer, 8eLween
Cnyoml: Chuu []
kunyoml: naka []
vocabulary: - - chuugoku
- Chlna

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L2u on nlhongo lchlban

1he verLlcal sLroke cross rlghL ln Lhe Mlddle of
Lhe square
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8lg, a loL
Cnyoml: ual/1al [/]
kunyoml: Co(kll)/Co(l) [()/
vocabulary: - - dalgaku -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3927 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a 8lg man wlLh hls arms and legs
spread wlde open
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Above, upper
Cnyoml: !ou/Shou [/]
kunyoml: ue/ kaml/ A(geru/garu) [/
vocabulary: - - [ouzu - 8e

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L0A on nlhongo lchlban

It is Above the line symbolized by the
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8elow, down
Cnyoml: ka/Ce [/]
kunyoml: ShlLa /Sa(geru)/C(rosu)/
ku(daru) [/()/(
vocabulary: - -
chlkaLeLsu - ML18C

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4L08 on nlhongo lchlban
It is Below the line symbolized by the
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: WhaL/Pow many/Whlch
Cnyoml: ka []
kunyoml: nanl []
vocabulary: - - nan[l - WhaL

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4l33 on nlhongo lchlban

WhaL exacLly can () a person () do ?

7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o walk, Lo go, Lo carry ouL
Cnyoml: kou []
kunyoml: l(ku)/?u(ku)/Ckona(u) [() /
vocabulary: - - glnkou

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 884C on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a brldge upon a rlver
whlch ls openlng up for boaLs Lo Co Lhrough.
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o see, Lo be vlslble, Lo show
Cnyoml: ken []
kunyoml: Ml(ru)/Ml(eru)/Ml(seru) [
vocabulary: - - kenbuLsu -
SlghL seelng

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8988 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls Lhe characLer for eye on Lhe characLer for
human legs, a walklng eye See and ls vlslble.
7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Word, Lo Lalk
Cnyoml: Cen/Con [/]
kunyoml: l(u) [()]
vocabulary: - - mugon

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8A00 on nlhongo lchlban

1he lower characLer means mouLh so lL ls llke
lines of Words going off ones mouth
7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Word, Lo Lalk
Cnyoml: Co []
kunyoml: kaLa(ru)/kaLa(rau) [()/
vocabulary: - - nlhongo -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8A9L on nlhongo lchlban

Word ( ) + 3 ( ) + MouLh ( ) = llve
word spoken ls already a language.
14 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: lood, 1o eaL
Cnyoml: Shoku []
kunyoml: 1a(beru)/ ku(u)/ ku(rau) [
vocabulary: - - shoku[l - A

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 98ul on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls Lhe characLer for good under whaL looks
llke a roof: Lhere ls noLhlng beLLer Lhan
homemade lood.
9 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: urlnk
Cnyoml: ln []
kunyoml: no(mu) [()]
vocabulary: - - lnshoku -
lood and drlnks

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 98l2 on nlhongo lchlban

urlnklng ls llke eaLlng () buL lacklng () Lhe

12 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o meeL / socleLy
Cnyoml: kal/L [/]
kunyoml: A(u) [()]
vocabulary: - - kalsha

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4l1A on nlhongo lchlban

?ou handshake when
MeeLlng people
(by kansal8anzal)
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: School, Sclence, Lo learn
Cnyoml: Caku []
kunyoml: Mana(bu) [()]
vocabulary: - - dalgaku -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3866 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls Lhe characLer for chlld under whaL looks
llke a roof. School ls Lhe place where chlldren
8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o resL
Cnyoml: kyuu []
kunyoml: ?asu(mu) [()]
vocabulary: - - kyuu[lLsu
- uay off

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4l11 on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls Lhe radlcal of a person nexL Lo Lhe radlcal
of Lhe Lree = when laylng on a Lree you can resL.
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o buy
Cnyoml: 8al []
kunyoml: ka(u) [()]
vocabulary: - - kalmono -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8C87 on nlhongo lchlban

When caLchlng a shell ( ) wlLh a neL ( )
then you dont have to Buy () lL
12 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o hear, 1o llsLen, Lo ask
Cnyoml: 8un/Mon [/]
kunyoml: kl(ku)/kl(koeru) [()/(
vocabulary: - - shlnbun -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 803L on nlhongo lchlban

WlLh Lhe radlcal for gaLe and ear = someone ls
puLLlng hls ear on Lhe gaLe Lo hear
14 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o come
Cnyoml: 8al []
kunyoml: ku(ru)/klLa(ru)/klLa(su) [(
)/ ()/()]
vocabulary: - - ralnen -
nexL year

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6763 on nlhongo lchlban

lrom rlce () Comes aL leasL Len ()

6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o sLand, Lo esLabllsh
Cnyoml: 8lLsu []
kunyoml: 1a(Lsu)/1a(Leru) [()/(
vocabulary: - - kokurlLsu -
ubllc esLabllshmenL

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 7AC8 on nlhongo lchlban

lf you move Lhe sLrokes a blL lL looks
llke a man SLandlng
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o llve, Lo grow, be born, raw
Cnyoml: Sel / Shou [/]
kunyoml: : l(klru)/u(mu)nama/kl [(
vocabulary: - - gakusel - a

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 731l on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls llke a small Lree on whlch waLer ls
poured so LhaL ls Crows and Llves.
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Speech, Lo Lalk, conversaLlon
Cnyoml: Wa []
kunyoml: hanashl/Pana(su) [/
vocabulary: - - kalwa -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8A71 on nlhongo lchlban

8adlcal for say, word () and Lhe one for
Longue ()

13 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o leave, Lo geL ouL
Cnyoml: ShuLsu []
kunyoml: ue(ru)/ua(su) [()/()]
vocabulary: - - hlnode -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 31lA on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls Lwo mounLalns on Lop of each oLher,
when mounLalns are Lwo Llmes hlgher Lo hlke,
you beLLer leave.
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o read
Cnyoml: uoku/1oku [/]
kunyoml: ?o(mu) [()]
vocabulary: - - dokusho -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8AAu on nlhongo lchlban

Composed of say () and sell () = books
are sold for people Lo 8ead whaL oLhers say
14 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o enLer, Lo lnserL
Cnyoml: nyuu []
kunyoml: Pal(ru)/l(ru)/l(reru) [()/
vocabulary: - - lrlguchl -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3163 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke Lhe LnLrance of
a LenL

2 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1o wrlLe
Cnyoml: Sho []
kunyoml: ka(ku) [()]
vocabulary: - - bunsho -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 66l8 on nlhongo lchlban

1o WrlLe you need a brush ( ) and llghL
from Lhe sun ()

10 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: AfLer, laLer, back
Cnyoml: Co/kou [/]
kunyoml: ALo/Ckure(ru)/nochl [/
vocabulary: - - gogo

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3l8C on nlhongo lchlban

lf you walk slowly ( ) wlLh small ( )
SLeps ( ) you wlll be lefL 8ehlnd
9 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Cld, used
Cnyoml: ko []
kunyoml: luru(l) [()]
vocabulary: - -
chuukosha - used car

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 33L4 on nlhongo lchlban

When you say () someLhlng Len () Llmes
lL becomes Cld
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Plgh, expenslve, lncrease
Cnyoml: kou []
kunyoml: 1aka(l)/1aka(maru)/1aka(meru)
vocabulary: - - kousoku -
Plgh speed

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 9Au8 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a Plgh !apanese Lemple
10 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Cheap, eace, SafeLy
Cnyoml: An []
kunyoml: ?asu(l) [(l)]
vocabulary: - - anzen -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3889 on nlhongo lchlban

8uylng a woman () a crown ( ) isnt
Cheap buL brlngs eace
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Many
Cnyoml: 1a []
kunyoml: Co(l) [()]
vocabulary: - - Labun -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 391A on nlhongo lchlban

Cne evenlng () ouL ls good buL Lwo () ls
Loo Many
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: new
Cnyoml: Shln []
kunyoml: ALara(shll)/ Ara(La)[(
)/ ()]
vocabulary: - shlnbun

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6380 on nlhongo lchlban

When you cuL ( ) Lhe llnks wlLh your
relaLlves ( ) you can sLarL a new llfe.

13 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: A llLLle, lew
Cnyoml: Shou []
kunyoml: Suko(shl)/Suku(nal) [(
)/ (]
vocabulary: - - shou[o
?oung glrl

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3C11 on nlhongo lchlban

SomeLhlng small () slashed ( ) Lo make lL
even smaller.
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Long, leader
Cnyoml: Chou []
kunyoml: naga(l) [()]
vocabulary: - - shachou

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 9377 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a comb golng Lhrough long halr

8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: WhlLe
Cnyoml: Paku/8yaku [/]
kunyoml: Shlro(l)/Shlro [()/]
vocabulary: - - haku[ln -
WhlLe person, Caucaslan

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 767u on nlhongo lchlban

lL ls a drop on Lhe sun, lf a blg drop was Lo fall
on Lhe sun lL would Lurn whlLe

3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: arL, MlnuLe, 1o dlvlde, 1o
Cnyoml: lun/8u [/]
kunyoml: Wa(keru)/Wa(karu)/
Wa(kareru) [()/()/
vocabulary: - - [lbun - Cneself

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3206 on nlhongo lchlban

SomeLhlng dlvlded ln equal parL
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1lme, Pour
Cnyoml: !l []
kunyoml: 1okl []
vocabulary: - - Lokel - A waLch

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6642 on nlhongo lchlban

Composed of sun () and Lemple (), ln
1emples, monks know Lhe 1lme by waLchlng Lhe
poslLlon of Lhe sun.
10 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 1lme, 1lme span
Cnyoml: kan/ken [/]
kunyoml: Alda []
vocabulary: - - shuukan -
a week Llme

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 9393 on nlhongo lchlban

1he sun () golng Lhrough Lhe gaLe () ls a
good lndlcaLor of Lhe 1lme span
12 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Week
Cnyoml: Shuu []
kunyoml: PlLo []
vocabulary: - - konshuu -
1hls week

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 9031 on nlhongo lchlban

When Lhe days have gone ( ) Lhrough one
full clrcle ( ) lL ls a Week

11 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
6 sLrokes
Meanlng: ?ear
Cnyoml: nen []
kunyoml: 1oshl []
vocabulary: - - koLoshl - 1hls

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3L74 on nlhongo lchlban

Crlglnally a rlce planL ( ) and a bendlng
person above for Lhe Annual harvesL symbollzlng
Lhe cycle of Lhe years.
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: now
Cnyoml: kon/kln [/]
kunyoml: lma []
vocabulary: - - kesa - 1hls

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 4LCA on nlhongo lchlban

1he boLLom sLokes looks llke Lhe hands of a
clock LhaL lndlcaLes whaL Llme lL ls now.
4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8efore, ln fuLure
Cnyoml: Sen []
kunyoml: Sakl []
vocabulary: - - mazu - llrsL of all

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3148 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a man wlLh long legs sLandlng
8efore everyone else leadlng Lhe way wlLh hls
flag ()
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: 8efore
Cnyoml: Zen []
kunyoml: Mae []
vocabulary: - - namae - name

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 324u on nlhongo lchlban

LaL your vegeLables ( ) and meaL ( )
8efore lL geLs cold.

9 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: noon
Cnyoml: Co []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - gozen -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3348 on nlhongo lchlban

?ou may Lhlnk of Lhe kan[l for Len () plus Lwo
sLrokes whlch glves 12 llke ln 12:00 or noon

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Palf, mlddle, seml-
Cnyoml: Pan []
kunyoml: naka(ba)[()]
vocabulary: - - hanbun

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 334A on nlhongo lchlban

1he verLlcal sLroke cuL Lhe = slgn ln Palf and
pass ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe 1wo doLs.
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Shop
Cnyoml: 1en []
kunyoml: Mlse []
vocabulary: - - Lenchou -
SLore Manager

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3L97 on nlhongo lchlban

The fortune tellers Shop () ls ln a
mysLerlous cave ( )

8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: CuLslde/CLher/lorelgn
Cnyoml: Cal/Ce[/]
kunyoml: SoLo/Poka [/]
vocabulary: - -
galkoku[ln - A forelgner

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe plck or
search 3916 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke Lhe kaLakana and LhaL wlLh
Lhe CLher kaLakana are usually use for lorelgn
3 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: LlecLrlclLy
Cnyoml: uen []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - denkl -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 96l8 on nlhongo lchlban

uurlng raln () sLorms Lhe alr ls fllled wlLh
LlecLrlclLy and llghLnlng

13 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: SLreeL, paLh, way
Cnyoml: uou []
kunyoml: Mlchl []
vocabulary: - - kokudou -
naLlonal Plghway

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 9033 on nlhongo lchlban

l LwlsLed my neck () whlle searchlng for
slgns lndlcaLlng Lhe rlghL Way

12 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Lach, every
Cnyoml: Mal []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - malkal -
Lvery Llme

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 68CL on nlhongo lchlban

Lach and Lvery one of us () has a moLher (

6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: lrlend
Cnyoml: ?uu []
kunyoml: 1omo []
vocabulary: - - Lomodachl -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 33C8 on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke Lwo human () one ls falllng ()
and Lhe oLher one ls helplng hlm sLands, frlends
always help you and geL your back

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: name
Cnyoml: Mel/Myou [/]
kunyoml: na []
vocabulary: - - namae - name,

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 340u on nlhongo lchlban

AL dusk () lL geLs hard Lo see Lhus you have Lo
call people by Lhelr name
6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Cold, meLal, money
Cnyoml: kln/kon [/]
kunyoml: kane []
vocabulary: - - klnyoubl
- lrlday

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 91u1 on nlhongo lchlban

A good klng () does ln hls klngdom llke ln hls
house ( ) dlvldes Lhe Money evenly ( )
8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Clrcle, yen, round
Cnyoml: Ln []
kunyoml: Maru(l) [()]
vocabulary: - - marul - 8ound

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 3186 on nlhongo lchlban

?en colns are 8ound and Lhe kan[l looks llke a
bank-tellers window

4 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Car, Wheel
Cnyoml: Sha []
kunyoml: kuruma []
vocabulary: - - densha

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 8LCA on nlhongo lchlban

lL looks llke a car axle seen from above

7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: SLaLlon
Cnyoml: Lkl []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - haLsuekl -
ueparLure sLaLlon

1p check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 99C3 on nlhongo lchlban

8efore Laklng Lhe Lraln you have Lo go Lo
Lhe SLaLlon by horse ()
14 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: Soul, splrlL, sLream
Cnyoml: kl/kel [/]
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - Lenkl

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6C17 on nlhongo lchlban

SplrlL or vapor symbollzed by Lhe floaLlng
llnes ( ) comes from Lhe polnL x

6 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: CounLry
Cnyoml: koku []
kunyoml: kunl []
vocabulary: - - kokusekl -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 36lu on nlhongo lchlban

8alls () can represenL Lhe heads of people
llvlng ln a counLry wlLh lLs fronLlers ()

8 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: ShlnLo/Shrlne/socleLy
Cnyoml: Sha []
kunyoml: ?ashlro []
vocabulary: - - shakal -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 793L on nlhongo lchlban

Modern SocleLles always puL a slgn ( ) on
Lhe ground () Lhey own
7 sLrokes
!"#$! "&#"'(! ls Lhe largesL onllne shop for
auLhenLlc !apanese crafL, deslgns and food.
lL has a large selecLlon of LradlLlonal and
conLemporary producLs of hlgh quallLy all made
ln !apan!
Meanlng: School
Cnyoml: kou []
kunyoml: /
vocabulary: - - gakkou -

1o check Lhe sLrokes order cllck on Lhe llnk or
search 6821 on nlhongo lchlban

?ou may Lhlnk of Lhe Lree () of knowledge,
school ls a place Lo exchange () knowledge
10 sLrokes

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